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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Unit20 The Preposition

Exercise 279

1) on, at; 2) at, on; 3) at, in; 4) on, at; 5) in; 6) hi, in, in; 7) at, in, at; 8) at; 9) at; 10) on, at; 11)___, on; 12) on; 13) in; 14)___, in, at; 15) in

Exercise 280

1) at; 2) in; 3) at; 4) in; 5) on; 6) in; 7) until; 8) by; 9) by; 10)___, in, at; 11) in; 12) at; 13) at; 14) in; 15) in

Exercise 281

1) since; 2) for; 3) during; 4) during; 5) while; 6) during, for; 7) for; 8) during; 9) while; 10) during; 11) while; 12) for, since, during, while; 13) during;

14) since; 15) while

Exercise 282

1) on/to, at, at/on; 2) on; 3>on, in; 4) on; 5) on, in, in; 6) on; 7) in; 8) at; 9) at; 10) in, at; 11) on, at; 12) on, at; 13) in; 14) at, on; 15) at, at

Exercise 283

1) on, in; 2) on, by, on; 3) in, on, in; 4) by, on; 5) by, in; 6) on; 7) in; 8) in, by; 9) on; 10) by; 11) in; 12) in, on, in

Exercise 284

1) out of, into; 2) off, out of; 3) out of, into; 4) at, in, on, off; 5) on, to; 6) from, to, in; 7)___, off, on, into; 8) from, in; 9) to; 10) to, at; 11) to, to; 12) into; 13) to, in; 14) on/to, in; 15) from

Exercise 285

A1) under; 2) over; 3) over/under; 4) under; 5) below; 6) down; 7) up, down; 8) above, below

В 1) in front of; 2) in front of, at the back; 3) before; 4) behind; 5) opposite; 6) at the back; 7) in front of; 8) opposite С 1) past, through, along, across, along; 2) across; 3) past; 4) through; 5) across; 6) along; 7) through; 8) past

D 1) between; 2) between; 3) among; 4) between; 5) among; 6) among; 7) between; 8) among; 9) between E 1) like; 2) like; 3) as; 4) as; 5) like; 6) like; 7) as; 8) like; 9) as, like; 10) as

Exercise 286

1) on; 2) to, on; 3) in; 4) at; 5) on; 6) at, in, on; 7) by; 8) at, on; 9) with, at; 10) in, in front of; 11) at, until; 12) to, at; 13) on, on; 14) on, by; 15) in, on

Exercise 287

1) in, out of, up, through, into, through, down, in, in; 2) in, with; 3) before/for, to, by/near, back, in; 4) about, as, for; 5) in, in, at, in/of; 6) in, at; 7) into, in, at, in, in; 8) off, of; 9) by, at, in front of, at the back of, near/by; 10) on, over; 11) by, on; 12) to, for, in, for, in at; 13) at,___, along,

in; 14) with, by, on; 15) of about, with, in, like, as

Exercise 288

1. He took the watch out of his pocket and put it on the table. 2. The train stops at every station. 3. I've been to Rome during my holiday. 4. He jumped over the fence, walked across the lawn and opened the door with his own key. 5. As the majority of the houses in London in the 17th century were built of wood, they all burnt during the fire, which lasted three days. 6. The thief went into the house through the window, took the jewelry out of the safe, threw the picture off the wall and then went away through the door. 7.1 like travelling by bicycle. Last year I rode through all Greece on my old bicycle. 8.1 opened your letter by mistake. 9. The Irish Sea is between Ireland and Great Britain. 10. He'll be coming home on Christmas holiday. At Christmas all children come to see their parents

Noun / Verb / Adjective + Preposition

Exercise 289

1) to; 2) for; 3) of; 4) in/to; 5) for; 6) to; 7) to, by; 8) by, in; 9) of; 10) in; 12) by, in; 13) with; 14) for; 15) for; 16) with; 17) between; 18) of; 19) to; 20) to

Exercise 290

1) of; 2) in; 3) forward to; 4) of; 5) about; 6) in, of; 7) of; 8) up with; 9) at; 10) without; 11) in; 12) to, for; 13) of; 14) on; 15) of; 16) from; 17) on; 18) like; 19) of; 20) of; 21) for; 22) of; 23) against; 24) of; 25) to

Exercise 291

1) to, on, on; 2) by, in, for; 3) on; 4) on, for, in; 5) of, on, with; 6) to, in, with; 7) in, by, of, for on; 8) in, on; 9) for; 10) of; 11) by, for; 12) to, in; 13) of; 14) to, with; 15) for; 16) of, in; 17) of, for, on; 18) of, off; 19) of, on; 20)about

Exercise 292

1. I've just received an invitation to their wedding. 2. The cause of the accident (The reason for the accident) is being investigated. 3. This is not the solution to the problem. 4.1 can't think of the answer to his letter. 5. The demand for these goods is not high. 6. There are many advantages and disadvantages to/in having a car» 7. The disadvantage of his stay in the USA was his lack of knowledge of the language. 8» In spite of our difficulties his attitude to/towards me has not changed. 9,1 don't see any connection between these two events. 10. Everybody burst out laughing on hearing the reason for his being late. 11. There has been a sharp increase in prices for the last several years. 12. The damage to the city by the flood was considerable. 13. The decrease in living standards is a characteristic feature of any crisis. 14. The businessman gave a cheque for charity. 15. Two companies are quite independent, there is no connection between them.



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