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Recent Years’ Modifications

TTCSP is committed to increasing the quality and representativeness of the Index every year we conduct the survey. Since 2010, hundreds of expert panelists have participated in an evaluation of the ranking criteria and nominations and indexing processes. As a result, the Index has undergone a number of major changes designed to limit bias, expand the rankings’ representativeness, and improve the overall quality and integrity of the nomination process. The following modifications have been made to the Index over the last several years:

· In 2010, a ranking list for think tanks with an annual budget of less than five million U.S. dollars was created. This category helps to recognize the work of smaller think tanks that produce influential research, but might otherwise be edged out in the rankings by think tanks with larger budgets and greater manpower.


· American think tanks were removed from the global ranking in an effort to improve the visibility of global organizations, and recognize the inherent advantages of American think tanks.



· The methodology was revamped to encompass an open nominations process in which all 6,480 think tanks identified by the TTCSP at that time were invited to submit nominations. This replaced a system where the Expert Panels developed the initial slate of institutions. The change dramatically increased the levels of participation, and greatly improved the quality and representativeness of nominated institutions.


· An outreach effort was launched in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to improve the Index’s inclusivity.


· The Latin America category was restructured into two categories: “Top Think Tanks in Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean” and “Top Think Tanks in Central and South America.”

· The Latin America categories were further refined into: “Top Think Tanks in Mexico and Canada” and “Top Think Tanks in Central and South America.”


· The Asia category underwent revisions in order to prevent the group’s domination by China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. The Asia section was divided into two categories: “Top Think Tanks in China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea” and “Top Think Tanks in Asia (excluding China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea).”



· Five new special achievement categories were created: “Best Advocacy Campaign,” “Best Policy Produced by a Think Tank 2011-2012,” “Best For-Profit Think Tanks,” “Top Energy and Resource Policy Think Tank,” and “Top Education Policy Think Tanks.” This expansion aimed to better recognize the diverse range of issues think tanks address, and the new organizational types that have emerged over the past five years.


· To increase inclusivity, the Asia categories were further subdivided into three categories: “Top Think Tanks in Asia and the Pacific (Excluding China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea,” “Top Think Tanks in China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea,” and “Top Think Tanks in Central Asia.”


· The “Top Security and International Affairs Think Tanks” category was divided into “Top Defense and National Security Think Tanks” and “Top Foreign Policy and International Affairs Think Tanks.”



· Eight new special achievement categories were added: “Think Tank to Watch,” “Best Use of Social Networks,” “Best Institutional Collaboration Involving Two or More Think Tanks,” “Best Think Tank Network,” “Best Think Tank Conference,” “Best Managed Think Tank,” “Best New Idea or Paradigm Developed by a Think Tank,” and “Best Trans disciplinary Research Program at a Think Tank.”


· To amend anomalies that are present in the 2013 Global Go To Index, some of the regional categories have been reorganized according to countries geographic location.

The Central Asia category underwent revisions and will consist only of think tanks from Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Turkish think tanks will remain in the Middle East and North Africa category, as will Cypriot ones – despite Cyprus’ status as an EU member state. Think tanks from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Pakistan will be ranked in the Asia and the Pacific category. The Central and Eastern Europe category will include Russian think tanks and also think tanks from those countries that lie between Turkey and Russia in the east and Sweden, Germany, Austria, and Italy in the west.

· The “Top Health Policy Think Tanks” category was subdivided into the “Tope Global Health Policy Think Tanks” and “Top Domestic Health Policy Think Tanks” categories so as to better reflect the fact that there are two distinct areas of focus in the field of health policy.

· Three new categories were added to the 2015 Global Go To Index: “Best Regional Studies Policy Research Think Tank (University Affiliated)”, “Best Regional Studies Policy Research Center (Free Standing, Not University Affiliated)”, “Think Tank with the Best Practices (Policies and Procedures) to Assure the Quality, Independence and Integrity of its Policy Research”.



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