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Чтение как форма опосредованного межкультурного общения. Проблема типологии видов чтения.

Reading as a form of mediated intercultural communication. The problem typology of reading. The Importance of Effective Reading Skills. Reading skills serve as a foundation for writing. Developed and mastered, effective reading skills give people the opportunity to learn new information about the world, people, events, and places, enrich their vocabularies, and improve their writing skills.Reading enriches the inner world of a person, improves grammar and spelling.Through reading people learn to understand different ways of thinking and feelings of other people, become more flexible and open-minded.Avid readers not only read and write better than those who read less, but also process information faster. The research presented by the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology proves that poor readers have poorer short-memory functions.As a result, avid readers have a broader outlook, are quicker to analyze facts and find connections between seemingly unrelated ideas.A reader has better skills for comprehending, analyzing, understanding, responding, and, finally, learning from what he or she reads.

Тypology of reading. Text can be read in various ways according to the type of information which the reader

wishes to extract from the text. This section presents a number of these reading styles which

have been identified in the literature. These different styles can be used as building blocks

with which to develop a typology of reading. Lunzer (1979) distinguishes between four

different types of reading:

Receptive Reading. With this type of reading the reader receives a continuous piece of text in a manner which

can be considered as approximating listening behaviour. Comprehension of the text requires

some portion of the already read text to be held in working memory to allow integration of

meaning with the currently being read text.

Reflective Reading. This type of reading involves interruptions by moments of reflective thought about the

contents of the text.

Skim Reading. This is a rapid reading style which can be used for establishing a rough idea of the text. This

is useful in instances where the reader needs to decide whether the text will be useful to read

or to decide which parts to read.

Scanning. This is related to skimming but refers more specifically to searching the text to see whether a

particular piece of information is present or to locate a piece of information known to be in

the text.

1. The reading process is influenced by a number of other factors besides the purpose of the reading episode. One such factor is the type of text. Certain text types have typical reading goals associated with them and are written in a way to try and support these goals. As such, certain genres of text can be characterised by structural regularities. For example, newspapers have the major headlines at the front and the sports pages at the back. Many scientific journal articles come in the form: introduction, method, results, discussion. Text books have contents pages at the front and index pages at the back and are broken down into topic specific chapters. From these structural regularities, skilled readers develop schemata for different text types expository texts]. These schemata facilitate readers’ predictions about likely events or episodes in the text and thus can aid in the comprehension of the text. The reading of such texts involves the use of specialised strategies which guide encoding and recall on the basis of these well-defined structures

2. The reading process will also be affected by the level of complexity of the text. One might imagine that more difficult texts are read differently from easier ones. Intuitively it could be argued that re-reading parts of the text will be more frequent as complexity increases. This will be linked to navigation and manipulation processes. Memory load will also be higher which may lead to more disruptions with indirect interface characteristics. Redundancy of information is a further influencing factor. If a text contains much redundant information then the reader can read the text at a faster rate than would be possible with a more incomplete text. Incomplete texts require inferences to be made so as to fill in the gaps. This is cognitively more demanding. Thus. not only is reading slower in this situation but also arguably arguably more prone to disruption from poor interaction characteristics of the artifact.



16. Овладение техникой чтения. Методика обучения технике чтения на начальном этапе. Упражнения для поддержания и совершенствования технической стороны чтения на среднем и старших этапах обучения. Роль технических средств в обучении технике чтения на иностранном языке. Mastering the technique of reading. Methods of teaching techniques of reading at an early stage. Exercises to maintain and improve the technical side reading at the middle and upper stages of learning.The role of technical tools in learning the technique of reading in a foreign language.Language instructors are often frustrated by the fact that students do not automatically transfer the strategies they use when reading in their native language to reading in a language they are learning. Instead, they seem to think reading means starting at the beginning and going word by word, stopping to look up every unknown vocabulary item, until they reach the end. When they do this, students are relying exclusively on their linguistic knowledge, a bottom-up strategy. One of the most important functions of the language instructor, then, is to help students move past this idea and use top-down strategies as they do in their native language.Effective language instructors show students how they can adjust their reading behavior to deal with a variety of situations, types of input, and reading purposes. They help students develop a set of reading strategies and match appropriate strategies to each reading situation. Strategies that can help students read more quickly and effectively include.Previewing: reviewing titles, section headings, and photo captions to get a sense of the structure and content of a reading selection. Predicting: using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions about content and vocabulary and check comprehension; using knowledge of the text type and purpose to make predictions about discourse structure; using knowledge about the author to make predictions about writing style, vocabulary, and content. Skimming and scanning: using a quick survey of the text to get the main idea, identify text structure, confirm or question predictions. Guessing from context: using prior knowledge of the subject and the ideas in the text as clues to the meanings of unknown words, instead of stopping to look them up

Paraphrasing: stopping at the end of a section to check comprehension by restating the information and ideas in the text. Instructors can help students learn when and how to use reading strategies in several ways.

By modeling the strategies aloud, talking through the processes of previewing, predicting, skimming and scanning, and paraphrasing. This shows students how the strategies work and how much they can know about a text before they begin to read word by word.;By allowing time in class for group and individual previewing and predicting activities as preparation for in-class or out-of-class reading.



Allocating class time to these activities indicates their importance and value.;By using cloze (fill in the blank) exercises to review vocabulary items. This helps students learn to guess meaning from context.;By encouraging students to talk about what strategies they think will help them approach a reading assignment, and then talking after reading about what strategies they actually used. This helps students develop flexibility in their choice of strategies.

When language learners use reading strategies, they find that they can control the reading experience, and they gain confidence in their ability to read the language.

Reading to Learn

Reading is an essential part of language instruction at every level because it supports learning in multiple ways.

Reading to learn the language: Reading material is language input. By giving students a variety of materials to read, instructors provide multiple opportunities for students to absorb vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and discourse structure as they occur in authentic contexts. Students thus gain a more complete picture of the ways in which the elements of the language work together to convey meaning.

Reading for content information: Students' purpose for reading in their native language is often to obtain information about a subject they are studying, and this purpose can be useful in the language learning classroom as well. Reading for content information in the language classroom gives students both authentic reading material and an authentic purpose for reading.

Reading for cultural knowledge and awareness: Reading everyday materials that are designed for native speakers can give students insight into the lifestyles and worldviews of the people whose language they are studying. When students have access to newspapers, magazines, and Web sites, they are exposed to culture in all its variety, and monolithic cultural stereotypes begin to break down.

When reading to learn, students need to follow four basic steps:

· Figure out the purpose for reading. Activate background knowledge of the topic in order to predict or anticipate content and identify appropriate reading strategies.

· Attend to the parts of the text that are relevant to the identified purpose and ignore the rest. This selectivity enables students to focus on specific items in the input and reduces the amount of information they have to hold in short-term memory.

· Select strategies that are appropriate to the reading task and use them flexibly and interactively. Students' comprehension improves and their confidence increases when they use top-down and bottom-up skills simultaneously to construct meaning.

· Check comprehension while reading and when the reading task is completed. Monitoring comprehension helps students detect inconsistencies and comprehension failures, helping them learn to use alternate strategies.

Method 1.

The phonics method is probably the best known and widely used method to teach reading and writing in the English language. It relies on children being taught the alphabet first. They learn the names of the letters and the sounds they make. Once they have learnt the letter sounds they will begin to blend two letters together to make simple words then three letters, then four and so forth.

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