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Spring and labour holiday -1 May

Russia celebrates this holiday along with another 141 countries. In Russia it became an official holiday after the October Revolution of 1917. Since then 1 May demonstrations have been held annually all over the country by workers who fly banners with various slogans. After the fall of the Soviet Union such demonstrations stopped but in the 21st century they started to be held once more, but of a more political nature with various political parties of all spectra holding rallies on this day. Although it is far from a political holiday for many and most people still prefer to go to their dacha or otherwise relax on what is usually the first warm and sunny day-off of the year.


Victory Day is one of the biggest and most spectacular holidays in Russia. The Second World War, or the Great Patriotic War as it is known in Russia, affected practically every Russian family. Today people will recollect how their father, grandfather or great-grandfather reached Berlin, or how a relative was killed in action or perished at the hands of the Nazis. The exact number of Soviet deaths during the war is unknown but it is thought to be over 26 million. Therefore it is no surprise that Victory Day remains an important day here and is commemorated with military parades, fireworks and the laying of flowers on war graves. It is a time for remembrance but also celebration and the remaining veterans put on their medals and walk with pride as the younger generations give them flowers and show their respect. Many also mark the occasion with their families by telling war stories and singing war songs.



There are many holidays in Russia. But the most popular is New Year. Nowadays we celebrate it on January 1. Though it was not always. I want to tell you about history this holiday in our country. Before 1700 Russian people celebrated New Year on September 1. But Peter first decided to celebrate New Year on January 1 like in Europe. People decorated fir branches with fruits, vegetables, nuts and sweets. Moreover everyone made delicious food. Kings liked to celebrate the New Year and organized a huge celebration and masquerades. In 19th century a government set a Christmas tree in the central square. At the same time there was a tradition to drink champagne. I want to add that there was time when New Year wasn’t celebrated. It was after revolution from 1919 to 1935.
But in 1935 Russian people started to celebrate New Year again. At this time, returned the traditions that we all appreciate and love: to decorate the Christmas tree, drinking champagne, set a table, give each other gifts. There was a new and delicious custom: to prepare for the New Year salad Olivier. It was during these years appeared two main characters Father Frost and Snow Maiden.
Today we keep these traditions and add new ones. People decorate a Christmas tree with toys and garlands, make a delicious dinner, make snowflakes from paper and glue them on the windows. At midnight President congratulates Russian with New Year on TV and we make a wish while a clock strikes 12 times and drinking champagne. Someone goes to walk and someone stays at home and watches interesting programs on TV with their family. It is important to note that there are about 10 holidays after New Year. In conclusion I want to say that all people in Russia like celebrate New Year because we hope the New Year will be better than last one.

The list of the used literature:

1. Н.В. Чудакова. Энциклопедия праздников. - М. Издательство АСТ, в редакции 2007 - 256 с. с иллюстрациями.

2. Энциклопедия для детей. - 2004 by Guint Editore S.p.A., Firenze- Milano/ Перевод на русский язык из-во «Махаон», 2004, 60 с. с иллюстрациями.

3. Русские традиции и обычаи/ www.tradicii.com/Википедия.

4. И.И. Гурова. Праздники в Великобритании.- СПб: Питер Пресс, 2006, 224 с.

5. Учебник, Английский язык /В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, И.Н. Костина и др.- 5 изд.- М.: Просвещение, 2015, 207 с.

6. Календарь праздников Великобритании/www.calend.ru /Википедия/.



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