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Trade relations

The Ryazan region has wide & diverse interregional relations. The long-term cooperation agreements are concluded with 74 subjects of the Russian Federation, 6 regions of Belorussia, The Chernovitsky region of the Ukraine. During the recent years the direct business links of the Ryazan entrepreneurs with other regions have been sufficiently activated.
The total turnover of the Ryazan region in the foreign trade in 2004 made 1 billion 495 million US dollars, which in 6 times exceeds the level of the year 1997. The traditionally active balance of the foreign trade has been formed. The growth of the commodity turnover has been achieved, first of all, due to the significant increase of export deliveries. Simultaneously, the volumes of the goods imported to the region have also been growing. Oil products remain the main products exported from the Ryazan region. Engine oils, automobile fuel, fuel oil and other oil products produced by the Ryazan oil-refinery company, machines-tools, automated lines produced by the Ryazan machine-tool plant and the joint-stock company «Sasta», forging-press equipment of the joint-stock company «Tyazhpressmash», radio location equipment of the State Ryazan instrument-making plant, chemical fiber of the joint-stock company «Ryazan Chemical Fiber», ferreed contacts of the Metal-Ceramic Devices Plant, cash register machines of «Oka» type manufactured by the closed joint-stock company «PRO-SAM», control measuring devices of the open joint-stock company «Teplopribor», medical devices of the Yelatomsky instrument-making plant, footwear of the joint-stock company «Ryazan-West» - this is far from being a complete list of products exported from the Ryazan region, the quality of which has been proved by market and time.


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