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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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tota lphysical response- promote motivation

TPR [Total Physical Response] activities: where learners perform actions in response to linguistic prompts

Used to refer to content in language lessons where the focus is on individual grammar structures, words or parts of words or individual or connected sounds---- Discrete language forms

Useful points to consider when using different activities: All answers are right

Using senses to learn:Reading - ____%Discussion - ____%Practice doing-____%- 10/50/75

What element does not relate to assessment? Rubric

What are guided discovery tasks;- where the teacher through the careful alignment of task elements in play in the classroom e.g. visual content, questioning and text content creates the conditions for the learner

What are some ways in which we can teach collaboratively? Group work

What do you understand about 2050 strategy? preschool education

What does Divergent thinking can be contrasted with _______________________ which aims to find a unique solution to a problem (J.P. Guilford) Convergent thinking
What does divergent question mean? To elicit a range of learner language

What does formative assessment mean:---- A process that has a direct impact on improvement of academic achievements and maintains feedback between a teacher and a learner.

What does Hattie describe?- human brain processes information and makes clear that extended teacher talk can ‘overload’ the brain with information

What does new curricula suggest for teacher? To enable you to support learners effectively

What does Spiral curriculum mean? learn deeper

What does TPR mean?- where learners perform actions in response to linguistic prompts

What elements included in formative assessment? Rubric, criteria, descriptor, label

What is a motivator of this list :learning activities set at the right levels and differentiated so all learners experience some success

What is CDS? Children directed speech

What is digraph? t wo letters – one sound

What is encoding? Writing

What is it “write to display”? demonstration

What is not comrised updated curriculum? New learn strategies

What is the assessment? All answers are right

What is the invert question?- instead of asking a question that requires factual recall

What is the new strand of the subject programme? Use of English

What is the pre-learning? Unknown words

What is the principle of ZPD? Learners should be able to achieve more during a lesson

What is the spiral curriculum? Topics are revisited, sometimes within and across terms, level of difficulty should increase.

What kind of motivation is it when learners want to participate and make progress because they enjoy the activity? intrinsic motivation

What kind of motivation teachers use to recognize and reward good work? extrinsic motivation

What kind of pedagogic approach can break down barriers between learners?- Collaborative learning

What kind of results should be teaching- Critical thinking skills, independent research and analysis of information

What learners should be able to do in English?-- Learning outcomes are framed as a progressive can-do sequence.

What process develops the professional knowledge or skills? Coaching

What process develops the professional knowledge or skills? Coaching

What question asks for an explanation of learners' reasoning: X and Y

What skills are deepened by adding challenge and complexity to task, widening the scope of content andextending the range of language required for skills such as describing, narrating, and presenting arguments?-- Speaking and interaction

What type of error correction is this: When learners make a mistake, the teacher repeats the mistake with rising intonation encouraging learners to correct themselves----- echo correction

What visual learners like teachers that? Draw on the board, use pictures and videos

When a learner is working in their _______ they require support, known as ‘scaffolding’. ZPD

When did expose summative assessment? at the end of the term

When do we expect all Kazakh children from three to six years to be in preschool education? 2020

When learners are working in their Zone of Proximal Development they require support, known as- Scaffolding

When planning cross curricular work it is important to keep in mind the key skills underpinning the National Curriculum---- All answers are right

Which of the following strands are not so important in the first and second grades? Writing

Which of the following words is connected with medium term plan- Context

Who argues that teachers who see themselves only as a ‘facilitator’, don’t deserve the status of teacher?- Rata (2012

Who are the shakeholders of assessment?- All answers are right

Who conducted a meta-analysis of pedagogical approaches? Hattie

Who should speak in the three languages in the Nazarbaev Intellectual school- school graduates

Who was moderation has been shown to have a positive impact upon both assessment and teaching--- Gardner 2010

Who wrote that the English curriculum sees that the process of becoming an autonomous learner depends very much on social interaction? -- Vygotsky (1986)

whole child talk makes …..--tasks meaning full, purposeful and fun

Young learners tend to be more intrinsically motivated through- play and their natural curiosity

Zone of Proximal Development they require support known as: scaffolding

ZPD - … The level of challenge that a learner will be able to overcome with some supportbut could not achieve alone.

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