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Complete the following sentences

A. 1. Most people go out... Friday night but I have to be in bed... 11 o'clock. 2. My brother is a doctor. He often comes home late... night. 3. Where's George? He is still at work. He will stay there... 5 o'clock. 4. It happened... the war:... August 1943 to be precise. 5. You must finish this work... the end of the week. 6.1 took my English exam the day... yesterday. 7. A notice at the door read «Opening ho­urs:... 7 a.m.... 5.30 p.m.». 8. Do sit down. Mr. Brown will join you... a moment. 9. Could you come to see me... Saturday morning? 10. My parents have lived in this city... five years already. 11. The train leaves... five minutes. 12.... Saturday I am at home... five o'clock. 13.1 haven't driven a car... autumn. 14. He's been interested in music... quite a long time. 15. Are you doing anything special... the week-end? 16. There was a storm... the night: it rained.. three or four hours. 17. The film started... seven and ended... nine. 18. Sorry, I haven't written to you... such a long time. 19. The wedding took place... the middle of June. 20. We'll arrive in New York... three hours. 21. He's going to stay in Paris... more than a week. 22. He phoned me just... you left. 23. He came to London... 13th June. 24. They hope to finish work... Thursday next week. 25. I've been sitting here... 9 o'clock, but no one has phoned yet. 26. We waited... half past nine but he didn't come. 27. I saw Sue... my visit to London.

B. I. I went skiing... Christmas. We flew from Heathrow... 4 o'clock... the afternoon... 20th December, and got to Zalzburg... the early evening. The roads were icy, and we didn't get to the hotel... 2 o'clock... the morning. Unfor­tunately, I fell and hurt my leg... the first day, and had to spend a few days in bed. But I got up... Christmas Day and. the next morning I went skiing again, but I wasn't very good at it.

2. I was born in Manchester... the late 1940s. I went to university... 1967.1 had a good time there, especially... my last year. So a few months ago I decided to go back and see it again. I went... the end of June. The students were all on holiday, and the town was full of tourists, as it always is... summer, and I didn't enjoy my visit very much. It wasn't the same as it had been... the 60s, when I was a student there.

3. A: How long have you been here?

B:... Saturday. I've only been in the States... a couple of months.

A: Really? You haven't been very long. How long have you studied English? Your English is very good.

B: I've studied English... about ten years... I was thirteen.

A: Well, I've studied Spanish... I was in the eighth grade, and I still can't speak it!


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