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Group 4: Student life


Group 4 Students life
1. Special events Job-fairs, international and traditional events, etc. and their organisers BEST KNU FEST – an event during which students from different faculties can present their talents(Student Parliament) VARSITY - Musical Fest(Student Parliament) Volunteering events like visiting orphanages, pets shelters, senior citizens(Student Parliament: Social Department) Lectures and workshops on various topics (speakers are invited by interested groups of students from different faculties) Speaking club(students-volunteers for free teach other students different languages) Job fairs(Sector of Employment of Taras Shevchenko National University) Sport Competitions(Sport Department of Taras Shevchenko National University) Evenings devoted to different cultures of the world(groups of interested students)
2. Students Organisations  
a) Local ShevIT – community of IT students FREX Programming - organizing different free IT courses for students, promoting IT (Physic faculty). Student Parliament (different departments that specialize on social, cultural, educational, international events). Shevchenko TV(students and graduates of my Universities)
b) International Student organisations similar to BEST and their activities
3. Campus: description and facilities  
a) Campus description Different campuses or one, average distances between universities Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv has many corpuses, but all campuses of students of technology are located in one place near the dormitories. To walk from one campus to another takes about 5 minutes of walking.
b) Campus Facilities Easy access to internet (24h, pay / free, conditions), doctors, pharmacy, ATM (bank mat), print-shop, copy-shop, library, park – garden, etc. Access to internet: it depends on part of the University you are in, but in some auditoriums there is a good and fast internet connection. ATM: yes Doctors/pharmacy: Student hospital is nearby(about 10 minutes walking). Print-shop, copy-shop:yes Library: yes Park-garden:nearby.


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