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Поставь глагол в Present Simple или в Present Continuous, переведи предложения

1 We ____basketball every day. (play)

2 I ____chess now. (play)

3 You often ___your sister with her homework. (help)

4 She____ a shower in the morning. (take)

5 He____ at 12. (have dinner)


Билет № 19

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People in Great Britain like animals. There are hospitals which help wild animals. There are a lot of TV films about wildlife. They are very popular with children and their parents. A lot of British families have 'bird tables' in their gardens. Birds can eat from them during the winter months.

2.Переведи следующие слова на русский язык:

hall sing fine fall
lend hot modern doll
die eat win soup
porridge fridge Rich over
ground white leave cupboard

Выбери правильный вариант, переведи.

1) Last week the weather... fine. a) be b) were c) is d) was

2) Where... you yesterday? a) were b) was c) be d) are

3) Last year I... 11. a) were b) am c) be d) was

4) She... born in 1988. a) be b) is c) was d) are

5)... the age of five I could read. a) in b) at c) for d) on


Билет № 20

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My day.

I always get up at 7 o clock. I do my morning exercises and make my bed. Then I wash, clean my teeth and dress.

I have breakfast at 7.30.For breakfast I have bread, butter and a cup of tea.After breakfast I go to school. My lessons begin at 9 o’ clock. I have five lessons every day. At school I read, write, and draw.

After lessons I go home and have dinner. After dinner I go for a walk and play with my friends. Then I do my homework. In the evening I watch TV, play with my sister, and help my mother. I go to bed at ten o’ clock.

2.Переведи следующие слова на русский язык:

dirty hair sell invite
meat find ill month
meet brown live fly
learn garden lead behind
every dress fine money

3.Распределите глаголы в два столбика – правильные и неправильные, переведи

do live come visit want fly show buy skate have dance swim watch go clean be

give write help read become eat watch drink touch take keep open

Билет № 21

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Summer begins in June and lasts for three months: June, July, and August. Summer is the hot season. The weather is warm and sunny. July is the warmest month of the year. The sun is hot. Many people go to the sea. School children have their holidays.

They run, jump and play games. There are a lot of fruit in summer: apples, pears, grapes. I like summer.

2.Переведи следующие слова на русский язык:

those shop east after
know sit weekend noisy
already honey keep slow
vegetables forget socks trip
swim high year get

Выбери правильный вариант, переведи.

1) Did you go to school yesterday?

a) I go b) Yes, I go. c) I went d) Yes, I went

2) What did she do last Sunday?

a) She played computer games. b) She play computer games c) Yes, she did. d) Yes, she do.

3) Did you read a book last week?

a) No, didn`t I b) No, I not read c) Yes, I read. d) No, I didn`t.

4) Where was... born?

a) you b) they c) his d) she

5) Every day I go... school.

in b) at c) - d) to


Билет № 22

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After School.

Nick`s lessons finish at 2 o`clock. His house is near the school. He comes home at 2.15. He has dinner and goes to walk. He has many friends. In winter they play hockey, in summer they play football. At 5 o`clock he does his homework. In the evening he watches TV or reads books. He goes to bed at 10.

2.Переведи следующие слова на русский язык:

these sugar have bad
yet often speak go
low give too flower
hear west at young
monument grow third wall

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