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Урок 27. Повторення вивченого матеріалу

Мета: продовжувати вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення в межах теми «Школа. Урок англійської мови»; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови; розвивати мовну здогадку.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.




T. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What day is it today?


Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 1, с. 65.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

I. Швидке опитування слів за темою «Школа».

II. Переклад речень.

1. Я ходжу до школи щодня.

2. Ми маємо актову залу в школі.

3. Ми проводимо концерти (вистави).

4. Мій улюблений предмет — англійська (математика, російська тощо).

5. Ми маємо проекти.

6. Ми проводимо тиждень англійської мови щороку.

Читання. Робота з роздавальним матеріалом

Text“Our School Year"

Hello! My name is David. Our school starts in September. It is autumn but the weather is usually fine. At the end of autumn it is cold and windy. It is sometimes cloudy and rainy. Autumn is a beautiful season. The leaves on the trees are yellow, red, orange and green. There are many fruits and vegetables in the gardens. Winter is a hockey season. I play for the school team. There is a match every Saturday and our team usually wins. It is always cold in winter. It is sometimes snowy. Children like winter. They like skating and skiing. I like spring. It is sometimes rainy but it is usually sunny. The trees and grass are green. I always help my parents in the garden. I like gardening. I like planting trees and vegetables. Summer is my favourite season. School is over and children have long summer holidays. I like having a picnic near the river. I like fishing and cooking fish. We can swim and play games.

І. True or false.

1. In autumn the leaves on the trees of different coloures.

2. It is sometimes cloudy and rainy in autumn.

3. Winter is a football season.

4. The weather is cold in winter.

5. David likes helping his parents in the garden in spring.

6. David likes spring but summer is his favourite season.

7. Children have long holidays in summer.

8. In summer children like swimming and playing games.

ІІ. Choose the correct answer.

1. School starts....

a) in winter,

b) in autumn,

c) in spring.

2. David is....

a) a football player,

b) a hockey player,

c) a basketball player.

3. In autumn it is sometimes....

a) cloudy and rainy,

b) hot,

c) snowy.

4. In winter children like....

a) swimming in the river,

b) skating and skiing,

c) gardening.

5. In spring David likes....

a) skating,

b) playing hockey,

c) planting trees and vegetables.

6. David’s favourite season is....

a) summer,

b) autumn,

c) winter.

7. In summer David likes....

a) gardening,

b) having a picnic near the river,

c) helping his parents in the garden.

ІІІ. Answer the questions.

1. When does school begin?

2. What is the weather like at the end of autumn?

3. What colour are the leaves on the trees?

4. Do children like winter?

5. What is the weather like in spring?

6. What does David like doing?

7. What is his favourite season?

8. What does David like doing near river?



1. What did we speak about?

2. Tell about your school year.

Підбиття підсумків уроку

T. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Your marks are... Good-bye.

Домашнє завдання

Індивідуальні завдання (залежно від рівня підготовки учнів); підготуватися до проектної роботи.

 Урок 28. Проектна робота «Моє шкільне життя»

Мета: продовжувати вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення в межах теми «Школа. Урок англійської мови»; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови; розвивати мовну здогадку.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до проектної роботи.




Т. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What day is it today?


Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Т. Do we have school rules? What are they?

Опис школи за планом

1. School

2. Traditions

3. Rules

Робота з підручником

Впр. 2, с. 65.

Етапи проектної роботи

1. Учні об’єднуються в групи.

2. Члени кожної групи обмінюються ідеями щодо шкільних правил.

3. Члени кожної групи обговорюють запропоновані шкільні правила та обирають найкращі з них.

4. У групах виготовляють постер «Шкільні правила».

5. Учні презентують власні розробки, озвучують шкільні правила.

6. Учитель оцінює учнівські проекти.


Підбиття підсумків уроку

Т. Thank you for your work. You did your best this lesson. Good-bye.

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 2, с. 65.

Урок 29. Узагальнювальний урок за темою «моє шкільне життя»

Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення в межах теми «Школа. Урок англійської мови»; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови; розвивати мовну здогадку.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.




Т. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What day is it today?


Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 2, с. 65.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

ü Answer the questions.

1. How many lessons have you got every day?

2. Have you got lessons on Saturday?

3. What are your favourite subjects?

4. What subjects don’t you like? Why?

5. What extra-school activities have you chosen this year? Why did you decide to do it?

Example: I decided to go to the swimming-pool because I like swimming.

□ I decided to... because....


Т. Look at these words and phrases. What do you think the text is going to be about?

□ to come back from holiday

□ French teach new language

□ learn

Етап читання

1. Read the text and see if you were right.

2. The words you need. Find these words in the text while you are reading.

□ to feel ashamed — соромитись

□ to waste — витрачати даремно

□ to be able to — бути в змозі щось робити

□ during the holidays — протягом канікул

□ hero — герой

□ to make use of — використовувати

□ even — навіть

□ hopefully — з надією

□ so far — досі

III. Which of these sentences are true?

1. Paul came back from school.

2. Paul came back from his holiday.

3. Dennis studied French during his holiday.

4. Dennis played ball during his holiday.

5. A teacher taught Paul French.

6. Paul learnt French twice a week.

7. Paul worked hard at his French.

8. Paul can make use of his new language.

9. Now Paul is able to write and read French.

10. Now Paul isn’t able to write and read French.

11. Say and write who said the following.

12. “I’ve learnt to speak French!”

13. “That’s what I like to hear!”

14. “He taught me every day”.

15. “That’s all I know so far”.

16. “Why don’t you make use of your French?”

17. “Will you teach me to count?”

18. “I lost about a pound in weight”.

Перевірка розуміння прочитаного

І. Answer the questions.

1. Who came to see Dennis’s family?

2. Where did he come from?

3. What language has he learnt?

4. Why did Dennis feel ashamed?

5. What was Dennis’s parents’ opinion about his holiday?

6. Why did Dennis think that Paul was like a hero?

7. Who taught Paul French?

8. Why did Paul lose in weight?

9. Can Paul say anything in French?

10. Can he count in French?

11. What the only word has Paul learnt in French?

12. Why did Dennis’s parents start laughing?

ІІ. Write this story. Put one of these words in each gap.

he holiday (x 2) was new make parents summer ashamed word French

Paul came back from his... He was very glad because... could speak French. A student spent... with him and taught him a... language. Dennis’s parents said it... good news so Dennis felt... because he had wasted his... playing the ball. Dennis’s mother proposed to... use of Paul’s French then and there. But Paul couldn’t say a.... Everything he knew was the name “Jack” in... And he couldn’t understand why Dennis’s... started laughing.

And what do you think about it? Isn’t it funny?



Т. Retell the story from the first person. Start like this: Once I came back from my holiday. There...

Підбиття підсумків уроку

Т. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Your marks are... Good-bye.

Домашнє завдання

Індивідуальні завдання (залежно від рівня підготовки учнів).

Урок 30. Спорт

Мета: ознайомити учнів із новим лексичним матеріалом; удосконалювати техніку читання; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; прищеплювати усвідомлення важливості занять спортом.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, мультимедійна дошка.




Т. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What day is it today?


Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Т. Let’s watch and repeat. (Presentation-trainer)

□ Football

□ Basketball

□ Volleyballs

□ Baseball

□ Rugby

□ Badminton

□ Ice-hockey

□ Tennis

□ Table-tennis

□ Cricket

Т. What do you think we talk about? SPORT is the goal for our lesson.

1. I like sport

2. Do you like sport?

3. I do sport

4. Do you do sport?

5. My favorite sport is tennis

6. What is your favorite sport?

Т. Listen to the poem “Sports” and complete the poem.

Dear little boys and girls!

What is better than the toys?

I think we are good for all

You can swim, play basketball,

Table tennis and football,

We can jump and we can run,

And we have a lot of fun.

Уведення назв різних видів спорту

□ Individual sports

□ Field events

□ Water sports

□ Track events

□ Games

Впр. 1, с. 66.

Пояснення нового матеріалу


We use “play” with any competitive game.

It can also be used next to sports whose name is not also the verb (e.g. play tennis).

PLAY: tennis, golf, football, basketball, chess, etc.


We use “go” with any activities you can do alone.

It is also used with sports that end in -ing (i.e. sports whose name is also the verb / gerund).

GO: swimming, cycling, dancing, surfing, sailing, etc.


We use “do” with any sport that is more of a physical activity. It is used for recreational activities.

DO: yoga, judo, athletics, gymnastics, etc.

Утворення іменників від дієслів

Впр. 2, с. 66.

ü Insert the right verb (use the correct tense) and connect the sport to the picture.

Mary and John... sailing every year. They also love to... golf. Sometimes their friends ask them to... cycling, but they don’t like that. They prefer to... horseback-riding. John also... ice-hockey and Mary loves to... dancing. In the summer they... swimming a lot. John and his friends all... basketball, but Mary prefers to... yoga. When she was young Mary... gymnastics and John... athletics. When it is raining Mary and John like to... chess. But in winter they always... skiing. In spring John likes to. fencing and Mary likes to... karate. Mary especially likes to... aerobics to keep fit.


Підбиття підсумків уроку

Т. What did we do at the lesson today? Which of the tasks do you like? Which tasks didn’t you like very much? Why?

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Your marks are. Good-bye.

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 3, с. 67.

Урок 31. Спорт

Мета: продовжувати розвивати усне й писемне мовлення учнів за темою "Sport in our life" шляхом мотивації через різноманітні види діяльності; виховувати позитивне ставлення до занять спортом для зміцнення власного здоров'я.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань, картки для індивідуальної роботи.




Т. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What day is it today?


Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 3, с. 67.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Прослуховування пісні «Будьте здоровы!» з к / ф «Точка, точка, запятая» (муз. Г. Гладкова, сл. Ю. Ким)

Товарищи, точно известно —

Хотите, верьте, хотите, нет.

Что спорт до сих пор повсеместно

Приносит пользу, а не вред.

Считают солидные люди,

И можно смело поверить им,

Что если здоровым не будешь,

То будешь, скорей всего, больным.

Поэтому снова и снова

Мы вам готовы повторять:

«Будьте здоровы, будьте здоровы,

Будьте любезны не хворать».

Нам щёки мороз обжигает,

А мы смеемся ветрам назло.

Тому, кто этого не знает,

Считайте, в жизни не везло.

Побьём, покорим, одолеем

Любую кручу, любой подъём

Чем меньше себя пожалеешь,

Тем больше пользы обретёшь.

Поэтому снова и снова

Мы вам готовы повторять:

«Будьте здоровы, будьте здоровы,

Будьте любезны не хворать».

Т. Look at your desks; you can see cards, take them please. You are listening to the texts, there are four of them. And guess the name of sport.

1. This game is over for two players or two pairs. They play it with a ball on a court.

2. This game is popular in Russia and Canada. Two teams play it on ice.

3. It is an old game. Two teams of eleven players play it. They kick a ball around.

4. Two teams of five players play this game. They throw a ball into a basket.

Keys: 1 tennis; 2 basketball; 3 hockey; 4 football.

ü Name things you can do with a ball.

1. 5 games where you can hit the ball. (With various kinds of equipment). — Tennis, table tennis, squash, badminton, cricket, baseball, hockey.

2. 4 games where you can pass the ball. — Football, American football, hockey, rugby, basketball.

3. 3 games where you сan catch the ball. — Rugby, American football, cricket, baseball, basketball.

4. 2 games where you can kick the ball. — Football, rugby.

5. 1 game where you can hit the ball with your head. — Football.

Пояснення нового матеріалу

Впр. 1, с. 67-68.

Впр. 2, с. 68.


Підбиття підсумків уроку

Т. What did we do at the lesson today? Which of the tasks do you like? Which tasks didn’t you like very much? Why?

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Your marks are... Good-bye.

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 3, с. 68.

Урок 32. Спорт

Мета: повторити й узагальнити лексичний матеріал теми; розвивати вміння монологічного мовлення; продовжувати формувати в учнів комунікативні навички; учити висловлювати свою думку; удосконалити техніку читання; виховувати інтерес до спорту.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.




Т. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you? What day is it today?


Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 3, с. 68.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Т. Listen to the poem and after that repeat after me:

Sport is very cool

People think it’s good

Only swimming pool

Really raises mood

Try to do it!

Робота в групах

Гра «Відгадай». Один учень задумує якийсь вид спорту, інші учасники групи ставлять загальні запитання, щоб відгадати цей вид спорту.


Т. I think you like to answer to the crossword. Your task will be to find the names of the sports.


Впр. 1, с. 69.


Впр. 2, с. 70.

Введення нової лексики

С. 69-70.

Впр. 3, 4, с. 70.



Т. Now children I’ll give you a cheat of paper and we’ll write your impression from the lesson. Only two-three sentences.

Підбиття підсумків уроку

Т. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Your marks are... Good-bye.

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 5, с. 72-73.

Урок 33. Спорт

Мета: повторити й узагальнити лексичний матеріал теми; розвивати вміння монологічного мовлення; продовжувати формувати в учнів комунікативні навички; учити висловлювати свою думку; удосконалити техніку читання; виховувати інтерес до спорту.

Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.




Т. Hello, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you! Today we continue speaking about sport. All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games. Sport helps people to become strong and to develop physically. It helps us to stay in good health. We can choose sports and games for any season and for any taste.


Перевірка домашнього завдання

Впр. 5, с. 72-73.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

I. Which description fits which game?

1. The sport of fighting in gloves.

2. The sport of sliding on a small board with wheels.

3. A very popular outdoor game played on a court with rackets in which the ball must pass back and forth over a net.

4. A sport in which 2 people fight, each trying to throw the other on the ground.

5. A slow run for exercise.

Keys: 1 boxing; 2 skateboarding; 3 lawn tennis; 4 wrestling; 5 jogging.

II. Which of the following do you think are true statements?

1. If 2 teams have the same score at the end of the game, it is a draw.

2. The people who watch a football match are the audience.

3. Boxers wear gloves.

4. The referee in football has a whistle.

5. Tennis is played on a pitch.

Keys: 1 T; 2 F, crowd or spectators; 3 T; 4 T; 5 F, on a court.

Вправи на узагальнення матеріалу

Впр. 1, с. 74.

Впр. 2, с. 74.

Впр. 3, с. 74.

Впр. 5, с. 75.


Т. We are not only do sports after the lessons we also can do some exercises in the class. Let’s sing a song and dance.

Put your right hand in

Put right hand out

Put your right hand in

And shake it all about

Do the hockey-pockey

And turn around

That is all about



Т. Look at the screen we have some words with missing letter. Your task is to write the right word and name the missing letter.

□ sw...mming

□ tenni...

□ winds...rfing

□ f...tball

□ k...rate

□ a...robics

□ volle...ball

□ basket...ll

□ j...do

□ cy...ling

□ s...ateboar...ing

□ at...letics

Підбиття підсумків уроку

Т. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work and attention! Your marks are... Good-bye.

Домашнє завдання

Впр. 4, с. 75.

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