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Acute cholecystitis*1*21*1


*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?





*dryness in the mouth

*+acute cholecystitis



*!Which word is given below in the plural form?









*!Which medical term belongs to “Acute cholecystitis”?









*!What word is the synonym to the word “rarely”?









*!Which word is “hypochondrium” combined with?









*!Which word belongs to the Adjective in this group of words?









*!What is the Plural form of the word “life”









*!Which word belongs to the adjective in this group of words?









*!Which field of medicine does acute cholecystitis belong to?


*infectious diseases

*+diseases of the liver and bile ducts

*diseases of the respiratory tract

*diseases of the cardiovascular system

*diseases of the alimentary tract



*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?


*dry lips

*pale skin

*dry tongue


*cold perspiration



*!Which word is “cholecystitis” combined with?









*!Which word belongs to the adjective in this group of words?









*!Which word is «surgical» combined with?









*!What word is the synonym to the word “frequently”?









*!Which word is the extra one for this group of words?









*!Which word is “mental” combined with?









*!Which verb is given in the Past Simple Tense?


*is complaining


*to complain





*!Which word is extra one for this group of words?


*acute pain

*fatty food

*mental overstrain

*physical overstrain

*+blood analysis



*!What does the RK law on languages consist of?


*+present law, other normative legal acts

*present law, other state programs

*present law, other regulations

*present law, other international programs

*present law, other regional programs



*!What does the State program on developing languages provide?


*state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Russian

*+state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Kazakh

*state language priority, phased transfer of office work into German

*state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Turkey

*state language priority, phased transfer of office work into Chinese



*! What bodies provide necessary conditions for development of state and other languages

in RK?




*Ministry of education and science

*Ministry of Public health

*+All state organs

*Acute cholecystitis*2*21*2*


*!Cholecystitis (to know) to occur rarely in isolated condition.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?



*+is known






*!An attack of pain is usually preceded … physical and mental overstrain.

What is the proper preposition?









*!Cholecystitis in the inflammation of the gallbladder.

Which question is the general one for this sentence?


*+Is cholecystitis the inflammation of the gallbladder?

*Is cholecystitis the inflammation of the gallbladder or the kidney?

*Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder, isn’t it?

*What is cholecystitis?

*What does the patient with cholecystitis usually complain of?



*!Pain may radiate to the right shoulder, right arm, sternum and lumbar area.

Which question is the special onefor this sentence?


*Does pain radiate to the right shoulder, right arm, sternum and lumbar area?

*+Where does pain may radiate to?

*Pain may radiate to the right shoulder, right arm, sternum and lumbar area, doesn’t it?

*Does pain radiate to the right or to the left shoulder?

*Does pain radiate to the right or to the left arm?



*!But sometimes pain is observed to appear suddenly … quite healthy persons.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!An attack of pain is usually (to precede) by physical and mental overstrain.

Which form of the verbs in brackets in the most suitable for this sentence?





*will precede

*is preceding



*!Dryness … the mouth, vomiting, nausea are the characteristic clinical manifestations of the diseases.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!During the attack of pain the face is moist … cold perspiration.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!Approximately in 40-50 % of cases there is slight jaundice … scleral.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!Pain may (to radiate) to the right shoulder, right arm, sternum, and lumbar area.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?





*will radiate

*will radiating



*!Even a slight palpation (to reveal) severe tenderness.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?






*will revealing



*!Purulent form of cholecystitis is highly dangerous … life.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!Recovery is achieved … surgical treatment.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!The main forms of cholecystitis … the following: catarrhal, purulent and gangrenous,

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?




*to be





*!The biochemical blood analysis is known to reveal some changes, they resulting from the effect of toxic substances in the …

Which word is missed in this sentence?









*!A doctor and a patient.

A doctor: “What troubles you?”

A patient: …..

Which answer is the most suitable to this dialogue?


*+nausea, vomiting, constipation

*an attack of pain

*mental overstrain

*physical overstrain

*I have nothing



*!A doctor and a patient.

A doctor: “What is your problem?”

A patient: …..

Which answer is the most suitable to this dialogue?


*It’s OK!

*No, never

*+I’ve got an intense pain

*It’s a good idea.

*It’s impossible.



*!The answer to the question of the doctor.

Do you use fatty food and alcohol?


*I go to the chemist’s.

*Excuse me.

*Yes, I have.

*+Yes, I do

*I haven’t



*!The biochemical blood analysis reveals some changes.

Which question is the general one to this sentence?


*What does the biochemical blood analysis reveal?

*+Does the biochemical blood analysis reveal some changes?

*What changes reveal the biochemical blood analysis?

*The biochemical blood analysis reveals some changes, don’t they?

*The biochemical blood analysis don’t reveal some changes, do they?



*!An even more severe course is observed … gangrenous cholecystitis.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!A doctor and a patient.

A doctor: “When do you feel pain?”

A patient: …..

Which answer is the most suitable to this dialogue?


*It’s impossible.

*I don’t like it


*+When I’m lying on my right side

*When I go home.


*Acute cholecystitis*3*12*1*


*!The patient with cholecystitis is known to complain of intense pain, it being localized in the right hypochondrium and in the umbilical area. But sometimes pain appears in quite healthy persons.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?





*+Patient’s complaints




*!Dryness in the mouth, vomiting, nausea, constipation are the characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease. Pain may radiate to the right shoulder right arm, sternum and lumbar area. The pain grows much worse when the patient is lying on his right side.

What is the most suitable title to this passage?


*+Clinical manifestations


*Feeling of pain

*Causes of the disease

*Aetiology and pathogenesis



*!During the attack of pain the face is moist with cold perspiration, the skin is pale, the tongue and lips are dry. Even a slight palpation reveals severe tenderness, it being due to irritation of the peritoneum.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*Moist face

*Cold perspiration

*Pale skin

*+The attack of pain

*Slight palpation



*!An attack of pain is usually preceded by physical and mental overstrain, sharp physical movements or abnormalities in diet, fatty food and alcohol being responsible for the onset of pain.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*+Aetiology of the disease

*Pathogenesis of the disease

*Regiment of the patient

*Forms of the disease

*Treatment of the disease



*!Purulent and gangrenous forms of cholecystitis are highly dangerous to life. Recovery is achieved by surgical treatment, it being followed by prolonged antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*+Treatment for cholecystitis

*Antibiotic therapy


*Surgical treatment




*!Removal of the gallbladder is generally recommended for people with symptoms related to gallstones. People at high risk of surgical complications – that is, elderly people, can become very unwell as a result of inflammation of the gallbladder.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*+Risk factors of surgical complications

*Removal of the gallbladder

*Patients with gallstones

*Elderly people

*Inflammation of the gallbladder



*!A lot of additional methods of diagnostics of acute cholecystitis are used in medicine. Foe example: clinical and biochemical blood analysis, laparacyntez, laparoskopi, sciagraphy of abdominal area, computer tomography of liver, duodenal sounding.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*Blood analysis

*Tomography of liver

*+Methods of diagnostics

*Acute cholecystitis

*Computer tomography



*!Gallstones are the most common cause of acute cholecystitis. According to the British Medical Journal, they are responsible in 90% of cases. If gallstones obstruct the bile ducts, bile can build up in the gallbladder. It leads to inflammation. Acute cholecystitis can also be caused by a severe disease or tumour. However, these causes are rare.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*Bile ducts



*+Causes of acutecholecystitis

*British Medical Journal



*!The main symptom in acute cholecysitis is pain in the upper right side that usually lasts at least 30 minutes. You may feel sharp or dull pain, which may spreads to your back or below your right shoulder. Other symptoms may include lever, nausea, vomiting, yellowish skin and whites of the sclerae.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*sharp pain

*dull pain

*yellowish skin

*whites of the sclerae

*+symptoms of cholecystitis



*!The symptoms of acute cholicystitis can resemble many other diseases. Therefore, your doctor will want to know about your medical history as well as your symptoms. If your doctor has determined that you have acute cholecystitis, he or she may also order blood test, liver function test and others.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?



*Medical history

*Blood test

*Liver function test

*+Tests for making diagnosis



*!The gallbladder is an organ located below the liver. It digests fats in the small intestine. When a stone blocks bile duct, if causes irritation and pressure in the gallbladder. Other causes include: serious diseases, hormone therapy, obesity, pregnancy, being female, tumours of the gallbladder, older age, etc.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?



*Small intestine


*Hormone therapy

*+Causes of the disease



*!If you have gallstones, you will probably need surgery to remove your gallbladder. Nonsurgical treatment includes antibiotics, low-fat diet. You may need emergency surgery if you have complications such as perforation, pancreatitis, inflammation of the common bile duct.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?




*+Prevention and treatment

*Surgical treatment

*Nonsurgical treatment


*Acute cholecystitis*4*14*1*

















*+fatty food

*regular diet

*healthy food





*an infectious disease

*a cardiovascular disease

*a dermatological disease

*a disease of the respiratory tract

*+an inflammation of the gallbladder

*+an inflammation in the intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts














*Doctor’s advice

*Laboratory study

*Instrumental study

*Physical exercises

*+Surgical treatment

*+Antibiotic therapy and chemotherapy





*right leg

*heart area

*oral cavity

*+lumbar area

*spinal column

*+right shoulder






*+fatty food



*+mental overstrain

*+physical overstrain





*fatty food

*sound sleep

*mental overstrain

*physical overstrain

*+surgical treatment

*+emergency operation





*a dangerous form

*a dangerous attack

*+a dangerous illness

*+a dangerous disease

*a dangerous operation

*a dangerous condition





*the month

*the stomach

*the shoulder

*the spinal column

*+intrahepatic ducts

*+extrahepatic ducts















*+department of surgery

*out- patient department

*oncological department

*neurological department

*cardiological department

*+department of purulent surgery















*mental overstrain

*physical exercises

*physical activities

*physical overstrain

*+surgical operation

*+emergency operation




*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?






*+types of peritonitis



*!Which word is given below in the plural form?









*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?









*!Which symptom belongs to “Peritonitis”?


*pain in the kidneys

*pain in the heart

*pain in the lungs

*+pain in the abdomen

*pain in the chest



*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?






*+Abdominal organs



*!What word is the synonym to the word “elevated”?









*!Which sign belongs to “Peritonitis”?


*cardiac discomfort

*+perforation of abdominal organs

*irritation of skin

*inflammation of the lungs

*benign tumours



*!Which word is the extra one for this group of words?









*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?





*+types of peritonitis




*!Which word is the common one for this group of words?




*+types of peritonitis





*!What word is the synonym to the word “surgery”?









*!Which verb is given in the Present Continuous Tense?


*to listen



*+is listening

*has listened



*!Which word belongs to the Noun in this group of words?





*to remove




*!Which word is the adverb in this group of words?









*!Which verb is given in the Present Perfect Tense?


*is taking



*+has taken

*had taken



*!Which word belongs to the adverb in this group of words?









*!Which word is the adverb in this group of words









*!Which word is “primary” combined with?









*!Which verb is given in the Present Simple Tense?




*has revealed

*is revealing

*will reveal



*!Which word is “antibiotic” combined with?









*!Which word is the synonym to the word-combination “surgical temperature”?










*!Peritonitis (to know) to be general or localized, acute or chronic, primary or secondary..

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?









*!The blood … usually reveals leucocytosis.

Which word is missed in this sentence?









*!This condition is extremely dangerous … the patient’s life.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!The temperature is known to be moderately (to elevate).

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?





*is elevating

*has elevating



*!During the operation the primary focus … peritonitis is to be removed.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!Emergency operative treatment is known to be followed … a course of antibiotic treatment.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!The blood analysis usually reveals leucocytosis.

Which question is the Special one for this sentence?


*+What does the blood analysis usually reveal?

*Does blood analysis reveal leucocytosis?

*The blood analysis reveals leucocytosis, doesn’t it?

*Does sputum analysis reveal leucocytosis?

*The sputum analysis reveals leucocytosis, doesn’t it?



*!The blood analysis usually (to reveal) leucocytosis.

Which form of the verbs in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?






*will reveale



*!An emergency surgery is performed (to save) the patient.

Which form of the verbs in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?



*+to save


*will save

*has save



*!Emergency operative treatment greatly (to contribute) to the recovery.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?




*will contribute

*has contributed

*will be contributed



*!The main symptoms of this condition are vomiting, pain and tenderness … the abdomen.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!The cause of acute general purulent … is perforation of one of abdominal organs.

Which word is missed in this sentence?









*!The temperature is moderately elevated.

Which question is the General one to this sentence?


*+Is the temperature moderately elevated?

*What adjectives are used to “temperature”?

*The temperature is moderately elevated, isn’t it?

*Is the temperature moderately elevated or normal?

*The temperature isn’t moderately elevated, is it?



*!Acute general purulent peritonitis is caused by perforation … one of the abdominal organs.

Which prepositionis the proper one?









*!This condition (to be) extremely dangerous to the patient’s life.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?









*!One the most frequent causes of peritonitis (to be) perforating appendicitis.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?









*!Pain and tenderness in the abdomen occur due to the presence … fluid.

Which preposition is the proper one?









*!Antibiotic treatment greatly (to contribute) to the recovery.

Which form of the verb in brackets is the most suitable for this sentence?




*to be contribute

*will contribute

*has contributed



*!An examiner and a student.

An examiner: “What are the main symptoms of peritonitis?”

A student: …..

Which answer is the most suitable to this dialogue?


*+vomiting, pain in the abdomen

*fever, headache

*cough with sputum

*high temperature

*cough and dizziness



*!An examiner and a student.

An examiner: “What causes of peritonitis do you know?”

A student: …..

Which answer is the most suitable to this dialogue?


*fatty food



*+perforating appendicitis




*!An examiner and a student.

An examiner: “What is the treatment of peritonitis?”

A student: …..

Which answer is the most suitable to this dialogue?


*regular diet

*physical exercises

*fresh air

*bed regimen





*!One of the diseases of the liver and bile ducts is peritonitis. Peritonitis is known to be general or localized, acute or chronic, primary or secondary.

Which is the most suitable title to the passage?



*General peritonitis

*Acute peritonitis

*Chronic peritonitis

*+Types of peritonitis



*! Acute general purulent peritonitis is believed to be due to perforation of one of the hollow abdominal organs. The most frequent causes are perforating appendicitis, inflammatory conditions of the female sex organs and perforating gastric or duodenal ulcers.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*Purulent peritonitis

*Abdominal organs

*Inflammatory conditions

*+Causes of peritonitis

*Perforating appendicitis



*!The main symptoms of this condition are vomiting, pain and tenderness in the abdomen, it being considerably enlarged due to the presence of fluid there.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?






*+Symptoms of peritonitis



*!The temperature is known to be moderately elevated, the pulse rate being considerably changed. The blood analysis usually reveals leucocytosis.

What is the most suitable title to this passage?



*Blood analysis

*+Patient’s condition





*!During the operation the primary focus of peritonitis is to be removed, the danger for the patient being eliminated. Then a course of antibiotic treatment is administrated. It contributes to the patient’s recovery.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?





*Antibiotic treatment

*+Treatment for peritonitis



*!Primary peritonitis is caused by spreading infection from the blood and lymphatic nodes to the peritoneum. It usually occurs in people who have an accumulation of fluid in their abdomens. The fluid creates a good environment for the growth of bacteria.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?





*Lymphatic nodes

*+Causes of primary peritonitis



*!Secondary peritonitis is caused by entry of bacteria or enzymes into the peritoneum from the gastrointestinal tract. It can be caused by a rupture of the appendix or bleeding into the internal cavity.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*Entry of bacteria

*Rupture of appendix


*Gastrointestinal tract

*+Causes of secondary peritonitis



*!The main signs and symptoms of peritonitis are the following: tenderness in the abdomen, heart rates in the abdomen, fever, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, limited urine production.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*Nausea and vomiting

*Loss of appetite



*+Symptoms of peritonitis



*!Patients with peritonitis need in emergency medical aid. They must be hospitalized. Surgery is often necessary to remove the source of infection. Antibiotics are prescribed to control the infection.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?




*Source of infection

*Surgical operation

*+Treatment for peritonitis



*!Peritonitis is caused by the influence of infectious or chemical substances because of hit in the free abdominal region of gastric content, containing acid, bile, urine, blood.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?


*Gastric content


*Abdominal region

*Infectious substance

*+Causes of peritonitis



*!The most frequent reason of peritonitis is a perforation of hollow organ of gastrointestinal tract, because of that stomach or intestinal content and microflora get in an abdominal region, i.e. bacteria.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?





*Gastrointestinal tract

*+Causes of peritonitis



*!Peritonitis is extremely dangerous to the patient’s life, that is why urgent surgical operation is performed to save the patient. After that obligatory detoxication, antibiotic therapy, support of immunity is usually administered by the doctor.

Which is the most suitable title to this passage?




*Support of immunity

*Antibiotic therapy

*+Treatment for peritonitis
















*chronic gastric

*lobular pneumonia

*pulmonary tuberculosis

*+perforating appendicitis

*+perforating gastric ulcer

*+perforating duodenal ulcer









*pain in the heart

*+tenderness in the abdomen

















*+blood test

*+blood analysis

*sputum analysis



























*bile duct


*abdominal organ

*+the primary focus

*+the source of infection





*fatty food

*irregular diet

*physical exercises

*+antibiotic treatment

*smoking and alcohol

*+improving immunity










*+not constant





*a skin disease

*a heart disease

*an infectious disease

*+a gastrointestinal disease

*a disease of nervous system

*+a disease of abdominal cavity









*gastric juice

*foreign body










*maternity hospital








*+getting well


*patient’s death


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