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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Verb and Subject Agreement 2 page


Exercise 130.

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box using the Present Perfect Continuous Tense,

run make
study work
consider do
walk speak
wait paint
snow try

1. He __ for two hours, tell him to rest a little. 2 "I ___a long time for you," said my friend with a displeased air. 3. They___ a noise since I came here. 4. How long you___to get in touch with your friend? 5. Your face is dirty with paint. What you___? You___the house? 6. They___this problem for more than two hours. 7. I ask you to keep to the point, You___for fifteen minutes,

but the subject of your report is not clear yet. 8. He is a rather experienced specialist. He___his business for seven years. 9. There is a lot of snow in the street as it ___since yesterday. 10. How long your brother___as a doctor? 11. I've got sore feet. We___for six hours already.


Exercise 131

Open the brackets end put the verbs into the Present Perfect Continuous Tense orthe Present Perfect Tense.

1. I (try) to get into contact with them for a long time, but new I (give) it up as hopeless» 2, My shortsighted uncle (lose) Ins spectacles. We (look) for them everywhere but we can't find them, 3, She (be) of great help to us since she (live) for such a long time with us, 4. You ever (work) as interpreter? — Yes, thai is what I (do) for the last five months, 5. They (make up) their quarrel? — I don't know. I only know that they (not be) on speaking terms since September. 6. Our pilot (ask) for permission to take off for ten minutes already, but he (get) no answer yet. 7. A skilful photographer (help) me with the development of summer films for two weeks, but we (develop) only half of them, 8.1 (know) them since we met at Ann's party» 9. You (open) the door at last» I (ring) for an hour at least, it seems to me. 10. Looks the typist (talk) all the time, she already (miss) several words.


Exercise 132

Open the brackets and pat the verbs into the proper tense, either the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Don't come in, He (take) an exam. He (take) his exam for half an hour already. 2, Where are the children? — They (play volleyball). They (play volleyball) since t\\o o'clock, 3. 1 (learn) to type for a month and can say that my typing (improve). 4. Nick (come) round to see as tonight. 5* He (stay) at his sister's for six weeks» He (try) to find somewhere to live. 6. We can't dance as my father (work) in the study. He (prepare) a report. He (v rite) it for the whole day. 7. Do you see what the child (do) with your hat? Тakе it from him. 8. They still (discuss) the article? But they (do) it since twelve o'clock! 9. The prices (go up)o They (rise) since 1991, 10. What a strong wind (blow)! It (blow) since yesterday.

Exercise 133,

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense (the Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect Continuous or the Present Perfect Tense).

1. It (snow) steadily the whole week and it still (snow). 2» We (climb) for six hours already, but we (not reach) the top of the mountain yet. 3. The pain already (go) but the child still (cry), 4. The workers (work) very hard these two weeks, they (be) busy with the interior decoration of the house» 5. He (solve) the crossword puzzle for an hour and he (say) he (be) about to solve it as he (think) over the last word о 6. He (work) at the language all the time and (make) great progress. His pronunciation (be) rather good, only a slight accent (remain). 7„ Не (finish) the first part of his book and now he (write) the second. He (work) at his book for two years, 8. Dusliri Hoffman, who (play) the hero, (give) a fine performance. 9. Why your hair (be) wet? You (swim)? 10, Doctors and scientists (show) recently the benefit of fish in the diet.

Exercise 134.

Translate into English.

1. Он наш тренер (trainer) с тех пор, как я начал иг­рать в этой команде. 2. Они уже приняли решение (take a decision) по этому вопросу? — Нет. Они все еще спорят (argue). Они обсуждают этот вопрос уже два часа и еще не пришли ни к какому решению, 3. Утро было солнеч­ное, но с одиннадцати погода изменилась, и сейчас идет дождь. 4. Чем вы занимаетесь с тех пор, как мы расста­лись (part)? 5. Мэри уже приехала? — Да, она уже здесь два дня. Она приехала в пятницу. 6. Студенты пишут контрольную работу уже два часа. Пока только двое сда­ли работы. 7. Гроза (thunderstorm) прошла, но небо покрыто темными тучами, и дует сильный ветер. 8. Вы прочитали книгу, которую я вам дала? 9. Вы плохо вы­глядите. Вы много работали на этой неделе? — Да. Я работаю над переводом уже десять дней, но сделала только половину. 10. Что здесь делает этот человек? — Он ждет секретаря. Она еще не пришла на работу.


Exercise 135.

Open the brackets and use either the Past Indefinite or the Past Continuous.

1, We (walk) in silence when he suddenly (ask) me to help him. 2.1 just (have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). When I came back to my coffee, it (be) cold. 3. When I (finish) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful woman with red hair (enter). A dog (follow) her. 4. Ann (drop) two cups while she (wash up) last night, but neither of the cups (break). 5.1 (walk) along the street watching what (go on) around me. Fast cars (rush) in both directions and it (be) impossible to cross the street. 6. The old man who (sit) on the bench beside me (keep) silence. Then suddenly he (turn round) to me and (begin) to speak. 7.1 (stand) near the fence when suddenly I (hear) the voices. 8. He well (remember) the day when he first (go) to school. 9. We (talk) about Jim when he (run) into the room. 10. The day was marvelous: the sun (shine), the birds (sing) so we (decide) to go for a walk. 11. Miss Brown's telephone (ring) when she (dress). 12.1 (light) my pipe and (nod) to him to show that I (listen). 13. When he (come) into the office the secretary (do) a crosswords puzzle. 14. Why you (not listen) to me while I (speak)? 15. He (wait) for her, but she never (come).

Exercise 136.

Find the mistakes if any. Use the proper tense.

1. When I came, he was having breakfast. 2. When she worked there, she often made mistakes. 3. When he was phoning, she had a bath, 4. While I was ironing, he read a newspaper, 5.1 cooked supper when I heard this news. 6. He was working in this company in 1997. 7.1 could not answer your call, I worked in the garden then. 8. They wished to stay because they enjoyed themselves,

9, Were you quarreling all evening? 10. The train was approaching the city when it was raining heavily, 11. The secretary still typed when the boss came in and was putting some documents on the table. 12. When he came up to the square, he saw a lot of people: they sang, danced and shouted. They were celebrating New Year, 13. Just as I was coming into the room, the students discussed the first report. 14, All the time I was writing, he was annoying me with silly questions. 15, The children played while the mother put the room in order.


Exercise 137.

Choose the right variant using the Present Perfect, the Past Indefinite cr the Past Continuous Tense.

1. While I (was waiting/waited/have waited) for him to call up, he (had/was having/have had) a good time in the bar. 2. She (has written/wrote/was writing) this exercise yesterday at 8 o'clock. 3. He (has invited/was inviting/ invited) me to the party yesterday. 4.1 (passed/have passed/ was passing) my exam in history today. 5. He (read/has read/was reading) a book two days ago. 6. They (have seen/ saw/were seeing) this film last week. 7. She (painted/has painted/was painting) the picture when I came. 8.1 (made/ have made/was making) my report when you entered the hall. 9. They (learnt/were learning/have learnt) the new words yesterday from three till seven. 10. It (rained/has rained/was raining) this week. 11. She (was having/had/ has had) a bath at seven o'clock last night. 12. She (was washing/washed/has washed) dishes already. 13. They (had/have had/were having) supper when the telephone rang, 14.1 (didn't meet/haven't met/was not meeting) you for ages. 15. Last summer he (has gone/was going/ went) to the Caucasus. 16, She was thoughtfully looking at him while he (read/was reading/has read) a newspaper. 17. While I (swept/was sweeping/has swept) the floor, Mrs, Parker began cooking. 18.1 just (had/have had/was having) a telegram to say that my poor friend is badly ill again. 19. We (sat/were sitting/have sat) in silence for a few minutes. He (spoke/was speaking/has spoken) at last.

20. While she (washed/was washing/has washed up), she (was hearing/heard/has heard) the doorbell, then voices. 21. "She (was making/made/has made) tea, let's go to the dining room". 22. Only two stars (shone/were shining/ has shone) in the dark blue sky. 23. On glancing at the address, he observed that it (contained/was containing/ has contained) no name. 24. He just (left/was leaving/has left) the hall when a stranger (entered/was entering/has entered). 25.1 (met/was meeting/have met) Ann at her father's house twenty years ago and (knew/have known/ was knowing) her ever since.


Exercise 138.

Choose the right variant.

1. Higher education in the US___in 1636 when the first colonists___Harvard College.

a) has begun, founded

b) began, have founded

c) began, founded

d) was beginning, have founded

2. Noah Webster___ An American Dictionary of the English Language in two volumes in 1828, and since then it___the recognized authority for usage in the United States.

a) published, became

b) has published, has become

c) published, was becoming

d) published, has become

3. He___at Oxford then. He was not the best student, though he ___ well known among the second year students.

a) was studying, became

b) was studying, has become

c) studied, became

d) has studied, has become

4. One day when he___home he___a boy who___ him from the opposite side of the street.

a) was walking, saw, watched

b) walked, has seen, was watching

c) was walking, saw, was watching

d) has walked, has seen, has watched

5. It was midnight. She____ in her lonely room. The rain driven by the rain__ against the window.

a) sat, beat

b) was sitting, was beating

c) has sat, beat

d) has been sitting, has been beating


Exercise 139,

Translate into English.

1. Я так и не увидел Великие озера. Когда поезд проезжал этот район, была ночь. 2. Пока директор вел беседу с представителями (representative) иностран­ных фирм (firm), секретарь сортировала утреннюю почту. 3. Том Сойер не мог играть со своими товари­щами Он красил забор (fence). 4. Уже садилось солн­це, когда я подъехал к Эдинбургу. 5. Он вел машину на большой скорости, б. Они вышли, когда еще было свет­ло, но черные тучи собирались на горизонте (horizon) и дул холодный северный ветер. 7. Ей было очень труд-I но жить с миссис Грин в одной комнате (share a room), так как та постоянно жаловалась (complain of) на хо­лод и на плохое обслуживание. 8. Она шла по темной улице и оглядывалась, Кто-то следил (follow) за ней. 9. О я выглянул из окна. Много людей стояло около дома» 10. Когда я вошла в комнату, она плакала, 11. Мы катались на лыжах, хотя шел снег. 12. В тот день у нас было много работы, т.к. вечером мы уезжали. 13. Мы познакомились (get acquainted), когда сдавали вступи­тельные (entrance) экзамены. 14. Вчера он был занят, он чинил (fix) телевизор. 15. Он вошел в комнату, по­здоровался (greet) со всеми и сел у окна. 16. Она гото­вилась к экзаменам. 17. Когда часы пробили одиннад­цать, он все еще работал. 18. Дождь начался в тот мо­мент, когда она вышла в сад. 19. По вечерам он имел обыкновение читать вслух своему сынишке. 20. Они прекратили ссориться (quarrel), т.к. гости входили в зал.


Exercise 140.

Open the brackets paying attention to the use of the Past Perfect Tense.

1. He already (go) by the time I (come) to the party. 2. Mother (cook) dinner before he (come). 3. When I (reach) the front door, I realized that I (loose) the key. 4. The shop (close) by the time I (get) there. 5. The scientists (carry) out many experiments before they (achieve) satisfactory results. 6. When I (arrive), he (stay) in the same hotel where we first (meet). 7. By the end of the year he (finish) research. 8. He told me that he (not see) much of her since she (move) to another town. 9. When I (come), he already (come) and (sit) near the fireplace looking through a magazine. 10. She said that they (meet) in 1990 for the first time.


Exercise 141.

Choose the right variant.

1.1___to the USA so far.

a) have not been

b) had not been

2 I never___them when I lived in London.

a) had met

b) have met

3.1 came at 2 o'clock. He___the work by that time.

a) had done

b) has done

4,1 met her on Monday and___her since.

a) had not seen

b) have not seen

5. She said in a voice she never___about it before.

a) has heard

b) had heard

6. Yes, I know Jim. I___him for more than ten years.

a) have known

b) bad known

7. She tried to concentrate. She ___ John since 1978. No, he could not have done it.

a) has known

b) had known

8. He___ in a bank before he came to our office.

a) had worked

b) has worked

9. We___. there since we were young.

a) have not been

b) had not been

10. Why___the window? It is very noisy in the street.

a) had you opened

b) have you opened


Exercise 142.

Open the brackets and use the required past tense.

1. It was the poorest room he ever (see). 2. No sooner she (come) at the station than a fast London train (arrive). 3» I (finish) my work by afternoon and (sit) quietly in my armchair, thinking of the days that (pass) by, 4. The storm already (die) away, but very far off the thunder still (mutter). 5.1 already (go) into the bed and (fall asleep) when my mother (knock) at the door and (ask) me to get up. 6. By the time the guests (come), she still (not be ready). 7.1 (not listen)s so I missed what she (say). 8. By 9 o'clock he (finish) work. He (go) outside. The rain (stop) but it (be) rather cool. 9. By the time I (come) the shop already (close), 10. Hardly we (leave) when our bicycle (break) down.


Exercise 143.

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

consider burn
drive hope
quarrel rain
practice write
work try

1. He___the car for many hours before he came to the crossroads, 2. The pianist ___ the passage hour after hour till he mastered it, 3, When I met her, her eyes were red. She and Mike again____. 4, When I came, they___ this question for more than an hour. 5. It was evening

and he was tired because he___since dawn. 6. He ___ to get her on the phone for 15 minutes before he heard her voice. 7. By 12 o'clock they _____ a composition for two hours. 8. The fire___for some time before a fire brigade came. 9.1___to meet her for ages when I bumped into

her by chance. 10. When I left home, it was raining, and as it___since morning, the streets were muddy.



Exercise 144.

Open the brackets and use the proper tense.

1. When he (arrive), I (live) in London for a week. 2, We (read) while he (eat). 3. When Jack (phone) me, I (write) a letter, 4. When my friend (come), I (do) an exercise for an hour. 5. The library (close) by the time I (get) there. 6.1 (drive) home when I (hear) the news on the radio. 7. They always (have) loud parties which (go on) till the early hours, 8. We (walk) for some hours before we (realize) that we (lose) our way. 9. No sooner I (complain) that I (not hear) from them for a long time than the letter (come). 10. The concert was a great success. When the pianist (finish) his part, the audience (applaud) the orchestra for some minutes.


Exercise 145.

Translate into English.

1. Мы посмотрели пьесу до того, как обсудили ее. 2. Мы посмотрели пьесу, а затем обсудили ее. 3. Я был в Лондоне в прошлом году. Раньше я там не бывал. 4. Ему не нравилось письмо, которое он пытался напи­сать уже два часа. Слова казались ему неубедительны­ми (unconvincing). 5. Когда мы пришли, он уже вер­нулся и что-то писал в своем кабинете (study). 6. Он окончил свою работу в саду и сидел на террасе (terrace). Вечер был теплый, и солнце только что зашло. 7. Она проработала с нами только два месяца, но доказала, что она опытный юрист (lawyer). 8. Шел очень сильный снег, и я не смог разобрать (make out) номера трамвая. Когда я уже проехал (cover) несколько остановок (tram stops), я понял что ехал в неправильном направлении. 9. Я звонила вам с 4-х часов, но не смогла дозвониться (get): ваша линия была все время занята, 10. Две не­дели шли дожди: наконец три дня назад установилась (set in) хорошая погода.


Exercise 146.

Here is the forecast of the life in the 21st century. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

forbid start
be use
live have
elect work
take over replace

1. People___ on the moon. 2. Children___school at the age of three. 3. Computers___ teachers. 4 People ___ 4 hours a day. 5. Houses and factories___ solar energy. 6. Americans___a woman president. 7. Robots ___most jobs. 8. There will be a law, which___having more than two children. 9. Six weeks___a normal annual holiday. 10, Great Britain___a black Prime Minister.


Exercise 147.

Fill in the blanks with shall or will.

1. Tomorrow it _____ be cold and wet. 2. He___ be fifty in June. 3. it's too dark to go. I___call a taxi. 4. ___ I give you a lift? 5. _ you help me with this bag? 6.1 ____, beat you if you do it again 7._____ I close the window? 8.___„ you close the window? 9. There is a car pulling down. — Oh, that___be John. 10.1 doubt if he ____come soon. 11.___ we go on with our work? 12. Don't worry, I___not be late. 13.1 suppose you______ be pretty busy tomorrow.


Exercise 148.

Open the brackets and use either the Future Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tense.

1. I've bought a typewriter, I (learn) to type. 2. No, I (not eat) meat any more. I am a vegetarian-. 3. What's I wrong? — I've got a flat tyre. — No problem. I (help) you. 4.1 (punish) you if you continue doing it. 5. The forecast says it (rain). 6. You (air) the room? — Certainly-7. Nick» my TV set is again out of order. — O.K. I (fix) it. 8. I suppose he (come). 9. He (help) you if you ask him. 10. What you (do) this evening? 11. He (be) busy tomorrow. He (sendee) his car. 12. Lucy (not go) anywhere this summer. Her son (go) to college. 13. Ann is very angry with him. I am afraid she (not stay) here another minute. 14.1 (give) you another piece of cake? — No, thanks, that (do). 15. You (help) me with this bag? 16.1 (send) the letter? 17.1 am afraid, it (be) difficult for you to stay there so long. 18. Where we (meet)? Victoria Station (be) all right? 19. In the 21st century people (fly) to Mars and other planets. 20.1 (go) to the country for the weekend. — I (go) with you, 21. You (turn down) the radio, please?


Exercise 149.

Open the brackets and put the Future or the Present Indefinite Tense.

1.1 (accompany) you with pleasure as soon as I (finish) my report. 2. The performance (be) a great success if he (play) the leading role. 3. If this time (be) convenient for you, we (meet) tomorrow. 4. We (not complete) the work this week in case he (get) ill. 5. We (not start) till he (arrive). 6. Provided he (leave) now, he (miss) the rush hour. 7. We (not be able) to carry out the experiment unless he (help) us. 8. You may take my dictionary as long as you (give) it back on Friday. 9. As soon as he (return) from the beach, we (have) dinner. 10.1 (phone) you when she (come). 11. Providing that he (work) hard, he will finish his work on Thursday. 12. She has two keys in her bag in case she (lose) one. 13. Unless he (come), we (not go) to the country. 14. He (remind) you of your promise in case you (forget) it. 15. As soon as the lake (get frozen), she (go skating). 16. When you (turn) on the right, you (see) an old oak. 17. If she (keep) her promise, they (be) rich. 18. Unless you (look) at the picture at some distance, you (not see) the details. 19. Providing that nothing (happen), I (return) in two weeks. 20. If the wind (blow) from the west, it (rain). 21. If you (get) there before me, wait till I (come). 22. Provided all (go) well, I (graduate) in June. 23. He (not go) for a walk until he (do) his lessons. 24. He (not catch) the train unless he (leave) immediately. 25. We (not wait) till he (make up his mind).


Exercise 150.

Open the brackets and use the proper tense, either the Future or the Present Indefinite paying attention to when and if.

1. Well go swimming if it (be) a nice day tomorrow. 2,1 wonder if it (rain) tomorrow. 3. You'll get wet if you (not take) an umbrella. 4.1 don't know when he (come back), 5.1 doubt if he (join) us. He is very busy. 6. She will serve the table when he (come). 7. I'll be grateful to you if you (lend) me this sum of money. 8.1 am not sure if he (follow) my advice. 9,1 wonder if I (solve) this problem without anybody's help. 10. He supposes that they will buy the house if it (be) in good condition, 11.1 am sure that when he (come) he will apologize for his rudeness. 12.1 wonder if you (invite) the Browns if they (be) here on Sunday? 13. It's hard to say if she (find out) everything. 14,1 don't know when she (go) to see them. 15. We will discuss the terms of the contract when he (come), 16.1 will not deal with him if he (be) so stubborn!


Exercise 151.

Choose the right variant.

1, He___here till he___everything.

a) will stay, doesn't do

b) will stay, does

c) stays? will do

d) stays, will not do

2. In case the weather___good, they___fishing.

a) will be, will go

b) is, go

c) will be, go

d) is, will go

3. Unless he___, we___to the theatre.

a) doesn't come, won't go

b) comes, won't go

c) won't come, don't go

d) doesn't come, don't go

4.1 can't decide if I___you till I___when they___.

a) will join, will know, will leave

b) will join, know, will leave

c) join, will know, leave

d) join, will know, will leave

5. I___you the keys to the car as long as you___the speed.

a) will give, won't exceed

b) give, won't exceed

c) will give, don't exceed

d) give, don't exceed

6.1 don't know if they___new people. If they___I___you of it.

a) will hire, will, will inform

b) hire5 do, inform

c) hiie, will, will inform

d) will hire, do, will inform.

7.1___ anywhere till my son___all his exams.

a) won't go, doesn't take

b) don't go doesn't take

c) won't go, takes

d) won't go, will take

8, If she___and we___at home, ask her when she ___the magazine.

a) phones, are not, will bring

b) will phone, will not be, will bring

c) phones, will not be, brings

d) will phone, will not be, brings

9.1___the article when I___home and___you up when it___ready.

a) will translate, will come, will ring, will be

b) will translate, come, will ring, is

c) will translate, will come, ring, will be

d) translate, will come, ring, is

10. He___me the book providing I___it not later than Saturday.

a) will give, will return

b) give, return

c) will give, return

d) give, will return

Exercise 152.

Translate into English.

1. Они будут смотреть фильм, как только дети ля­гут спать. 2, Как только он придет, я ему все расска­жу. 3. Я с ним поговорю до твоего приезда, но я не уверен, последует ли он моим советам. 4. Я буду вам очень благодарен (grateful), если вы продиктуете (dictate) мне зту статью. 5. С вашей стороны будет очень глупо, если вы не воспользуетесь данной возможнос­тью. 6, Поезд прибывает через час. Если вы поедете на машине, вы встретите ее. 7. Как только вы его увидите, спросите его, когда он уезжает и зайдет ли он к нам перед отъездом. 8. Спросите их, не дадут ли они мне пылесос (vacuum cleaner), если мне нужно будет почи­стить ковер. 9. Вот вам мой адрес на тот случай, если вы решите приехать в Москву. 10. Мне отправить пись­мо? — Да. Когда вы пойдете домой, бросьте его в почто­вый ящик (mailbox). 11. Я уверен, вы полюбите ее, как только она начнет работать с вами, 12. Мы детально (in detail) обсудим этот вопрос до того, как он придет. 13. Если он не получит книгу в воскресенье, он не сможет подготовиться к докладу. 14. Я с ним погово­рю, когда он придет, но я не знаю, придет ли он сегодня. 15. Я не знаю, когда я получу от нее ответ, но как толь­ко я его получу, я сразу же вам позвоню.


Exercise 153.

Put the verbs into the Future Continuous Tense making all necessary changes.

Example: At 6 o'clock in the morning he always sleeps. — He will be sleeping at 6 o'clock in the morning tomorrow.

1. It is 5 o'clock. She is having a music lesson. 2. He is working in the garden now. 3. It is eleven o'clock. Ben is lying on the beach. 4. It's 10 o'clock. Nick and Tom are playing tennis. 5. It's dinnertime. We're standing in the queue to enter the Canteen. 6. She is out. She always goes shopping during the break. 7. It's eight o'clock. He is speaking with his partner on the telephone. 8. Granny is cooking supper, 9. His little sister is eating porridge this morning. 10. It's no use inviting Tom for a walk. He is watching a football match.


Exercise 154.

Open the brackets and use either the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous Tense.

1. He has come home from school late today. So he can't go for a walk: he (do) his homework after dinner. 2. Today is Sunday and it does not rain. We (have) tea out in the garden. 3. The big stores (have) their summer sales soon. 4. The weather is warm today. We (have) a walk out in the garden. 5. I'm leaving now, but Т suppose I (see) you in the evening. 6. There is a party at Betsy's house tonight. So I (meet) you in the evening. 7. It's awful to think I (work) this time next week. 8. Wait a little, I (phone) for a taxi. 9. I'm very tired. I think I (go) to bed earlier today.

10 We (play) chess in half an hour, 110 When you come, he still (work) at his report о 12. Tomorrow at this time we (go) to Scotland. 13, Can you imagine that in five days we (cross) the Atlantic on our way home, 14. What you (do) if I come at five? — I (watch) TV. 15, If they arrive at 7,1 still (sleep). I usually get up at 8.


Exercise 155.

Join the following sentences with if, when, after, while, etc,

Example: I'll go for a holiday. I'll not be busy, — I'll go for a holiday when I am not busy.

1.Hell be back early in August. His holiday will finish. 2. He'll have a good time. The sea will be warm. 3.I’ll be quite free. I’ll graduate from college» 4. He will come to my birthday party. He will not forget. 5. The German students will be having their oral test. The English students will be writing their examination paper. 6. He will not go for a walk. He will not have breakfast.

7. You will be packing our things. I'll be making arrangements on the phone. 8. We'll come at 2 o'clock. They will be preparing for the test. 9, You'll phone at 3, I'll be having a long-distance call and the line will be engaged» 10. They'll see the sights, They'll go home.

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