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Supplementary agreements




This contract shall enter into force on 01/05/2016 and expiry automatically on 01/09/2018 except



In the context of this contract, exclusivity means that the Intermediary is entitled to the full remuneration stipulated in the article 3. of this contract, even in case the Intermediary has not participated in the negotiations about the signature of the Employment contract between the Player and a club, or the Player signed the Employment contract with a club without using services of Intermediary.




The parties agree that the Player shall pay the following remuneration to the Intermediary for his services under this contract:

-10 % of the net salary as a lump sum when the player contract with the club enters into force

These amounts are exclusive VAT.



Obligations of the Intermediary

During the contract period the Intermediary is obliged to:

−safeguard the interests of the Player in a professional and conscientious manner,

−keep the player informed about all issues of significance for him,

−ensure that he and his employees act is in accordance with applicable requirements stipulated by the national association and FIFA,



5. The Player's obligations

By signing this contract the Player confirms that he is not bound by any other corresponding agreement.

During the contract period the Player is obliged:

− not to enter into contracts that may come into conflict with this contract,

− to inform the Intermediary of all inquiries and offers from other intermediaries, clubs and others that directly or indirectly act on behalf of a club,

− to give the Intermediary the information necessary to allow them to safeguard the Player's interests in a professional and conscientious manner.


Supplementary agreements

The parties may enter into supplementary agreements to this contract on the condition that these agreements are made in writing.

In case the Player signs Emplyoment contract in Any of this mentioned football clubs. of this contract, even in case the Intermediary has not participated innegotiations about thesignature of the Employment contract between the Player and a club, or the Player signed the Employment contract with a club without using services of Intermediary.



Third party rights

No parties other than the contractual parties can directly or indirectly influence the rights under this representation contract or the contract itself.



By signing this contract the parties agree to submit all disputes regarding the validity or understanding of this contract to CAS with the seat in Lausanne, Switzerland.


Final provisions

This contract and its supplementary agreements are issued in two (2) originals, each duly signed.



_________________________ _________________________ TIMOFEI IADREEV (Intermediatory) Joaozinho






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