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at the Sikachi-Alyan Village

At the Sikachi-Alyan village.

A full day tour.

The price is 3800 RUB per person, operating by comfortable bus and the group starts from 10 persons.

The price includes:

· Comfortable bus travelling by the following route: Khabarovsk- Sikachi – Alyan Village- Khabarovsk, 77 km by Komsomolsk-on-Amur track, approximate journey time is 1 hr 20 min.

Departure from Khabarovsk at 10.30 am (123, Volochaevskaya str.)

Departure from Sikachi-Alyan at 5.00 pm

· All activities by our program from 12.00 am till 5.00 pm

· Excursion to the upper petroglyphs

· Local traditional performance

· Meal on the route


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by phone:

+7 -4212-75-55-05, +7-4212-30-00-88

Prices for groups for English, German, French speaking guide;

10-14 ADL 15-19 ADL 20-24 ADL
4500 RUB 4200 RUB 3800 RUB

“Kindred camp of Nanai Community”

at the Sikachi-Alyan Village

Full program:

1) Excursion to the upper petroglyphs (walking or by boat, depends on conditions)

2) Meeting and seeing off guests in a traditional style (performance)

3) Nanai community presentation: lifestyle and activities

4) Master class on fish cutting, cooking tala.

5) Local food degustation:

-traditional fish soup on the bonfire (if you would like to try a wild meat soup you have to inform us in advance)

- fish on the bonfire

- tala (traditional Nanai dish: raw fish with spices and sauce)

- potato tala with fish,

- boiled potato,

- sliced smoked chum salmon,

- red caviar during the fishing season (pike caviar if have)

- vegetables

- traditional Nanai cereals jelly “Buda”

- berry juice and tea.

6) Photo session in a traditional Nanai costumes

7) Tubing from the mountain in winter and traditional Nanai games in summer such as: archery, shot put and javelin-throwing. Time for activities is around 3 hrs. + 2 hrs free time at the camp area)





Reservations by phone: +7-4212-75-55-05, +7-4212-30-00-88.

Can book now!


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