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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Prediction and Superstition

My star sign is…. I read my stars once a week, just to find out what sort of week I can expect. I definitely think that some people have the gift which enables them to see the future. Nostradamus was a sixteenth century French physician who foretold the future. Some people say that he foretold such events as the Great Fire of London, nuclear warfare and AIDS.

People still believe today that some things can bring good luck. So it is believed to be lucky to find a four-leaf clover or a white butterfly. Putting a horseshoe outside your door wards off bad luck. If a black cat crosses your path, you walk under a ladder or you open your umbrella indoors, you will have bad luck. If you break a mirror, you are supposed to have seven years’ bad luck




People like to take up a new hobby now and then. Some children are interested in taking photos and traveling. They love swimming and camping in summer. In winter they enjoy outdoor sports- skiing and skating and indoor activities-reading books and making models.

Some hobbies are ideal for just one person- knitting, collecting or tracing a family tree. Others are great fun to do with a friend or a group. But whatever hobbies we have we like having fun

1. What is a hobby?

2. What are children interested in?

3. What are grown –ups interested in?

4. What hobbies are ideal for just one person?

5. What hobbies are fun to do with a group?

6. Do you like sports?

7. What are your favorite sports and games?

8. What sport are you good at?



Books tell us about

- the beauty of nature

- space travel and faraway countries

- adventures of brave and clever people

- other worlds and planets

- different countries in the world, their customs and traditions

- our country, its sights

- the history of our Motherland

Books teach us

- to be attentive to people

- to respect our parents, to help them about the house

- to understand life

- to be friendly, hard-working, hospitable, kind, brave clever, optimistic…

- not to be naughty, bad, silly, cruel…

- not to boast, not to be afraid of difficulties

- to love wildlife, to care about endangered animals

- to get good marks at school, to behave well

1. Do you like reading,

2. When did you learn to read,?

3. Do you go to the library?

4. Who helps you to choose books?

5. What types of books do you know?

6. What do books tell us about?

7. What do books teach us?


People like to take up a new hobby now and then. Some children are interested in taking photos and traveling. They love swimming and camping in summer. In winter they enjoy outdoor sports- skiing and skating and indoor activities-reading books and making models.

Some hobbies are ideal for just one person- knitting, collecting or tracing a family tree. Others are great fun to do with a friend or a group. But whatever hobbies we have we like having fun

-What is a hobby?

-What are children interested in?

-What are grown –ups interested in?

-What hobbies are ideal for just one person?

-What hobbies are fun to do with a group?

-Do you like sports?

-What are your favorite sports and games?

-What sport are you good at?



I find the way children spend hours just watching TV quite depressing. It can’t be good for their imagination. I think it would be much better for them to enjoy the pleasures of reading


Hotels should meet the needs of the modern tourist

- be equipped with modern facilities, from swimming pools to satellite TV

- the staff would be highly qualified and experienced

- the prices should be reasonable


If you want to speak English fluently you should listen to tapes as frequently as possible. If you can afford to go to an English-speaking country it’s nice but you should study the rules of English carefully.


Crime and Punishment (‘The burglars’ friend)

1. What are the past forms? wake hear find keep leave hold think catch

2. Correct the mistakes

1. Russell woke up at two o’clock 5 Russell’s mother kept her purse in her handbag

2. He woke up because he was thirsty 6 they left at 5 o’clock

3 He heard a noise in the kitchen 7 When they left Russell watched TV

4. He found three men 8 the police caught the burglars the next day


3. Write the questions.

1. Russell woke up at 2 o’clock 6 In a drawer in the kitchen

2 They were in bed 7. 50 p

3 Because he heard a noise and saw a light on 8 At 4 a.m.

4 Two 9 The next day

5 They told him they were friends of the family 10 Last week

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