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Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering

General description

The Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering (FHE) belonging to the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG) in its 66-year history is recognized as the unique authorized higher educational institution specialized in training of MSc engineers and post-graduate students (PhD) as well as awarding diplomas in the field of Water Supply and Sewage, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Hydraulic Engineering and Irrigation and Drainage Systems.

The FHE training reflects the dynamic changes in the water sector and it is a response to the social request of business and institutions and labour market demands. The FHE to the UACEG is a driving force for knowledge exchange between science and engineering practice which furthers the formation of well-trained contemporary specialists.

The subject “Water Supply and Sewage“ has two specialized degree programs – Water Supply and Sewage systems and Facilities” and “Water and Wastewater Treatment“. The subject “Hydraulic Engineering“ is specialized in the field of “Water-Power Stations and Derivative Systems” as well as “Hydraulic Structures”. The subject “Irrigation and Drainage Engineering” has two degree programs – “Irrigation Systems” and “Drainage Systems”

The education in the Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering includes a basic engineering training on all fundamental building-constructional disciplines. The obtained knowledge is a solid basis for specialized training in the field of water engineering and water technologies. For this reason the subject “Hydraulic Engineering“ is considered as one of the most wide-ranged building and constructional subjects in UACEG. The subject “Water Supply and Sewage” is the only one providing an engineering qualification in the area of “Water Environmental Engineering”.

The Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering is the unique academic institution for training reclamation engineers in the field of “Irrigation and Drainage Engineering” -water sector which is absolutely necessary for the contemporary agriculture.

The Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering has a rich laboratory basis (including equipments for computer literacy) for student practical training as well as for research activity in the area of water engineering and technologies.

The successful graduates find their professional realization at design, construction-assemblage and other companies having various activities in numerous fields of building and construction such as design, construction and operation of hydropower systems and structures, hydromeliorative systems and facilities, water supply and sewage systems and works, purification of natural water and waste water treatment (domestic and industrial wastes); solid wastes treatments, gas supplying of settlements and buildings.

The young specialists can find jobs in institutions of ecological control such as regional inspections of environmental conservation and water (RIOCW), river basin directorates and counsels, management structures in the corresponding departments and services of ministries, regional, town and municipal counsels, investment groups belonging to different companies and enterprises. The graduates can work as teachers in technical schools and lecturers in the UACEG, in research and control laboratories, research institutions, commercial firms and agencies with subject of activity mediation and commerce in the field of building, consulting companies, firms and expert departments, civil engineers in banks, insuring companies and institutions.

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