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Language proper Speech proper

Grammar in the systematic conception of language

Language - is a means of forming and storing ideas as reflections of reality and exchanging them in the process of human intercourse. Language incorporates 3 constituent parts which form a unity.

  • Phonological
  • Lexical
  • Grammatical systems

The grammatical system is studied by Grammar.

Language proper Speech proper

A system of means of expression The realization of the system of language

in the process of interaction


PR are relations based on the principles of similarity. They exist between the units that can substitute one another. A PINT OF MILK the word PINT is in paradigmatic relations with the words bottle, cup, etc. The article A can enter into PR with the units the, this, one, same, etc.

a) Semantic PR are based on the similarity of meaning: a book to read = a book for reading.

b) Formal PR are based on the similarity of forms. Such relations exist between the members of a paradigm: man – men; play – played – will play – is playing.

c) Functional PR are based on the similarity of function. They are established between the elements that can occur in the same position. For instance, noun determiners: a, the, this, his, Ann’s, some, each, etc.

PR are associated with the sphere of ‘language’.

A linguistic unit enters into syntagmatic relations with other units of the same level it occurs with. SR exist at every language level. E.g. in the word-group A PINT OF MILK the word PINT contrasts SR with A, OF, MILK; within the word PINT – P, I, N and T are in syntagmatic relations. SR are linear relations, that is why they are manifested in speech. They can be of three different types: coordinate, subordinate and predicative.

a) Coordinate SR exist between the homogeneous linguistic units that are equal in rank, that is, they are the relations of independence: you and me; They were tired but happy.

b) Subordinate SR are the relations of dependence when one linguistic unit depends on the other: teach + er – morphological level; a smart student – word-group level; predicative and subordinate clauses – sentence level.

c) Predicative SR are the relations of interdependence: primary and secondary predication. (The shop opens at 10 – primary; He saw her opening the shop – secondary)



2. The aim of practical grammaris the description of grammar rules that are necessary to understand and formulate sentences. The aim of theoretical grammar is to offer explanation for these rules. Generally speaking, theoretical grammar deals with the language as a functional system. The aim of theoretical grammar is to give a description of grammatical system that is to scientifically analyse and define its grammatical categories and study the grammatical information of utterances (высказывания) out of words in the process of speech – making.

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