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Read the text and complete sentences 1-8 with appropriate words from the text

Hybrid Cars: Common Maintenance Issues

Electric and hybrid cars have been under some hard scrutiny since their introduction to the market several years ago. Some of the claims critics have made against hybrids and electrics deal with parts and maintenance. It is true that these cars require some special care, but for the most part, naysayers2 have met their match with reliable vehicles that can go many years without needing any serious maintenance.

Since hybrids have the components of a regular gas engine along with their electric aspects, they do require the same routine maintenance as any other gas vehicle. This includes the changing of air filters and oil. However, the oil does not need to be changed in a hybrid at the same interval as its pure gas counterpart. This is because the electric side of the car takes some of the load off of the engine. Like the oil, brake pads of a hybrid car need to be changed less frequently. This is because of the regenerative braking properties of these cars. All other engine maintenance is much like that for any other car.

The battery and other elements of the hybrid car engine that allow the transfer of power between the gas engine and the electric battery can be expensive to fix or replace in cases where damage or a defect arises. In these cases, owners should check for any service bulletins released by the carmaker to determine if a particular repair is covered by a general recall or service issue identified by a lot of owners. Owners should also take the time to report any regular concerns or repairs in order for the carmaker to document any patterns or trends.

The hybrid design combines a high-efficiency gas motor with an electric motor on the same drivetrain1. Independently, electric drive and gasoline drive vehicles have a range of advantages and disadvantages. By combining both of these in one package, a hybrid vehicle is able to garner the benefits of each option. The gasoline motor is just as functional as in a normal vehicle and runs like the engine in any comparable conventional car. Hybrid cars are often able to use motors with a smaller displacement (engine size) than a conventional car, because of the addition of the electric drive system. The electric motor can function as a "helper" to the gas motor; when the vehicle needs extra power the electric motor activates and helps drive the car.

There are quite a few benefits to using a hybrid drive system. A hybrid car is able to use electric power to operate which is much more efficient. However, it can also use gas power when necessary. One of the biggest downsides of an all-electric vehicle has to do with range; since the batteries act as the car's "gas tank" once the power in the batteries has discharged, the car can't be driven until they have been refilled. The recharging process can take hours, and that's inconvenient for long trips.

The hybrid can operate on gas alone, which means the car has two "gas tanks," the batteries that power the electric drive system, and the conventional gas that fuels the gasoline engine. Hybrids are also able to save power other ways by using systems like regenerative braking. This is one of the reasons that hybrids are able to achieve such excellent gas mileage in city driving conditions. Regenerative braking systems harvest the energy that it takes to stop the car once it is moving. In a normal car all this energy is wasted as heat, but in a hybrid it is stored in the battery as power for the electric drive system.

Diagnosing problems with a hybrid car is no different than diagnosing problems with a traditional internal combustion vehicle.

Being aware of how the vehicle normally sounds and handles gives the driver an awareness of what is normal for the hybrid car. When changes or deviations from the norm start to occur, this may be indicative of a potential or existing problem that needs to be addressed by a mechanic or vehicle service professional.

The best way to diagnose any potential problems with your hybrid car is to listen to it. When starting it up, is there coughing or sputtering or weird noises? These could be signs of issues with the ignition or combustion or some other engine problem that needs to be addressed by a mechanic.

Without fail, you should take your hybrid car to a mechanic for regular, routine check-ups. This will allow your mechanic to maintain a schedule of what repairs have been done as well as note any changes or situations that arise. Keeping a routine of repairs is clearly the best way to diagnose problems and maintain your car in order to avoid a costly repair down the road.

1) drivetrain ['drīvˌtrān] the system in a motor vehicle that connects the transmission to the drive axles

2) naysay ['neɪˌseɪ] заперечувати; відкидати; бути проти;

- say no to; deny or oppose

1. Some of the claims critics have made _________ hybrids and electrics deal with parts and maintenance.

2. However, the oil does not need to be _______ in a hybrid at the same interval as its pure gas counterpart.

3. Brake pads of a hybrid car need to be changed less ________.

4. Owners should also take the time to report any regular concerns or _________ in order for the carmaker to document any patterns or trends.

5. Independently, electric _________ and gasoline drive vehicles have a range of advantages and disadvantages.

6. There are quite a few __________ to using a hybrid drive system.

7. _______ are also able to save power other ways by using systems like regenerative braking.

8. The best way to _________ any potential problems with your hybrid car is to listen to it.

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