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C. Listen again to find the answers to the questions

1. What did he study at college?

2. Why did the mobile phone company need to automate?

3. What does a blood glucose monitor do?

4. Why must the process of manufacturing the monitors be automated?

5. What is done by robots?

6. What qualities should a specialist have to be successful?

READING 9a. Find the answers to these questions in the following text.

1. What advice is given for someone who is stuck in a computing support job?

2. What questions should you ask yourself if you are thinking of getting extra training?

3. What computer program is mentioned in the text?

4. Name two ways of studying that are mentioned in the text.

5. What two factors will be affected by your level of experience?

6. Why is it important to become used to answering exam questions?

7. What factors help you decide whether the course will be suitable or cost effective?

8. What happens if you don’t upgrade your certification?


Becoming Certified

Suppose you’re a support engineer. You’re stuck in a job you don’t like and you want to make a change. One way of making that change is to improve your marketability to potential employers by upgrading your skill-set.

If you’re going to train yourself up however, whose training should you undertake? If you need certificates, whose certificates should they be? Even if you get those certificates, how certain can you be that your salary will rise as a result? One solution is the range of certifications on offer from Microsoft.

Microsoft offers a large array of certification programmes aimed at anyone from the user of a single program such as Microsoft Word, to is someone who wants to become a certified support engineer. There are a myriad of certificates to study for too. If you’re the proud holder of any of those qualifications, then you’re entitled to call yourself a Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP).

Once you’ve decided which track you want to take, you should consider just how qualified you already are in terms of experience and knowledge. Will you need to go and take some courses with a training company, or are you the type who can make good use of self-study materials? How much time do you genuinely have to devote towards this? Will your employer pay for your course? Will it grant you leave to go and do the course - assuming you can find one - on either a full-time or part-time basis?

The key question here is experience. This will not only influence the amount of work you'll have to do to get up to speed for the exams, it could also mean the difference between passing or failing the exam.

While you’re busy learning all you need to know for your certification, the practice exams are an absolute godsend. They show you the type of questions you’ll encounter, and they familiarize you with the structure of the exam. This is essential if you want to pass: the exams have time limits, and you need to get used to answering the requisite number of questions within the allotted time. It’s as simple as that.

If you decide a training course will help you out, don’t let the title of a course alone convince you that it will be suitable or cost effective. Find out exactly what the course offers and whether there so are pre-requisites for attendants. You should also find out what the training company is prepared to do if attendants don't have the minimum knowledge necessary to be on the course.

As exams are replaced by ‘updated’ ones, you need to upgrade your certification to stay current. Ultimately it’s your responsibility to make sure you stay up to date. If you don’t, you lose your certification until you take an update.

As a support engineer, you get the satisfaction of knowing that you passed a tough test, and the happy knowledge that your network manager is sweating a bit over the fact that you could be head-hunted at any time.


Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)

MCSEs design, install, support and troubleshoot information systems. MCSEs are network gurus, support technicians and operating system experts.


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