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MS Office components

MS Word editor

Microsoft Word is the most popular word processor both in the past and in the present. It remains to be the top choice among the different word processors available. It is an indispensable tool for most computer users. You can create the documents and complete a number of other functions related to word processing.

Microsoft Word processing has improved and it made the work of typing definitely faster and convenient. It is one of the most used aspects of information technology. People of most ages from the young grade school student to the elder grandmother could have encountered the need for word processing.

Advantages of Microsoft Word

Ø Microsoft Word is a great tool as typing is faster than ever. Itis easy to correct the mistakes by just hitting the backspace or delete button and there are the templates for just about any type of document. Moreover, mail merge from a database so that you can easily send out the letters to multiple people at a time.

Ø You can align the text whether at the center, right or left margins or justified takes just one click.

Ø Spelling and grammatical mistakes are pointed out instantly; you can correct any mistakes, which are made easily.

Ø The bullets and numbers are done automatically and there is always an option to ask for help.

Ø You can use the thesaurus feature when your words run out.

Ø The images and the figures can be attached and laid out easily.

Ø Copying the documents is fast and easy; copies can easily be made which saves on printing and it is much easier to do.

Ø Microsoft Word can save multiple versions of document sand easily sort them so that you can go back to the previous versions of the same document.

Ø Microsoft Word is available practically everywhere as it comes standard on many PCs. You can typically find it on your work computer, at school and your home PC. This makes it easy to save the documents on a flash drive, take them with you and work on them somewhere else.

Ø Microsoft Word lets you create the simple word processing documents like the letters and the reports: You can add color; you can use clip art; you can write in a variety of fonts and sizes and you can use the tables, the borders and the bullet formatting. You can format the text and the general page layout so that you can make the page look more appealing or easier to read.

Ø Microsoft Word offers the templates to help you create numerous other documents such as the calendars and greeting cards; you can save the documents in a variety of formats, including a Web page.

Ø Microsoft Word can easily integrate with other Microsoft Office programs. If you have a spreadsheet that you created on Microsoft Excel, you can easily paste it into a Word document. You can work with the programs such as PowerPoint. This makes it possible to complete a wide array of computing tasks without having to spend time converting the documents or the files so that they are usable on other programs.

Ø Microsoft Word offers an easy to use navigation pane at the top. So, you can see the visual representations of many of the functions that you might need. You can simply hold your mouse cursor over an icon to see exactly what it does. Then you can click on the buttons to initiate certain functions and tasks. Instead of having to scroll through multiple menus to find something, you can usually find what you need on the pane.

Ø When you misspell a word, Microsoft Word will underline it; you can click on the word and get suggested spellings. If you type a sentence that has poor grammar, it will underline the sentence for you. And you can change the document while you are still working on it.

Disadvantages of Microsoft Word

Ø The plagiarism is easy to do because it is very easy to just copy and paste.

Ø Moreover, the thesaurus has very limited vocabulary.

Ø You have to know that some symbols are not easily accessible which makes the typing in different languages that use a different alphabet is difficult. Moreover, some complex mathematical equations would be easier to hand write.

Ø Everybody must know that while sharing and collaboration of the documents within a small group, only one person can make corrections at any given time. The shared documents cannot be edited in real time and restarting numbering and bullets is problematic.

Ø You have to know that the people tend to become careless because they know they can easily correct the mistakes. Spelling and grammar checker cannot spot all the mistakes and the people can become dependent on them.

Ø It is very important to know that the bullets and numbering sometimes have a mind of their own. The auto-format tool can be annoyingly inflexible at times. The images and the figures can be quite stubborn and hard to position well.

Ø You have to know that the people use the same templates, so, the documents just become clones of each other. In addition, the help option sometimes provides vague answers.


MS Office components

Microsoft Office is a set of interrelated desktop applications, servers and services, collectively referred to as an office suite, for the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems:

1. Microsoft Access is a database management system (DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately. Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases. Software developers, data architects and power users can use Microsoft Access to develop application software. Like other Microsoft Office applications, Access is supported by Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), an object-based programming language that can reference a variety of objects including DAO (Data Access Objects), ActiveX Data Objects, and many other ActiveX components. Visual objects used in forms and reports expose their methods and properties in the VBA programming environment, and VBA code modules may declare and call Windows operating system operations.

2. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, Mac OS X, Android and iOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. It has been a very widely applied spreadsheet for these platforms, especially since version 5 in 1993. Microsoft Excel has the basic features of all spreadsheets, using a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-named columns to organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations. It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering and financial needs. In addition, it can display data as line graphs, histograms and charts, and with a very limited three-dimensional graphical display. It allows sectioning of data to view its dependencies on various factors for different perspectives (using pivot tables and the scenario manager). It has a programming aspect, Visual Basic for Applications, allowing the user to employ a wide variety of numerical methods, for example, for solving differential equations of mathematical physics, and then reporting the results back to the spreadsheet. It also has a variety of interactive features allowing user interfaces that can completely hide the spreadsheet from the user, so the spreadsheet presents itself as a so-called application, or decision support system (DSS), via a custom-designed user interface, for example, a stock analyzer, or in general, as a design tool that asks the user questions and provides answers and reports. In a more elaborate realization, an Excel application can automatically poll external databases and measuring instruments using an update schedule, analyze the results, make a Word report or PowerPoint slide show, and e-mail these presentations on a regular basis to a list of participants.

3. PowerPoint is regarded as the most useful, accessible way to create and present visual aids; others believe it has its own mind-set, which forces presenters to spend countless hours thinking in PowerPoint and developing slides.


· Quick and easy: the basic features are easy to master and can make you appear to be organized, even if you are not.

· Simple bullet points: it can reduce complicated messages to simple bullet points. Bullet points are a good basis for a presentation and remind the speaker of main points and the organization of the message.

· Easy to create a colorful, attractive design: using the standard templates and themes, you can create something visually appealing, even if you do not have much knowledge of basic graphic design principles.

· Easy to modify: when compared to other visual aids such as charts, posters, or objects, it is easy to modify.

· Easily re-order presentation: with a simple drag and drop or using key strokes, you can move slides to re-order the presentation.

Finally, PowerPoint is integrated with other products that allow you to include parts of documents, spread sheets, and graphics.


· Design power pointless: gives the illusion of content and coherence, when in fact there is really not much substance or connection between the different points on the slides.

· PowerPoint excess: some speakers create presentations so they have slides to present rather than outlining, organizing, and focusing on the message.

· Replaces planning and preparation: PowerPoint is a convenient prop for poor speakers, as it can reduce complicated messages to simple bullet points and elevates style over substance.

· Oversimplification of topic: the linear nature of PowerPoint forces the presenter to reduce complex subjects to a set of bullet items that are too weak to support decision-making or show the complexity of an issue.

· Feature abundance: while the basic features are easy to use and apply, a speaker can get carried away and try to use all the features at once rather than simply supporting a message. Too many flying letters, animations, and sound effects without seeing much original thought or analysis can be a real issue. In many cases, the medium shoves the message aside.

What annoys in PP:

· The speaker read the slides to us — 62.0%

· Text so small I couldn't read it — 46.9%

· Slides hard to see because of color choice — 42.6%

· Full sentences instead of bullet points — 39.1%

· Moving/flying text or graphics — 24.8%

· Overly complex diagrams or charts — 22.2%

4. In OneNote, users can enter typed text via keyboard, create tables, and insert pictures. However, unlike a word processor, users can write anywhere on a virtually unbounded document window by just clicking there. Also, users do not need to explicitly save their work – OneNote saves data automatically as the user works. OneNote saves information in pages organized into sections within notebooks. The interface provides an electronic version of a tabbed ring-binder, into which the user can directly make notes and gather material from other applications. OneNote notebooks collect, organize, and share possibly unpolished materials – as compared to word processors and wikis, which usually target publishing in some way. The difference shows in certain OneNote features and characteristics:

· Pages can be arbitrarily large

· Bitmap images can be inserted without loss of quality

· There is no enforced uniform page layout or structure

5. Microsoft Outlook is a personal information manager from Microsoft, available as a part of the Microsoft Office suite. Although often used mainly as an email application, it also includes a calendar, task manager, contact manager, taking, journal, and web browsing.

6. Microsoft Project is a project management software program, developed and sold by Microsoft that is designed to assist a project manager in developing a plan, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing the budget, and analyzing workloads.

7. Microsoft Publisher is an entry-level desktop publishing application from Microsoft, differing from Microsoft Word in that the emphasis is placed on page layout and design rather than text composition and proofing.

8. Microsoft Visio is a diagramming and vector graphics application and is part of the Microsoft Office family. The product was first introduced in 1992, made by the Shapeware Corporation. It was acquired by Microsoft in 2000.


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