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Authorities and organizations in higher institutions in Russia

Вариант №4

Тема № 1: Высшее образование в России и за рубежом.

Authorities and organizations in higher institutions in Russia

The Ministry of Education is the central body of the federal executive authorities responsible for implementing state policy at all level of education.

At the regional level, the education management structure consists of the pertinent authorities: committees (departments or ministries) of education, public council organization and associations, etc. They define and execute regional educational policy.

The Subjects of the Federation is an organization, which is involved in co-ordination and budgeting of various kinds of institutions and education under regional jurisdiction.

The recent governmental reform brought in noticeable changes in the structure of the Cabinet. The Ministry of Education is now replaced by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The concrete structure and authorities of the newly established ministry are not finalized at the moment. However, it is stated that the Ministry will be responsible for policy elaboration while implementation of the strategy will be delegated to the federal agency with monitoring and control function assigned to the federal service.

The cohort of 655 state HEI is split into 572 federal institutions, 55 institutions established by regional authorities (oblasts) and the remaining under local / municipal authorities.

It should be noted that among the 572 federal institutions some are established by and administratively belong to different federal bodies. For example the State University - Moscow Institute of International Relations is under the Ministry of Foreign Affaires, the Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatics has been founded by the Ministry of Communication and Industry. And the Moscow State University is a unique institution as it financed directly from the federal budget.

However, as it was mentioned in the foreword, all issues related to the content of HEI programs should be agreed and handled in compliance with the governmental educational standards.

Задание 1.

1.1.Определите, является утверждение:

The Ministry of Education is the central body of the federal executive authorities.

a. истинным

b. ложным

c. в тексте нет информации

1.2.Определите, является утверждение:

At the regional level, the education management structure never defines and executes regional educational policy.

a. истинным

b. ложным

c. в тексте нет информации

1.3.Определите, является утверждение:

The newly established ministry develops its own policy for managing universities.

a. истинным

b. ложным

c. в тексте нет информации


Задание 2.

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) соответствует следующая информация:

The Moscow State University is a unique institution as it financed directly from the federal budget.


Задание 3.

Ответьте на вопрос:

What are the Subjects of the Federation?

a. institutions

b. organization

c. government


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