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Listen to the rest of the conversation and check your answers

1) Use high-quality paper that matches the paper of your CV. V

2) Ensure that your cover letter is written using formal language.

3) Use the same cover letter for every application.

4) Show that you have done some research into the company you are applying for.

5) Emphasise your suitability for the post.

6) Enclose copies of your educational qualifications and certificates.


3d. What do you think is the most important advice that Felix gives Vicky?


READING 4a. Look at the example of a cover letter. Read and complete the letter with the words in the box.


234Castle Rise



0144 612398

Mobile: 1077986543

Email: [email protected]


Mr D Abraham

Network Planning Department

Anglo Telecom

High Row, London NW12 6PE

24 August2015

1: application for Network Designer

Dear Mr Abraham


In 2 to the advertised position for Network Designer in the Telecommunications Engineering Journal on 18 August 2015, I am writing to ask you to consider my 3. I am looking for the opportunity to gain experience in this field.

I gained hands-on 4 in switching and transmission while studying for my NVQ in Manchester and was fortunate enough to spend six months in Sweden with Telia as part of an exchange programme. While there, I worked on maintenance and fault-finding at the exchanges as a Network Technician and was given 5 for implementing new systems.

I gained valuable experience of working as part of a 6 and in computing with others.

I am very interested in joining a leading telecoms company such as Anglo Telecom. My NVQ results show that my technical 7 is excellent and I am very conscientious about meeting deadlines. I have excellent computing skills and a very positive attitude to learning new skills.

I would appreciate the 8to meet you to discuss my application and look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely

Anna Suchard

4b. Do you think it’s a good example of a cover letter?

4c. Read Felix’s advice (1-12). Are the tips followed in Anna’s cover letter? Tick yes (v) or not (x).

1) Give your contact information and current date.___________

2) End “Yours sincerely” and type your name under signature (indicate Ms or Mr if not obvious).___________

3) Give a clear context – say who you are and why you are writing._________

4) Your sign-off should be friendly, polite and to the point._________

5) Point out your aptitude for the sorts of skills they are seeking._______

6) Name any employee you have met and say they impressed you. ___

7) Your use of leisure time can show you are a well-rounded person.______

8) Support your claims with evidence, focusing on results and achievements. __________

9) Include the name, title and full address of recipient.__________

10) Mention where you saw the job advertisement.__________

11) Explain your motivation for applying. This also shows you have done your research and learned something about the sector.______

12) Show you are acquiring additional useful skills.___________


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