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History of Dentistry

Unit 1

History of Dentistry

Active Vocabulary

physician лікар
jaw щелепа
treatment лікування
teething прорізання зубів
toothache зубний біль
dressing пов’язка
gum ясна
splint шина
surgeon хірург
to compose складати
to call називати
to determine визначати
to stress підкреслювати
to reduce зменшувати
to master оволодіти
to absorb поглинати
to complete закінчувати
to deal with мати справу з



Read the following text

History of Dentistry

Dentistry got its start in the Indus Valley of India and Pakistan. This was also the first appearance of dental assistants. The first explanation of causes of tooth decay was the tooth worm, first noted by the Sumerians around 5000 BC. The hypothesis was that tooth decay was the result of a tooth worm.

The idea of the tooth worm has been found in the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers and poets, as well as those of the ancient Indian, Japanese, Egyptian, and Chinese cultures.

The first society which used dental bridges and appliances were the Etruscans.

Until the 16th century, there weren’t dentists and dentistry was practiced by general physicians and barbers. The staple procedure of these early dentists was the extraction, which was used to alleviate pain and halt tooth decay. Over the years, a number of tools were invented for performing this procedure.

In the 20th century, the key was replaced by the forceps, which are still in use today.

In 1723, French surgeon Pierre Fauchard published The Surgery Dentist. He is considered to be the father of modern dentistry because his book was the first to describe a comprehensive system for caring and treating the teeth.

The first dental foot engine was built by John Greenwood. It was made from a foot-powered spinning wheel.

In 1871, George F. Green invented the first electrical dental engine.

1790 was a big year for dentistry, as this was also the year when the first specialized dental chair was invented.

Dentist Horace Wells from Connecticut was the first who discovered that nitrous oxide could be used as anesthesia. After using it with success on several of his patients, he attempted to demonstrate its effects in public.

Charles Land devised the porcelain jacket crown.

In 1905, Alfred Einhord, a German chemist, discovered Novоcain.

In 1938, the first tooth brush with synthetic nylon bristles hit the market.

In 1945, the water fluoridation era began when the cities of Newburgh, NY and Grand Rapid, MI decided to add fluoride to the public water supply. In 1950, the first fluoride toothpastes were marketed.

In 1957, John Borden invented the first high speed electric hand drill.

In 1960s, the first dental lasers were developed and used for soft tissue procedures.

In 1960s the first electric toothbrush was invented.

The 1990s marked the beginning of the era of cosmetic dentistry, with the increased popularity of veneers, bleaching, and dental implants.



2. Answer the following questions.


1. Where did dentistry get its start?

2. Until the 16th century dentistry was practiced by general physicians and barbers, wasn’t it?

3. Why was the extraction used?

4. Whom was the first dental foot engine built by?

5. Who invented the first electrical dental engine?

6. When was the first specialized dental chair invented?

7. Who devised the porcelain jacket crown?

8. When was Novocain discovered?

9. John Borden invented the first high speed electric hand drill, didn’t he?

10. When were the first dental lasers developed and used for soft tissue procedures?

4. Find antonyms from the box to the following words.


A. Inability, B. mild, C. minority, D. non-infectious, E. dilatation, F. unfavourable, G. sensitive, H. absolute, I. normal, J. outside.  


1. Ability

2. Abnormal

3. Acute

4. Catching

5. Conditional

6. Contraction

7. Favourable

8. Insensitive

9. Inside

10. Majority


5. Match the words with their definitions


1. mouth A. The action of stopping something from happening
2. to swallow B. The state of being free from illness
3. genetic C. The opening in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips, through which food is taken in
4. antiseptic D. Cause or allow something to pass down the throat
5. health E. The process of infecting or the state of being infected
6. microorganism F. A substance used to inhibit growth or destroy germs
7. incubation G. Dealing with heredity
8. prevention H. A microscopic organism


6. Complete the sentences by filling gaps with the correct word or word combination.


A. Novocain, B. in the Indus Valley of India and Pakistan, C. nitrous oxide can be used as anesthesia, D. by John Greenwood, E. the porcelain jacket crown, F. was the extraction, G. were developed and used for soft tissue procedures, H. the first electrical dental engine, I. were the Etruscans, J. hit the market.


1. Dentistry got its start…

2. The first society to use dental bridges and appliances…

3. The staple procedure of these early dentists…

4. The first dental foot engine was built…

5. In 1871, George F. Green invented…

6. Horace Wells was the first who discovered that…

7. In 1903 Charles Land devised…

8. Alfred Einhord, a German chemist, discovered…

9. The first tooth brush with synthetic nylon bristles…

10. In the 1960s, the first dental lasers…


Unit 2

Structure of teeth

Active Vocabulary


item окрема одиниця
to crush розчавити
to swallow ковтати
to be embedded бути вбудованим
varying різний
density щільність
junction перехід, cтик
chamber камера
socket розетка
apical foramen апікальний отвір
substance речовина
beneath під
supernumerary понадштатний
bulk маса
to anchor закріпляти
to provide забезпечити
to maintain підтримувати


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