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Ахметбекова А.М.


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Теоретическая грамматика и фонетика (английский язык)

1. The word “grammar” goes back to:

A) a Greek word

B) a Latin word

C) a French word

D) an English word

E) a German word


2. Language is a system of signs, i.e,:

A) sounds, words, phrases, sentences

B) morphemes, lexemes, phrasemes, proposemes

C) phonemes, morphemes, lexemes, phrasemes

D) vocabulary, grammar, phonetics

E) sounds and phonemes

Верный ответ: А


3. Morpheme is:

A) the lowest meaningful unit

B) a syllable of a word

C) a nominative unit of language

D) a polynominative unit of language

E) a word


4. Word is:

A) a nominative unit of language

B) the main communicative unit

C) the lowest meaningful unit

D) the dependent syntactic unit

E) a word-group


5. Sentence is:

A) the main communicative unit

B) the lowest meaningful unit

C) the dependent syntactic unit

D) a nominative unit of language

E) a text


6. The ordered set of grammatical forms in a category constitutes:

A) a paradigm

B) a sentence

C) an opposition

D) a grammatical meaning

E) a syntactic syntagma


7. The combination of two words or word-groups one of which is modified by the other is …

A) a syntactic syntagma

B) a sentence

C) an opposition

D) a grammatical meaning

E) a paradigm


8. Inner inflexion, outer inflexion, suppletivity are the bases of:

A) synthetical grammatical forms

B) analytical grammatical forms

C) sentences

D) synthetical and analytical grammatical forms

E) none of these forms


9. A combination of an auxiliary word with a basic word which expresses some grammatical meaning is:

A) analytical grammatical forms

B) synthetical and analytical grammatical forms

C) sentences

D) synthetical grammatical forms

E) none of these forms


10. How many constituents does a language have?

A) 3

B) 2

C) 4

D) 5

E) 6


11. The grammatical system of language presents:

A) the whole set of regularities determining the combination of nominative units in the formation of utterances

B) the material (phonetic) form of its significative units

C) the whole set of nominative means of language (words and stable word-groups)

D) an analitical grammatical form

E) a synthetical grammatical form


12. The word combines in its semantic structure two meanings:

A) lexical and grammatical

B) synonymic and antonymic

C) formal and informal

D) native and borrowed

E) semantic and semasiological


13. What grammatical meaning is always marked morphologically? (It has its marker.)

A) explicit

B) implicit

C) general

D) dependent

E) transitive


14. A system of expressing a generalized grammatical meaning by means of paradigmatic correlation of grammatical forms is called:

A) a grammatical category

B) a syntagma

C) an opposition

D) a paradigm

E) a sentence


15. The paradigmatic correlations of grammatical forms in a category are exposed by:

A) the grammatical opposition

B) grammatical relations

C) grammatical meaning

D) a pair of forms

E) the sentence


16. To notional parts of speech belong:

A) noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb, adverb

B) preposition, interjection, verb, adverb

C) article, particle, noun, numeral, verb

D) noun, conjunction, adjective, pronoun, numeral

E) article, adjective, preposition, interjection


17. To functional parts of speech belong:

A) article, particle, preposition, conjunction, modal word, interjection

B) article, preposition, conjunction, particle, pronoun

C) adverb, interjection, modal word, particle

D) adverb, pronoun, verb, conjunction, particle

E) article, adjective, preposition, interjection


18. The … as a part of speech is a word expressing thingness in the widest sense of the word.

A) noun

B) verb

C) adjective

D) pronoun

E) adverb

19. The noun has the categorial meaning of …

A) ‘substance’ or ‘thingness’

B) ‘action’ or ‘movement’

C) ‘action’ or ‘substance’

D) ‘thingness’ or ‘action’

E) ‘substance’ or ‘quality’


20. The … performs the central part in the expression of the predicative functions in the sentence, establishing the connection between the situation and the objective reality.

A) verb

B) adjective

C) noun

D) adverb

E) pronoun


21. The general categorical meaning of the verb is …

A) not only process developing in time, but it also includes states or forms of existence

B) a process developing in time only

C) to denote states or forms of existence

D) not a process developing in time

E) combination with an adverb as the modifier of the action


22. In modern linguistics parts of speech are discriminated on the basis of the following criteria:

A) meaning, form, function

B) position, form, meaning

C) position, meaning, function

D) form, meaning

E) meaning and function


23. Words of complete nominative meaning characterized by self-dependent functions in the sentence are referred to as:

A) notional parts

B) functional parts of speech

C) meaningless

D) unchangeable

E) prepositions


24. Words of incomplete nominative meaning characterized by non-selfdependent, mediatory functions in the sentence are referred to as:

A) functional parts of speech

B) notional parts of speech

C) changeable

D) meaningless

E) nouns


25. The grammatical category expressing the relation of the action denoted by the verb to the moment of speech is referred to as:

A) tense

B) mood

C) voice

D aspect

E) person-number


26. The grammatical category reflecting the inherent mode of the realization of the process irrespective of its timing is referred as:

A) aspect

B) tense

C) mood

D) voice

E) person-number


27. The grammatical category of the verb showing the direction of the processes regards the participants of the situation reflected in a syntactic construction is the category of:

A) voice

B) aspect

C) mood

D) tense

E) person-number


28. How many approaches are there to the problem of parts of speech?

A) 4

B) 2

C) 3

D) 5

E) 6


29. What approach to the problem of parts of speech is based on Latin grammar?

A) Classical

B) Functional

C) Complex

D) Distributional

E) Declinable


30. Who was the author of a functional approach to the problem of parts of speech?

A) H. Sweet

B) L. Sapir

C) C. Fries

D) A. Mayer

E) N. Chomsky


31. What approach to the parts of speech classification can be illustrated by the classification introduced by Charles Fries:

A) Distributional

B) Functional

C) Complex

D) Classical

E) Declinable


32. The immanent morphological category of the noun manifested in the forms of noun declension and showing the relations of the nounal referent to their objects and phenomena is the category of:

A) case

B) number

C) gender

D) article determination

E) tense


33. The category of gender of nouns is expressed in English by:

A) the correlation with personal pronouns of the third person

B) the suffix "-ess"

C) the suffix "-er"

D) analytical forms

E) synthetical forms


34. The opposition of the plural form of the noun to the singular form of the noun expresses the grammatical category of:

A) number

B) case

C) gender

D) article determination

E) tense


35. According to the functional classification to blackmail belongs to the following type:

A) composite

B) simple

C) expanded

D) sound-replacive

E) phrasal


36. What part of speech has the categorial meaning of property (qualitative and relative)?

A) the adjective

B) the adverb

C) the noun

D) the verb

E) the preposition


37. The … has the categorial meaning of the property of process or another property.

A) adverb

B) noun

C) verb

D) adjective

E) pronoun


38. The … has the categorial meaning of indication (deixis).

A) pronoun

B) adverb

C) noun

D) verb

E) preposition


39. What is a sentence?

A) the basic unit of syntax

B) the basic unit of grammar

C) the basic unit of phonetics

D) the basic unit of lexicology

E) the basic unit of language history


40. The interrogative sentence expresses …

A) a question, i.e. a request for information

B) a statement either affirmative or negative

C) ether affirmative or negative inducement

D) constitutes a special type belonging to the first three types at the same time

E) feelings and emotions of a speaker


41. The declarative sentence expresses …

A) a statement either affirmative or negative

B) a question, i.e. a request for information

C) ether affirmative or negative inducement

D) constitutes a special type belonging to the first three types at the same time

E) feelings and emotions of a speaker


42. The imperative sentence expresses …

A) ether affirmative or negative inducement

B) a question, i.e. a request for information

C) a statement either affirmative or negative

D) constitutes a special type belonging to the first three types at the same time

E) feelings and emotions of a speaker


43. According to the structure, sentences are distinguished into …

A) simple and composite

B) simple and complicated

C) complex and plain

D) complex and composite

E) complicated and plain


44. A sentence in which one predicative line is expressed. It is called as monopredicative, or:

A) simple

B) compound

C) polypredicative

D) complex

E) composite


45. A sentence containing at least two coordinate clauses:

A) compound

B) complex

C) polypredicative

D) composite

E) simple


46. Composite sentences (compound or complex) combined with the help of conjunctions are called:

A) syndetic

B) asyndetic

C) non-conjunctional

D) formal

E) prepositional


47. What are the level units of the syntactical level?

A) word-group and sentence

B) word and morpheme

C) morpheme and phoneme

D) word and sentence

E) phoneme and word


48. This syntactic theory was introduced by John Austin. According to this theory an utterance can be said with different intentions or purposes and therefore can influence the speaker and situation in different ways.

A) Speech Act Theory

B) Textlinguistics

C) Discourse Analysis

D) Constructional Syntax

E) Communicative Syntax


49. Syntagmatic relations of interdependence:

A) Predication

B) Subordination

C) Coordination

D) Primary Predication

E) Agreement


50. Syntagmatic relations of dependence:

A) Subordination

B) Coordination

C) Predication

D) Primary Predication

E) Agreement


51. Phonetics is an independent branch of:

A) Linguistics

B) Lexicology

C) Stylistics

D) Grammar

E) Logic


52. The unit of phonology is:

A) a phoneme

B) a sound

C) a morpheme

D) a syllable

E) a word


53. Allophones are:

A) variants of phonemes

B) phonemes themselves

C) morphemes

D) non-distinctive sounds

E) any sounds


54. A syllable which ends in a vowel sound is called:

A) open

B) closed

C) covered

D) uncovered

E) neutral


55. Intensity, duration and time are:

A) physical properties of speech sounds

B) branches of phonetics

C) components of intonation

D) aspects of phonetics

E) types of speech sounds


56. A syllable which ends in a consonant is:

A) closed

B) open

C) covered

D) uncovered

E) neutral


57. What are the dialects?

A) varieties that are spoken by social limited member of people and used in localities

B) functional or social aspects

C) distinctive and similar functions

D) psychological mechanism

E) language


58. Every dialect has some peculiarities in …

A) pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar

B) morphemes

C) letters

D) information

E) speaking mechanisms


59. The dialect is spoken by the less educated part of Londoners

A) Cockney

B) Scouse

C) Geordie

D) Cornish

E) Gallic


60. This is the dialect of Liverpool …

A) Scouse

B) Cockney

C) Geordie

D) Cornish

E) Gallic


61. Standard national pronunciation is sometimes called …

A) orthoepic norm

B) literary norm

C) dialectal variant

D) regional pronunciation

E) national pronunciation


62. What is RP?

A) Received Pronunciation

B) Regional Peculiarities

C) Royal Part

D) Regional Pronunciation

E) Rare Part


63. Dialectal differences are becoming less marked due to …

A) mass media, increased mobility of the population, concentration of the population in cities, political and social changes

B) increased mobility of the population

C) concentration of the population in cities

D) mass media

E) political and social changes


64. It is common knowledge that … has its national pronunciation standard.

A) the literary spoken form

B) dialect

C) language

D) dialectal spoken form

E) ethnic spoken form


65. RP is spoken by …

A) a comparatively small number of English people

B) a lot of English people

C) all English people

D) less educated English people

E) immigrants


66. According to the work of the vocal cords and the force of exhalation consonants are divided into:

A) voiced and voiceless

B) occlusive and nasal

C) constrictive and fricative

D) plosives and affricates

E) close and open


67. The first linguist who found a new branch of phonetics as phonology was:

A) I.A. Beudoin de Courtney

B) D.Jones

C) V.A.Vassiliev

D) L.V. Scherba

E) L.Palmer


68. What do speech mechanisms produce?

A) speech sounds

B) vowels

C) speech organs

D) consonants

E) speech styles


69. Prof. Shcherba’s syllabic theory is known as:

A) muscular tension theory

B) loudness theory

C) sonority theory

D) expiratory theory

E) historical


70. In English there are 4 types of syllables. What are they?

A) open, closed, covered, uncovered

B) open, closed, wide, narrow

C) covered, uncovered, wide, narrow

D) long, short, wide, narrow

E) open, closed, long, short


71. The sound /æ/ is produced in the:

A) front part of the tongue

В) back part of the tongue

C) middle part of the tongue

D) front-retracted part of the tongue

E) back-advanced part of the tongue


72. A syllable which begins in a vowel is called:

A) uncovered

B) open

C) covered

D) closed

E) free


73. What is a syllable?

A) the smallest phonetic group

B) intonation

C) phonetic style

D) structure of English words

E) the smallest phonostylistic group


74. Find the diphthong:

A) [əu]

B) [iː]

C) [ə]

D) [ɪ]

E) [ɔ]


75. What are the functions of a syllable?

A) constitutive and distinctive

B) phonostylistical and stylistical

C) constitutive and intonation

D) distinctive and phonetically

E) phonetically and intonation


76. The Standard pronunciation of the USA is:

A) General American English

B) Eastern American English

C) Southern American English

D) Received Pronunciation

E) Northern type of pronunciation


77. … studies the sound system of the language.

A) Phonetics

B) Grammar

C) Stylistics

D) Lexicology

E) Phonology


78. The sound /ə/ is produced in the:

A) middle part of the tongue

В) back part of the tongue

C) front part of the tongue

D) front-retracted part of the tongue

E) back-advanced part of the tongue


79. Dialect in Cornwall is called:

A) Cornish

B) Cockney

C) Scouse

D) Geordie

E) Scottish


80. A syllable which ends in a vowel is:

A) open

B) closed

C) covered

D) uncovered

E) neutral


81. Speech sounds which are not capable of forming a syllable are called:

A) non-syllabic

B) syllabic

C) sonorous

D) open

E) closed


82. Between which types of pronunciation should we choose when teaching English as a second language?

A) Received Pronunciation (R.P.) and General American (G.A.)

B) Scottish pronunciation and G.A.

C) Eastern American and R.P.

D) Southern American and G.A.

E) Northern English and Eastern American


83. It is a close front vowel which is produced when the front of the tongue is the highest part, and is near the roof of the mouth:

A) /і:/

B) /u:/

C) /ə/

D) /ɒ/

E) /æ/


84. What is the general impression of American intonation?

A) it is rather monotonous

B) very emotional

C) fall-rise and rise-fall are often used

D) very fast

E) very slow


85. A syllable which begins in a consonant is called:

A) covered

B) open

C) uncovered

D) closed

E) free


86. Prof. Jesperson’s theory is called:

A) sonority theory

B) expiratory theory

C) muscular tension-theory

D) loudness

E) functional


87. According to this theory each syllable corresponds to one expiration, a word consists of as many syllables as there are such expirations made when the word is uttered:

A) expiratory theory

B) muscular tension theory

C) sonority

D) loudness

E) historical


88. According to this theory the mechanism of syllable formation and division in the pronunciation of Russian Language may serve as a basis for the general theory of syllables. With the help of different techniques it was found out that a syllable is formed by pharyngeal cavity:

A) loudness theory

B) muscular tension theory

C) expiratory theory

D) sonority theory

E) historical


89. Phonetics is connected with non-linguistic sciences:

A) physiology

B) mathematics

C) geography

D) geometry

E) none of them


90. The pronunciation of the following words: dance /da:ns/, sum /sum/, love /luv/, man /man/ belongs to:

A) Northern English


C) Standard Scottish


E) Eastern American


91. According to the place of articulation such consonant phonemes as /t/ and /d/ are:

A) alveolar

B) bilabial

C) dental

D) palatal

E) velar


92. According to the place of articulation such consonant phonemes as /k/ and /g/ are:

A) velar

B) bilabial

C) dental

D) palatal

E) alveolar


93. Rhythmical sound waves are perceived by people as …

A) vowels

B) consonants

C) sonorants

D) affricates

E) occlusive


94. … is primarily concerned with how we interpret and systemize sounds.

A) Phonology

B) Linguistic / psychological level

C) An allophone

D) The chain of events

E) The process of speech production


95. The aim of the phonological analysis is …

A) to establish distinctive differences between sounds

B) to distinguish the meanings

C) to teach a foreign language to any type of learner

D) to show considerable phonetic differences

E) to consider the methods applied in investigating the sound matter of the language


96. According to the place of articulation such consonant phonemes as /p/ and /b/ are:

A) bilabial

B) alveolar

C) dental

D) palatal

E) velar


97. There are … consonants in English.

A) 24

B) 23

C) 22

D) 25

E) 21


98. … is a powerful means of communication. It has a great potential for expressing ideas and emotions.

A) Intonation

B) Vowel

C) Rhythm

D) Notation

E) Sound


99. … is the rate, or duration of speech.

A) Tempo

B) Rhythm

C) Pause

D) Pitch

E) Intonation


100. … is closely connected with stress.

A) Rhythm

B) Tempo

C) Pause

D) Pitch

E) Intonation

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Демократия и бюрократия в государственном управлении 278 | VIII. Клиническая картина

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