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Suggested activities


a Choose the correct answers:


    What did Mr Schoolman tell Shayne? He told him that someone had stolen his wife's bag.
      He told him that he had stolen a bag.
      He told him that he had stolen the Montalba diamond.
    What was there in the bag? There was a piece of a letter in it.
      There was a piece of a newspaper in it.
      There was a piece of a galley proof in it.
    Who was Gentleman John? He was a private detective.
      He was a famous thief.
      He was the owner of the Splendide Hotel.
    Who could steal the diamond medallion, in Branson's opinion? It was Mrs Schoolman who could do that.
    It was Miss Lassalle who could do that.  
    It was Tarleton who could do that.  
  What did Branson learn answering the telephone? He learned that the medallion had been found.  
    He learned that Mr Schoolman had been murdered.  
    He learned that Tarleton had escaped from the hotel.  
  Whal was Schoolman doing when the blow was struck? He was trying to open the safe.  
    He was speaking on the phone.  
    He was typing.  
  Where was Tarleton at the moment of the He was in the Schoolmans' room.  
  murder? He was in his room.  
    He was in the lobby.  
  Who put the medallion into the safe? It was Alice Schoolman who did that.  
    It was Harold Schoolman who did that.  
    It was Tarleton who did that.  
  What did the symbols in the margin of the They meant the safe combination.  
  paper mean? They meant the time when the room would be vacant.  
    They meant both the safe combination and the time when the room would be vacant.  


b Say if you agree or disagree and support your point of view:


1 Mr Schoolman said that he had snatched his wife's evening bag because he was a cleptomaniac.

2 Alice Schoolman was very careful and she always used the chain not to lose her bag.

3 There were four persons close to the Duchess to steal the medallion.

4 Tarleton was known of always working alone.

5 When Schoolman and his wife were waiting for a taxi Tarleton was speaking on the phone in his room.

6 Tarleton and Alice Schoolman planned the robbery after they met each other at the hotel.

7 Alice Schoolman killed her husband because he had learned what the symbols in the margin meant.

8 The underlined words were camouflage to draw attention away from the four symbols in the margin.


с Paraphrase the following sentences in English:


1 This is the most upsetting experience in my life.

2 I want you to return the bag without publicity.

3 I'll nose downstairs.

4 A dame stumbled into the Duchess.

5 He got it right under my nose.

6 See what you make of the paper inside.

7 You ve got men on Tarleton.


d Translate the following sentences using these verbs: to teach, to beg, to shoulder, to mistake, to hold back, to mean, to own.


1 Я решил преподать ей урок.

2 Яувидел, что сумочка просто напрашивается на то, чтобы ее украли.

3 В этот момент какие-то люди протиснулись между нами.

4 Вы приняли другую женщину за вашу жену.

5 Она пыталась сдержать слезы.

6 О чем говорят вам эти цифры?

7 Герцогиня отрицает, что у нее есть подобная сумочка.


e Translate the following sentences using these nouns and adjectives: experience, sight, effect, wrong, mark, confusuon, eyes.


Это был самый досадный случай в моей жизни.

Япотерял ее из виду.

Я осуществил свой план.

Вы схватили не ту сумочку.

Он указал на пометки карандашом.

Произошел большой переполох.


f Think and answer:


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