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Procedure of stopping the fire

Version 0.9 RC


The overall organization of the event


The event is a role play live-action game, which is done as a non-commercial project on a voluntary basis, where the organizers (ie master) do not bear any financial or legal responsibility for the actions of the participants of the event;

Enforcement of these rules is a prerequisite for participation in the game. Failure to fulfil or failure to comply with these rules in any way can result exclusion from the game for any player at any time;

Application for participation in the game and at the same time means the voluntary acceptance of the obligation to comply with the rules, as well as the recognition of the rights of Masters to control the compliance with the rules, if necessary, to do the interpretation of those rules or to apply sanctions for their violation. Master has the right to reject any application without giving any reason;

The Word of the Master is the law for the player. All discussions, debates and disputes concerning the decision taken by the master should be after the end of the game. For violators will be applied measures - from warning to removal from the game;

Alcohol abuse is punishable. The particular form of punishment is determined by the decision of the masters - from isolation and sobering up to removal from the game. Drunk Player with a weapon in his hand loses the right to use weapons until the end of the game;

It is strictly forbidden to bring, store and use any narcotic drugs and substances. Those seen in the game with the drugs will be denied with the right to play and will be removed from the area;

If during the game at the game site or in nearby areas the player is lost in the woods, the initial special work (search) are performed by his team. Also it is mandatory to notify the organizers of the event;

Using the chain/ electric saws, etc. allowed only before and after the game. On the game - only with acceptance of the organizers of the event;

The use of electricity generators is allowed, but please install these units in the remote area of ​​the camp;


The captain of the team is personally responsible for the organization of life, training and the look of the team during the game;

The use of torches with a directed beam is possible only in two cases: in the tent or at a distance from the camp at night. It is strictly forbidden to shine from / into a wall or through the wall. Approaching the camp, or passing it, you must put away the torch and turn it off;

Do not bring any animal to the game.

The participant must have an appropriate game clothing. A full list of requirements and solutions to suit the game can be found in Appendix. It is important to note that the player that does not have the appropriate costume, simply will not be allowed to participate in the game;

participants of this event must be aware of what is going to take part in a role play, therefore, will have to get used to acting part in a simulated world. This means that a person should behave just like his character should behave. This also applies to his speech, and behaviour in critical situations;

Try to be mutually polite to each other and do not go beyond the game of relations. For violators the measures will be applied - from warning to removal from the game;;

Any team that cuts living tree that is more than 3 cm in diameter will be disqualified and not allowed to play.

Every team should have the first aid kit!

Vehicles and other transport should not stay in the game site. Leave them at the entrance (next to the bridge over the creek). Violators will be applied measures - from warning to removal from the game with the vehicle;

The organizers warn that because of the terrain of the event it is easy to get lost, so we recommend to take a compass to the game. Map of the area "Lakes" and the surrounding area will be given in the "Appendix". It is also recommended to print and keep it with you during the game.

All gaming documents that require your signature should be signed with a full gaming name without distortion.

Definitions and terms "dead", "torture", "slavery", "corpse", "murder", "sacrifice", "deceased", "dead", etc. should be understood as a simulation of the roleplaying game.



World of Warhammer

Warhammer universe was originally invented by the British science fiction writer Michael Moorcock and should have been presented as part of a cycle of books "multiverse", but the cycle has not released. Later, the rights were sold to Games Workshop, which significantly changed the setting and changed the name to Warhammer. In the world there are numerous references to the "multiverse" - for example, spaceships or Ancient Grail.

The world is mired in a prolonged war in which there never will be a complete victory of one party. It is a world of endless war. And in this world there is no good and evil in the accepted Christian understanding, when Good can exist without evil, completely destroying it, and stay as Good. In this world there is order and chaos. But these parties are heterogeneous. Each has dozens of factions that have a long history of mutual conflicts.

Short plot description

In the center of Sylvania there is a black pyramid.Nagash, the God of Death and the risen Lord of the Undead, sleeps inside of this pyramid and he is preparing to collect his magic powers and destroy all living things in this world. Arkhan the Black on behalf of his master directs forces of Nerehar legions and armies of vampires, defending the attempts of the Dark Gods to destroy this threat to their plan.

Ultuan was destroyed during a feud, and now all three elven people came together in the Atel Loren under the new Phoenix King, Malekith.

Bretonia, Tillia, Dwarves, forts and the Empire itself fell under the onslaught of enemies, and the rest of the once powerful armies prepare to see the death of this world.

Arahon, Lord of the ring of the End of Times has settled in Middenheym and is ready to give this world as a present to his dark gods.

Sign was revealed and shining brightly, the comet of two tails has broken the sky. Barbaric tribes of the north see this as an omen to their final victory over the world. But children of Heldenhammer will look at the comet as well as with hope and fear. With the hope that this was the sign of the return of the great hero. And in fear of what, perhaps, is the beginning of the end of all that has been achieved by them, a sign of their imminent death.

Then came the end of times, and all the fear of impending death. They hope to die, but not today.

And only Grimgor Ironhide, who leads the great Waaagh! is looking for someone to be tapped until there is still someone to be tapped left.



Chronology of the game begins in the spring - "April" in 2528. Over the 1 real life day passes 3 months of gaming time. Counting months is conducted from 00.00 hours every day on the basis of past 8 hours - 1 month. Example: 22 August, 8.00 " in real life " - it is April 1, 2528 in a game; the same day, 13:00 - 19 April 2528. Thorough following of the months is not required, but encouraged by masters, especially in gaming documents. For easier understanding we propose the following scheme:

Real life Day Ñåçîí
Monday Spring 2528
Tuesday Summer 2528
Wednesday Autumn 2528
Thursday Winter 2528-2529
Friday Spring 2529

Races on the game

Race The way looks like (entourage) Self hits, armour restrictions, bonuses
Human   1 hit
Undead (low lvl) Makeup –imitation of heavy deadly wounds (Returned) Makeup - signs of rotting on the face, black skin (Zombie) Makeup- skull, tabard in a form of skeleton (Skeleton) 1 hit Immune to poison and illnesses, immune to stun, Immune to backstab, curse: healing spell makes damage - 1 hit
Scaven Mask of the rat, fur and tail. 1 hit Secret passage. Fertility.
Dwarf All males should have long beard. 1 hit Durability
Elf Sharpened ears 1 hit
Goblin Green skin, mask with long nose. 1 hit Agility
Orc Green or brown skin. Fangs. Big shoulders 1 hit Fertility.
Ogre Big belt on the belly. 2 hits Can use siege weapons without restrictions
Beastman Horns, hoofs and fur. 2 hits Improved mutation. Fertility.
Demon Look at Classes and Beings page in Hordes of Chaos part Immune to poison and illnesses. immune to stun.



Classes and beeings

Class /beeing Looks like Hits, armour restrictions, bonuses
Vampire Red mask in a form of lord 2 hits. Bite. Mage (lvl 1)
Vampire lord Red mask in a form of lord 3 hits. Monster. Bite. Mage (lvl 2)
Ghost White makeup on the face, shroud 1 hit. Monster. Magic missle. Doesn’t get hit points from armour. Can’t use weapons.
Wight Skull mask, shroud 1 hit. Monster. Fear. Doesn’t get hit points from armour.
Morghast Bone construct with wings and tail 5 hits. Monster. Giant. Fear. Wings. Doesn’t get hit points from armour.
Ushabti   Height not less than 2 meters (can be added with helmet or costume). Looks like alive statue. 3 hits. Monster. Giant. Doesn’t get hit points from armour.
Dryad   Bark and leaves in hair and helmet In the tree shape – barked mask on the face 3 hits. Barked skin. Invisibility of the dryad. Doesn’t get hit points from armour. Can look like elf, can use weapons. In the tree shape can use hands (claws) – as a weapon
Treant Height not less than 2 meters (can be added with helmet or costume). Long hands, overall look like a living tree 5 hits. Giant. Barked skin. Can be summoned by any elf in their camp Doesn’t get hit points from armour.
Assassin   Backstab.
Nightblade   Backstab. Invisibility. Second chance. Concentration.
Dwarf-assassin Iroquois haircut. fearless.
Priest of Sigmar   Preys of Sigmar. Hammer of Sigmar – magic weapon.
Arkhlecturer of Sigmar   Preys of Sigmar. Hammer of Sigmar – magic weapon. Battle prayer Strength of Sigmar
Witch hunter Hat and cloak Rites of the witch hunter
Lord-protector Cloak and hat Rites of the witch hunter Battle prayer Strength of Sigmar
Big rat Rat mask. Big collar. 3 hits. Monster. Doesn’t get hit points from armour. can use hands (claws) – as a weapon
Rat ogre Rat mask. 5 hits. Monster. Giant. Doesn’t get hit points from armour.
Troll of chaos Monster of masters Green costume. Big belly long heands 5 hits Monster. Giant. Fear. Regen of the troll Doesn’t get hit points from armour. Hands – deadly weapon
Horror of the tzinch Blue or pink costume 2 hits. Lower demon of tzinch. Monster. Mage of tzinch (lvl 1). Can’t use weapons.
Herald of Tzinch Blue or pink costume. Bird mask. Staff. 3 hits. demon of tzinch. Champion. Monster. Mage of tzinch (lvl2). Immune to ritual magic. Disharmony of the conducted rituals = 1
Screamer of Tzinch Blue costume with wings. Mask. Tail. Looks like Manta 3 hits.. Lower demon of tzinch (beast). Monster. Doesn’t get hit points from armour. can use hands (claws) – as a weapon Paralyses (1 time per hour). Teleport (1 time per hour).
Bloodletter of Khorne Red costume. Horns. 2 hits. Lower demon of Khorne. Full immune to magic. Magic weapon.
Herald of Khorne Red costume. Horns. Skulls on the chain 4 hits. Demon of Khorne. Champion. Full immune to magic. Magic weapon.
Hound of Khorne Red costume. Big collar. Mask. Tail. Dog look costume 4 hits. Lower demon of Khorne (beast).. Full immune to magic. Regeneration. Doesn’t get hit points from armour. can use hands (claws) – as a weapon
Plagueholder of Nurgl Green costume. Big belly. ulcers and buboes   3 hits. Lower demon of Nurgl. Agility. Mage of Nurgl (lvl 1).
Herald of Nurgl Green costume. Big belly. ulcers and buboes Staff with smoke. 4 hits. Demon of Nurgl. Champion. Agility. Living bomb. Mage of Nurgl (lvl 2).
Beast of Nurgl Green costume. Mask with tongue. ulcers and buboes. Overall looks like toad 6 hits. Lower demon of Nurgl. (beast). Agility. Regeneration. Doesn’t get hit points from armour.. can use hands (claws) – as a weapon
Demoness of Slaanesh Bdsm looking costume. Purple skin 2 hits. Lower demon of Slaanesh. Durability. Backstab. Mage of Slaanesh (lvl 1).
Herald of Slaanesh Bdsm looking costume. Purple skin Mask of tragedy/comedy on the face 3 hits. Demon of Slaanesh. Champion. Durability. Backstab. Bladedancer. Mage of Slaanesh (lvl 2).
Searcher of Slaanesh Violet costume. Horse mask. Tail of the horse Looks like horse overall. 3 hits. Lower demon of Slaanesh. Durability. Concentration. Doesn’t get hit points from armour. Spear, daggers.


Then came the dark times, breaking down the strongest unions, created unprecedented alliances. "you Die today and I die tomorrow " - this is the main principle of the new policy of the world of Warhammer. Any kind of alliances are allowed, even the most ridiculous. But it should be understood that even the fact of such an action can cause an unexpected consequences.

Battle Code

Hit zone for weapons – «shirt» (body, hands until wrists) and «shorts» (legs until knees). Head, neck, elbows, dick area, knees, shins and feet are not included in the hit zone. Constant attack in the non hit zone (especially in the head), or any hit that resulted trauma, are being punished by Masters. If a player got a serious injury he can leave the battle and nobody can follow him. Injury should be revised after the battle by both sides and the injured player is considered as dead and should go to the dead land. Though another decision can be made (dependent on situation). The decision about players fate that made an injury should be made by Masters.

Attention! Shot in the head by an archer or gunner means death to those who made the shot.

If the hit was done in the hitting zone that means the hit reduction of the character. Everyone counts only their own hits. Cheating with hit points is considered as a serious violation of the rules and will be punished from longer dead land time up to banning from the game.

The usage of weapons and armour

All that you carry on the game and all that will be used in the fight, should be good looking and safe. Remember that you will fight with the same players like you, so safety is important, and the the way you and your weapons look like is the first step to the immersion in the game world.


At the beginning of the game all the weapons and armor should be allowed by the War Master. Weapons, on which there is no admission certificate can not be used. In order to use a weapon it is enough to have it with the admission certificate. Weapons that are not admitted by masters must be removed in tents or backpacks until the end of the game. Its use even as a decorative element or as a supplement to the costume, etc., is prohibited.

All weapons on this game either does 1 hit damage or kills.

Each player has only personal hits, and when armor equipped player receives while wearing this armor additional personal hits. If the player is damaged - complete removal of the armor is not required, but the bonus from any armor will be received only after the "treatment" procedure. If this armor is given to other player the hits of the armor should be told to him (if the armor is damaged it is still damaged). It is impossible to restore hits by using another suit of armor.


All hits are restored within 30 minutes of being in non-combat situation next to the fireplace in the village, camping, pub or any other building.


If the character has 0 hits that means he is dead

All players without a helmet does not have the extra hits from their armor, ie, Armor is not considered to be dressed.


Using the techniques of unarmed combat (especially THROWS) is prohibited. Grabbing the weapon with the hand (even in the gauntlet), fixing weapon with an arm (even in armor) is prohibited – the one that does that - immediately dies.

Weapons and armor of other players can be used with the owner's permission or in an emergency (the owner is not there), but the real trophy of weapons is prohibited, you should give it back to the right owner or leave where it was taken.


Rule of the additional and maximum hits

Summary of the hits for one player = base racial hits + armor bonus + additional hits.

There is a way to increase base racial hits. Additional hits can not be piled up. You can not have more than 1 type of bonus for the hit points. If you have multiple buffs of the same type player is choosing what bonus is active and what are not. Additional hits don’t heal the player but increase his maximum hit points. The maximum hit points amount is 8.


Non-combat situation

Non-combat situation is when in the immediate vicinity (10 m or less) there is no an armed conflict that involves you or other players. (If the 10 meters from you there are no players in arms, threatening other players intending to kill someone or directly killing the other players, or you, this is considered to be the non-combat situation.)



Admittance, certificates and trophies

All the weapons and armor in the game should be allowed by War master. Weapons must have an approved certificate (the certificate is not a gaming value/trophie). Hits of armor are written in the certificate of the player who admitted that suit of armor.


Weapons or armor can not be a trophy.

The following can not be damaged destroyed or can’t be personal value.

● unique weapon of the fraction (steam tank, demonic gun, carriage of the corpses, flame thrower, etc.);

Siege weapons;

Charges of the siege weapons;

Charges of the gun weapons;

Arrows, magic missiles, etc.


Following can be a trophy

Siege ladders;

Siege stakes;

Battle rams.



By the armor and weapons are presented three basic requirements: aesthetics, security and gaming satisfaction. If you're going to go to the game as a warrior - please refer to the real life armor on the proposed period and territory. Armor and weapons which are fundamentally not suitable with the look will not be allowed. You cant wear them even if they are safe. Under the armor on the game is meant a set of protective equipment (or at least close to it). It is allowed to bring good looking plastic armor.


Light armor (1 hit);

Medium armor (3 hits);

Heavy armor (5 hits);

Superheavy armor (5 hits), gives the durability property;

Shield (Ignores hits from weapons or ranged weapons, Can be damaged through by deadly, siege, or with spell liquidation)


To avoid failure in certification of your armor, it is recommended to send photos to Masters before the game.



In order to be certified, the weapon should be: aesthetic, safe and have clearly expressed hitting edges. Guns do not necessarily have to have a historical analogy, but it is desirable to match the description of the weapons of your faction. All the weapons in the game are divided into several categories:


Cold arms – one handed or two handed gives – 1 hit.

● Small ranged arms - bows, crossbows, firearms (caliber 25 mm), magic missile, projectile (magic missle, etc.) - removes 1 hit, do not hit through the shield.


Siege weapons - catapults, trebuchets, big firearm weapons (caliber 65-68 mm) stones of the Troll - in contact with any part of the body (except the head), a weapon or a shield - kills. Damages -1 hit to the monsters and players with the strength properties. Removes hits from the gate (see. Siege)


Unique weapons (have different rules)


There are different properties besides the category:

Magic Weapon – damages - 1 from everyone, even monsters. The edge of the hitting part is colored with red.

Deadly weapon – if hits in any part of the body (except the head) or shield – it kills. Damages mosters with -1 hit or those who have the durability skill


● Firearms - small or siege weapon using powder charge for firing.However, there are limitations to the use among the fractions. Available only dwarfs, ogres and humans (Empire).



Unique Weapons

Warpfire Thrower

Shot is simulated with a water jet. It is a Deadly weapon. Hitting area of the thrower is the whole body, including the head, but counts only "direct" hit of the water jet. (rain of drop from the jet, is not considered as the striking element) Agility does not help. Can not be used at night. In order to operate the thrower it is required two players (the tanker and the gunner). the Death of the tanker leads to the destruction of all of the construction (simulated as a tank explosion). Each refill / incomplete filling / topping up of the tank consumes 5 units of warp fuel.

The hunting net

The hunting net – is a special type of weapon (Rope basis, the maximum size 2x2m), for which required special skill Stalker. The affected area - the whole body, a weapon or a shield (similar to siege weapons). It does not work on monsters. Activated by throw and shouting " Lovchaia Set! ".

If the player is struck by the net(the net hitted the affected area and didn’t fall) the player falls under the influence of paralysis (spell immunity does not help) as long as the net will not be removed by another player (captured player can not remove it by himself).


To capture(captive) a player caught in the net, his agreement is not required.

The Usage of this weapon during the siege from, the wall 10 meters from the wall is prohibited. Do not use at night.

Infernal Bomb

Model of the red firecracker with dimensions not less than 30x10x10sm.


Effective only inside of the camp.

Once installed and successfully detonated inside the camp it kills 50% of the characters, and removes 50% of hits within the surviving characters.


All buildings within radius of 2 meters are burned and all characters inside of them are dead

The gates within 2 meters around the explosion are destroyed and all hit points of the gates are removed.

Steam tank within 2 meters around the explosion is destroyed

any player can set the bomb with a following way: a bomb should be placed at any place of the camp except for places inside the buildings; when the Certificate of the bomb is attached it is considered as" Aktiviravano "; the map with space and installation time should be transferred to Masters. It is allowed to disguise bomb (cover it with shield, branches, etc.)

After the bomb was planted players are given a chance (at least 2 hours) for the detection and defusing this bomb. Only a player with the skill of an engineer can Defuse a bomb. The engineer should put the note " Obezvrezheno ", indicating number of the passport and clearance time above the inscription " Aktiviravano "

It is forbidden to pick up the bomb which was planted even if it was defused.

Explosion of the infernal bomb, removal, the calculation of the dead and the survivors, etc. will be done by GM


Battle group

Battle Group (BG further in the text) – is a group of players (at least one subordinate in the unit), gathered under the banner of the player with the status of "Champion." Such group exists either until the time when the champion announces the disbandment of BG, or until the end of the combat situation in which the champion has died - the founder of BG.

All participants of the BG should be clearly marked, indicating the player belongs to this squad. The marker must be the same color and have the same symbols as the flag of the champion. One of the players must carry the banner of BG

All participants of the BG which are in direct line of sight of the banner get Fearlessness bonus (property Horror doesn’t work on them) and the effect of the blessing that was buffed on the squad (if there was any). One player can be a part of only a single BG. To join the BG he should tell the pledge of allegiance to the Champion BG. At any time, the player can leave BG, for that he must remove the symbols of BG.Champion has no right to leave the area of ​​the line of sight of the banner. A champion can create only 1 BG.Banner of BG - pole not less than 1.5 meters, the banner of a minimum of 20 to 50.


On the BG with the permission of the Champion may be done only one blessing. Blessings of the BG should be marked on the banner of two ribbons of no less than 10 cm, located on the banner on both sides.Blessing has 6 hours. Rune blessing works for 24 hours after casting.

Effects of the BG blessings and the color indicators are described in the magic section.




Attention: There is going to be the hybrid system of sieging of the fortresses. That means that real destruction of the gates is combined with hits of the gates. Hits of the gates and other upgrades will be represented on the certificate of the fortress. The certificate should be sticked on the eye level on the side of the fortress on the round disc.

Fortress (camp) – minimum consists from the gates, siegable and non siegable walls. Both sigable wall and the gates are build realistically from the wood. Death corridors or other non canonical fortress upgrades are not allowed.

Siegable wall – requirements: width (including gates) should be not less than 6, height not more than 3 meters.. Its is forbidden to completely lock gates. It is forbidden to use alive tress for the building of the fortress.

Loopholes in the wall are allowed. But for those you need agreement with the master of the War

Any sharp edges are forbidden.

All bridges (and the stairs) from the inside of the fortress which are higher than 290 sm should have fences with jambs. the jambs should be not less than 3 m, with angle – 90 degrees.

Gates – width not less than 1 ì, height not less 1,5 ì. Doorstep of the gatesshould be not higher than 20sm from the ground (counted with the gates down). The gates can be bottom or side based. If the doorstep is more than 20 sm it should be fixed with soil or wooden base.

Skids – it is allowed to build stationary skids which are basically roofs that protect from rain, arrows, bullets etc. Those should be placed above sieged walls. Also the lower level of the skid should not be lower than 1m from the top of the wall. The distance from the edge of the skid until the topof the tower or wall should be not less than 1,5m. Òî æå êàñàåòñÿ è ñêàòà íàä øòóðìîâîé ñòåíîé. Skid should be covered by old furtree branches on the top of black plastic material. The width of the skid is unlimited.

Shooting towers – is allowed on the siegable wall (not more than 1 tower) the hight should be not more than 4,5 meters. The construction of the shooting tower should not decrease the minimum length of the siegable wall (6m). Only shooters can use those towers. Only 2 people can stay there. Shooting towers are unsiegable. In case of danger players has to get down. If  ñëó÷àå óãðîçû ðåàëüíîãî îáðóøåíèÿ íàõîäÿùèåñÿ òàì èãðîêè äîëæíû äîáðîâîëüíî ñëåçòü. In case if there are only those inside tower camp protectors in that camp left, they have to get down.

Unsiegable wall Should be made from sticks or ropes in 3 rows. The character that passes it without any ability is considered as dead. It is not allowed to bring any items through unsiegable wall.

It is not allowed to put the unsiegable wall to whater

10m from each side from the siegable wall should be covered with cloth (height should be not less than 2.5 m

Cloth can not replace wooden sticks or ropes but can be added on the top of them.

It is allowed to cover all unsiegable wall with cloth but don’t be a zealot. There is no way for someone to get into the fortress through the unsiegable wall but there will be abilities to leave the fortress through it.

Safe escape gate – is not allowed.

Building – covered with plastic or cloth with fireplace inside and benches. No weapons can be used inside. Poison, alchemy potions, spells: teleport, polymorph, tramsfor,mation. Can be burned. The building can be placed outside the camp.

Town hall – main building of the camp. Marked with a certificate. The condition of the successful siege is the burnt town hall.

House – The houses are basically tents. All tents should be covered with a wall from the specific material with entrances. Materials can be- fabric, spunbond, banners with a printed wall.

All modern materials should be covered. Non game zome is the place next to the tent. The house can be burnt.

If houses share same walls that means it is one construction and can be completely burnt in 1 time.

Living block – it is allowed to cover several houses with unsiegable wall, organise additional gates with a tower. The rules of the siege are same. It is not allowed to have non gaming living blocks.

Well – construction in the middle of the camp in a form of the well with dimensions 50õ50õ50sì. There are blue cloth stripes inside. Those are filled with a master group 2 times per day.Can not be burnt.

Taverna – special type of building. It consists from the non-gaming territory (kitchen), non-combat area (tables +territory in a radius of 2m), other buildings. Can be covered with unsiegable wall but has to have not less than 3 exits equally far from each other. Only owner of the Taverna and kitcheners can stay on the territory of the kitchen. On the non combat zone any violence is not allowed.


Improving of the fortifications

Engineers can uograde the fortifications of the city.

The indicator of the upgrade will be represented with a special flag. This flag should be placed on the distance of 2-5m from the siegable wall behind the unsiegable wall. Height should be 1-2m above the unsiegable wall. There should be a gap not less than 50 sm between flags.

Every upgrade of the castle, which is modelled with a flag, besides the specific bonus gives +50 hits to the gates. Flags should be made by the team before the game and if those are absent no upgrade can be done.

Flags upgrade the one specific wall and its gates. The flag «protection from catastrophe» works on the full camp if it is put on the 1st wall but increases hits only to one gate.

Flags are destroyed after the town hall is (flag is taken off by masters or by players of this city). Fire cant be stoped on the flags and they should be built again.

Every flag should be clear and easily understandable and all of those will be checked before the game.

The list of possible upgrades with examples of the flags:


Loopholes – the following upgrade gives to all players that are on the wall Agility skill.

Flag: castle with loopholes.

Skids – the following upgrade means that siege ladders can not be used.

Flag: key.

Big army – the following upgrade means that all guardins of the city who wear the armor who is on the wall or next to the wall inside the city (10 m from wall) gives +1 hit and those who wear medium or heavy armor gives durability.

Flag: bird.

Protection of catastrophe – is protecting the city from one ritual which damages all city, After the protection worked that banner is considered as destroyed.

Flag: cross.

Unsiegable castle – upgrade that is obtainable with gaming ways but can not be obtained with economics. Walls and gates of the city can not be damaged and gates can not be opened from the outside. Doesn’t give hits to the gates.

Flag: Lock on the yellow background.


All sieges should be reported to the masters in advance.

During the siege the attackers can get inside only through or above the siegable wall or the gates.

Only those who have helmets can do those actions. Any player that has no helmet around 10m from the siege wall has 1 hit and can be killed by any weapon.


In order to stimulate the usage of the siege weapons – every gate will have the hit points. The gate can have from 300 to 500 hit points and the hits are shown on the certificate of the gate.

Hit with battleram, Hand of the GIANT creature does damage of 1 hit.

The shot from the siege weapon does 10 damage.

The shot from siege firearm weapon does 50 damage.

If all hits are removed from the gate, it should be opened either by masters or by defenders.

Hit points of the gate are recovered after 30 min after the siege.


Battle/siege time

The time is devided by day time (from 5.00 to 21.00) and night time (from 21.00 to 5.00)

The Day time.

It is allowed to use any weapon or armor.

Sieges are allowed. Realistic destruction of the siegable wall is allowed.

The Night time.

Only one handed axes are allowed, knobsticks, claws, hammers, swords with 60 sm long. Any ranged, prick or siege (stairs, battlerams or assault sticks) are not allowed.

Siege of the camp is allowed. The real destruction of the wall or gates is not allowed. Masters are reminding that they are not responsible for any traumas during the game!

Setting on fire

It is done in a following way: on the any corner of the building the red stripe is attached; the certificate of the fire is destroyed and the one that does that has to scream lowdly: “POZHAR”. If someone inside of the building doesn’t go out for 5 min or the fire is not stopped by someone else that means all are dead who were inside. Until the fire is stopped nobody can stay there.

House, building city hall or flags (after burning if city hall) or any economical building can be burnt.

Procedure of stopping the fire

On the top of the red stripe player should put the blue stripe that was taken from the well which should be located in the middle of the camp. If there are no stripes inside of the well – that means you have nothing to stop fire with. Stripes are not game values and can not be taken.It is forbidden to take those stripes in advance, if you could not stop the fire you should put stripes back to the well. Only master can take the stripes from the building.


Deadly fight

Any player, that got the status Champion can challenge another champion for a fight. The one that was challenged has a right to refuse. Some gaming values or quests can be done only by winning the death challenge.

There is a list of recommendations for the deadly fight. It is considered unworthy to physically intervene in the duel of two champions

; it is considered unworthy to attack participants in the conflict, while their champions participating in the deadly fight

It is considered as correct to leave the winner of the fight go after its completion.

Deadly fight is the incarnation of the spirit of Warhammer. It is not necessary to do it but Masters will be glad if players will make those fights to happen. Increasing amount of your own hit points is a serious breaking of the rules.

Search for a gaming values from the body

It is forbidden to search for a gaming values in a real way.

Weapons can be taken in the city in real way before entering it but you have to give those back.

None of gaming values can be taken from a living player without of his agreement. You don’t need the agreement from the stunned captured or dead player and he has to give gaming values from the first ask: “otdavai Igrovie cennosti”.

Blunt attack

Blunt attack can be done in the non-combat situation. It is done with a non lethal part of the sword or dagger with a light hit on the back of the player (without helmet) with a word: “Oglushen!”. If you are using magic weapon you have to say “Oglushen! Magicheskoe”. The one that was blunted has to fell down or sit down silently. Time of being blunted is 5 min. While the player is blunted he can not do any sounds or move. If you want to capture player as a slave that means you have to say that to him before he wakes up. After that he is automatically captured with a word. 3 blunting per row means the player is dead (too much hits in the head).

Capturing the player.

Is done with a capture-by-word (Plenenie slovom) That means that the player gives his agreement and can do any of the gaming actions that his master has told to him. (give the weapon, walk, etc.) Can not move, use wepon, talk or do any sounds if the master didn’t allow him. This is the only type of capturing and real physical capture is not allowed. It is prohibited to make the slave do any chores if the slave doesnt want to. Maximum time of being a captured is 4 hours. After that the one that was captured has to be freed or he dies.

The acting of being a captured should be done with rope or a stripe of cloth of the white color that is around the left hand 2-3 times. Anyone can free the captured by disattaching or cutting the rope except for the captured himself. It is allowed to do tortures to the captured. Captured can say that he wont eat (doesn’t eat, drink or smoke) and in 2 hours dies.




Players with ability slaver can do on the captive action “transformation to a slave”(they put a special sign on the hand and put the time of transformation in the certificate). The slave does not remember anything about the life when he was free and can not be cured. Also the slave can not use magic and loses all bonuses of his role (if alchemist became a slave he is not alchemist anymore and etc.) Racial bonus of the slave is kept.


The slave wears special marker of slavery – shackles (imitated by leather or other non traumatic materials), maximum time of the life of slave is 6 hours from the time he got transformed (3 hours with racial bonus fertility), after that he is dead and can not be resurrected. After slavery player has the reduced time in the dead land for the time of being a slave (6 or 3 hours of full time in dead land) but for that he has to give his certificate of the slave in the dead land.

Every slave has his owner (it is written in the certificate of the slave) Primarely the owner is slaver, secondary is the one that buys him. Slave can be resold until his slavery time is ended.

Slave has to completely listen to his owner and do any orders that are not limited by gaming rules or rules of Russian federation. Slave can be made to do easy chores (make fire, cut wood, make dinner, etc)

Slave can not do any bad actions to his owner or not listen to the order. Slave can use weapons or armor if the owner lets him.

Slavery is prohibited in the most of the countries but they say you can buy them on fairs. If the character was made a slave there is no way to cure him.


Flogging imitated by pushups – 20 times.

Rack imitated by pullups -10 times. Only for men.

It is allowed to use not more than 1 torture for 30 min. If the one that is getting tortured fails the exercise that means he failed the torture and the torture is stopped. If a person failed torture he has for 10 min say completely truth for any game related questions that are asked.

Place for pushups should be clean without any dirt or sharp branches. The place for pull ups should be comfortable to grab without any dirt or sharp branches. Height of the rack should be not more than 2.5 meters.

Player can do pushups or pullups in any way.

Player can take off any items or armor that don’t let him do the exercise correctly. It is forbidden to not allow to do push ups or pull ups(hold his legs, sit on his shoulders or put any thing on the player as additional weight)

It is forbidden to do the tortures when it rains if there is no normal roof on the top of the rack or place of flogging. All tortures should look like real tortures with role playing. Protection from tortures lets to say untruth even if the torture is failed.


Mutilation can be done to any captive or slave in non combat situation. Any organ or limb can be cut. It is being emitated by covering the place with black paint, bandaging, hiding under the clothes and etc. Player can not use the mutilated organ or limb until the rest of his gaming life (the only exception is torture where he can use it to do push ups or pull ups) or until he is cured (look alchemy section).

Death and the dead land.

The player is considered as dead if he doesn’t have any hit points. Dead player has to sit down or lay down on the place where he died and put on the white hat. Every player should bring the white hat by himself.

Player should wait until the end of the fight or siege so the ones that are alive could take gaming values. The dead player should give all the game values to the first one that asks him. All the gaming values that are not taken from the corpse should be given to the master.

It is allowed to stay as dead on the field for getting burried. Also it is allowed to stay if the dead player wants to take photos or videos from the battle but he has to wear the white hat.

After the battle ended, the gaming values are taken or burial has ended the player has to go to the dead land.

Master can make player to do chores. Also master can make players to do any gaming related labour.

It is not allowed to get to your camp for a night while you are in the dead land. It is allowed to sleep in the dead land, the time of staying there is not increased by sleeping.

Standard time in the dead land is 6 hours. Master of the dead land can change it from 2 to 12 hours.

Races with fertility skill go out from the dead land 3 hours earlier.

Non- disembodied undead stays full time in the dead land but come back with a same role.


The page “Skull” from the certificate of the player is made for the role play purposes. Can be taken by anyone but only from the dead player.

Main Quest system

Several quest fractions are planned by the masters. Each of those fractions will have their own purposes. Players can help or stand against them. You can help each other economically, ask for help with a tough mission or send a squad on a mission (quest which will be outside of the gaming territory)

Interaction with quest fractions will be done through masters or the mail system. No speech contracts are allowed! Only through mails or masters! Mail can be given to master or the postman.


Other quests

In tavernas there will be places with different quests. One player can take only one quest, by paying 1 silver to the tavern or fair owner. For the completing of the quest there will be reward (not less than 1 gold) or other game values. The reward can be taken from the tavern or fair owner or by any other way which is described in the quest.

Players can make quests by their own, the papers for that will be given by tavern/fair owners. The cost of paper is equal to the cost of the reward to the player+ 1 silver coin. The rewards for those kind of quests will be given by taverna/fair owners.

You may see some quest items around in the forest and they will be marked as other quest items. Do not mess them with normal quest items like artifacts. If this kind of item is found by the player which doesn’t have this kind of quest it is forbidden to take it, move it or sell it. There is no gaming value in it so don’t break a game by doing this to other players. Maximum time for the quest is 12 hours. Taverna/Fair owner marks the time when the quest is taken.

Impassable territory

Territory which is forbidden to walk in except if you have specific skill or knowledge, marked with 3 row unsiegble wall with red flags. Has names. In order to get into such a territory the player has to have specific skill or knowledge(certificate).


Territory with specific allowance rules

Territorry with a hidden entrance. Completely covered with unsiegable wall. Entrance and exit is done through hidden or distanced gates. There may be several gates to get in. The route between entrance/exit in location is done with a white hat like in teleport spell but without weakness for 30 min.



Territory with additional rules which are organised by the master of the dungeon. It is impassable territory for all except for the group of players which are allowed by the dungeon master. In order to pass the dungeon (finish the quest inside of it) there is only one hour to complete it. Group should escape the dungeon until the time limit is reached. All the players that stay inside when the time has passed are dead. Second attempt the group of players can get only after 4 hours after they left the dungeon.

Except for the master dungeons there can be player dungeons. The players that organize it have special privilegies and obligations.


Main principle

Every good or item which can be traded is called the gaming value.

Gaming value is the item which canbe taken in a real way as a trophy, all the rest items on the game are considered as private and can not be taken.

List of the gaming values:

● Game money;

● Game documents: contract, letter, maps of the treasures (can be made only by masters.) etc.;

● Potions;

● Some of the magical items (it should be written on the item «òðîôåé» if you can take it; in other cases the owner gives it to the dead land if he is dead);

● Chips of the resources (ore, gems, wood, sulfur, healing grass, warp-stone);

● Chips of the siege firearm weapons(powder);

● Chips (stripes) of alchemical fire, holy water;

● Siege equipment (siege ladders or).

Any values that were brought by players to sell and not included in this list but which were sold with a game money or taken with a barter are not considered as a game values and can not be taken.

In general any item can be sold or bought with gaming money but if this item is not in a list below it doesn’t make this item a gaming value.

Attention!!!! Those are not gaming values: food, drinks, ciguarettes, flags, banners, shooting siege weapons and the shells for them, clothing, dish, jewelry, nails, ropes, firewood, instruments, other private stuff, and the items of the Other Quests.

● Gaming values can be hold only with yourself or in special places like city hall or cult building. Siege weapons or equipment can be stored in any place.

● It is forbidden to hide gaming values, dig them, etc.

● Player can take gaming values with himself in the tent but only if they can be fit in a pocket or bag.

● If the tent or a building is burnt that means that all gaming values are burnt as well. Players are taking those in the dead land and should give those to the masters. Burnt artifacts can be returned back into the game.

● Informational certificates of the buildings can not be destroyed or get hidden.Those are only informational and give info about what gives the specific building. If the building is destroyed masters should take the certificate off by themselves.


All resources on the game are gaming values and role played as a specific models which are made by masters. All resources can be taken in a real way from the specific places around the forest. There are several places around the forest which are:

Digged – those are hidden in special caverns and digged under the soil and any player can find the resources if he digs the cavern. Ore, Sulphur, Gems and Warp-stone can be found inside.

Attached – Those are attached on the eye level or higher on trees and special zones-forests Wood can be found in this way

Wild – those resources can be found on the ground in the zones- forests Herbs can be found that way


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