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General characteristics of high school basic educational programme of higher professional education specialty 5B050700 - Management


For specialty




Almaty 2016

The document was prepared by the Department Economics and Business

Discussed and approved by the Department Economics and Business


Minutes №_______from «__»____________20___



Head of the department _______________________________ ShildibekovY.Zh.


Discussed and approved by the Scientific-Methodical Council


Minutes №_______from «__»____________20___


Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of SMC ___________________ Uskenbayeva R.K.



Head of the Department

of Academic and Methodological

Guidance ___________________ Rysbekova A.A.






1. Educational programme name: Management

2. Educational programme degree: bachelor degree

Educational programme passport

General provisions

The educational programme of specialty 5В050700 - Management (shortly - EP, programme), implemented by National Mandatory Standards of Higher Education (shortly - GOSO) that approved by Government Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 23.08.2012,no. 1080 and in accordance with amendmentsof Government Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 13.05.2016, no. 292. EP is the document system that developed and approved by the institution of higher education with labor market requirements based on GOSO, as well as the standard curriculum.

EP regulates the objectives, expected results, content, conditions and technologies of educational process, quality assessment of graduate training in this area of training and includes: curriculum, academic programs of educational courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials to ensure the quality of training students, as well as programs of educational and work experience, academic calendar schedule and training materials to ensure the implementation of appropriate educational technology.

3.2 Rules and Regulations for elaboration of Educational Programmein specialty 5В050700 –Management

The normative legal base of development of educational programmes specialty are consist from:

- Norms of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Education (with amendments and additions as of January 14, 2014);

- Model regulations on educational institution of higher professional education (higher education), approved by the RK Ministry of Education and Science dated January 23, 2008, no 26;

- National Mandatory Standards of Higher Education (shortly - GOSO) that approved by Government Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 23.08.2012,no. 1080 and in accordance with amendments of Government Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 13.05.2016, no. 292.


General characteristics of high school basic educational programme of higher professional education specialty 5B050700 - Management

The objective of EP

EP specialty5B050700 - Management seeks to develop students' personal qualities, as well as the knowledge and skills to meet the requirements of GOSO RK.

Mission of the EP - the formation of skills and personal qualities for competitive, creative and innovative thinking, able to implement their knowledge and skills of a new generation of specialists in the field of IT management in the domestic and international labor markets.

The overall objective of EP 5B050700 "Management" is its improvement in accordance with the vision, mission and strategy of the University aimed at training specialists in economics, competitive in the labor market that are in demand by modern enterprises and market structures.


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