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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Task 1. Match the situations in the left column with the name of the job or profession in the right column

My University

Task 1. School and University. Fill in the table with the italicized words. What are the words that suit both types of education?

Teacher, pupil, student, professor, lecturer, headmaster, tutor, undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, class, lesson, form, session, workshop, lecture, seminar, school trip, campus, lecture hall, dormitory, playground, sports ground, stadium, library, canteen.

  University School
Facilities/ Places    


Task 2. Read and translate the following text. Give its written summary.

My Institute

Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical institute was established in 1930 as a higher educational institution for training of teachers in mathematics, physics, history, political economy, the Ukrainian and Russian languages and literature. Now the institute is part of Kryvyi Rih National University, which is one of the largest universities in the country for full-time students and it has hundreds of part-time students.

The institute itself consists of nine departments: Physics and Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry, Industry and Pedagogics, Geography and tourism, History, Fine Art and Design, Music and Choreography, Primary schooling, Philology and Foreign Languages departments. It also comprises Nikopol and Zhovti Vody Teacher’s Training colleges which have been incorporated into the institute since 1997.

The reputation of the academic staff at the institute is high, numbering many professors, lecturers and assistants. The members of the academic community at the institute are well-known, not only in this country, but also abroad for their academic activity and their valuable contributions to government and departmental committees. They often act as members of professional bodies at both national and international levels.

The institute occupies five buildings with many lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories and workshops, computer centres with well-equipped computer classes. There are several libraries and reading halls where our students usually prepare their homework and read up for their classes and examinations. The students of the institute are provided with hostels, sports and recreation facilities. They have free access to medical assistance.

Students are admitted to the institute on the basis of their results on an independent testing or sometimes after the entrance examinations. Those who failed their exams can be admitted after paying necessary fees. Training is based on scientific principles: lectures and theory are combined with practical classes in every subject. Senior students major in those subjects which are essential for their future activity. During their academic years students study the main social, economical, educational and basic subjects, such as history, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, methods of teaching, pedagogics, psychology, philosophy, and one of the foreign languages. During their senior year students pay more attention to studying the subjects closely connected with their future specialities and teacher’s activities.

Students do not only study, they take an active part in doing research in different students’ scientific societies; they participate in the social life of the institute; they go in for various kinds of sports and take part in amateur art activities. The fourth year of studying is devoted to practical training and to the work on the graduation thesis. After successfully presenting their graduation thesis and sitting for the state examinations, students receive diplomas which qualify them to work in the field they have been trained for/ They are awarded with Bachelor’s Degree. Further study or research is required for their first post-graduate Master’s Degree. Many great names associated with the development of science, arts and pedagogy in this country are part of the institute’s inheritance. Amongst the alumni of the institute are the famous Ukrainian authors Pavlo Hlazovyi and Panas Nohin.


Task 3.. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions from the text.


Вступні іспити, провалитися на іспитах, бути зарахованим, навчання, вищий навчальний заклад, присуджується ступень бакалавра, бути заснованим, міжнародний рівень, дипломна робота, студент денного відділення, брати участь у художній самодіяльності, студент заочного відділення, технічне креслення, факультет, державні іспити, незалежне оцінювання, викладацький склад, педагогічний коледж, гуманітарні науки, відомий письменник, добре обладнаний комп’ютерний клас, наукове товариство, професійна комісія, лекційна аудиторія, працювати у галузі, плата за навчання, майстерня, готуватися до іспитів, надається гуртожиток, вільний доступ, медична допомога, лабораторія, спеціалізуватися, старшокурсник, нарисна геометрія, добре відомий за кордоном, майбутня спеціальність, проводити дослідницьку роботу, подальше навчання, умови для занять спортом і відпочинку, ступень магістра, займатися спортом, розвиток науки, спадщина, випускник інституту чи університету.


Task 4.. Answer the following questions about yourself.


1.What education have you already received?

2. What education will you receive upon graduating from the institute?

3.What degree will you get?

4. What do you study?

5. What will your future speciality be? Do you like it?

6. What subjects do you study? What is your favourite one?

7. What kinds of classes do you have at the institute?

8. Are foreign languages a part of the curriculum?

9. Do you participate in the social life of the institute?

10. Are you going to take a post-graduate course? Why?

11. Would you like to study abroad? Where?

12. Is it difficult for people without higher education to get a good job where you live?


Task 5. Speak about your institute.



a) a surgeon b) a lawyer c)a dentist d) a mechanic e)a fireman f) a psychologist g)a barber/ hairdresser h) a shop assistant i) an accountant j) an electrician k) a policeman

Task 1. Match the situations in the left column with the name of the job or profession in the right column

1)filling has come out of one of your teeth

2) you need to have your hair cut

3) you need legal advice

4) your house is on fire

5) your granny's knee needs an operation

6) in the shop you want advice on what sort

7) a of coffee to buy

8) all the lights in your house have gone out

9) your neighbour's flat has been burgled

10) you don't get on well with your parents

11) you father needs somebody to help his

firm with money problems

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