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Printing drawings on the plotter

The drawings are printed on a plotter, to familiarize designers.

The procedure of listing.


Pic 1 – File for printing


Click on the Properties button, set the size of the format.



This window is defined by the format size, length and width, as well as the unit of measurement in millimeters.



Further, the location of the pattern on the format. In this case, I chose the size of the default.


Name of drawing comes automatically as User 1 (600.00x455.00 MM)

Click the Next button, and then in the window that appears, click Finish taking layout.


To convince the correctness of the choice of the plan click View, then tentatively drawing.

I have a layout drawing and sent to the plotter.




In the course of practical training has familiarized with the production and the enterprise charter. Having familiarized with the PC configurations.

I studied the AutoCAD program, as well as the installation program. Translation of drawings from dwg to pdf. Print drawings to the plotter. I send e-mails.

Fully coped with assigned duties related to the solution of issues of computer equipment. During the internship did not comment.


Reference list

1. Полещук Н.Н.AutoCAD: разработка приложений, настройка и адаптация - С-П.: Питер, 2006

2. ЖадаевА.Самоучитель AutoCAD 2010. – М.: Эксмо, 2009


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