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D. Here is the beginning of a Sherlock Holmes story, but the sentences have been jumbled. Put the sentences in the correct order and then answer the questions. READING


A. Complete these sentences using the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs above. VOCABULARY

Put off put out put forward put up put away put on put through

1. Can you please leam to _ put _ your clothes _ away in the right place?


2. Loud music put __ me off when I’m studying. I just can’t concentrate.


3. Eating all those cakes has made me _ put on _ a bit of weight.


4. If you have some suggestions to make, please put them forward at the next week.


5. _ Put out the light and go to sleep now.


6. «I’ll just put you through to the manager’s office,” said the secretary.


7. All the hotels are full. Could you put _ me up for the night?


B. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. GRAMMAR

Example: 0.Is she going (go) on vacation this year?


1. “Where’s Bobby?” –“He has gone (go) to Germany. He’ll be back next week.”

2. I’ll wait until he gets _ (get) here and then we’ll come over together.

3. The robber admitted stealing (steal) the bracelet.

4. Jerry is working (work) in his study. Should I call him for you?

5. If you had the chance to live abroad, would _ you go (go)?

6. I’m so sorry! I think I have broken (break) your camera when I dropped it.

7. If I had seen (see) you, I would have said “hi”.

8. I really enjoy talking to Sarah. We _ have (have) lunch together every day in the cafeteria.


C. Underline the stressed syllable. PRONUNCIATION

Example: 0.comp o ser

1. Int e lligent 6. App ea rance

2. R a dical 7. Inv e st

3. C a lendar 8. E -mail

4. Educ a tion 9. Gr a ndfather

5. Man i pulative 10. Comp u ter


D. Here is the beginning of a Sherlock Holmes story, but the sentences have been jumbled. Put the sentences in the correct order and then answer the questions. READING.

1. D 4. F 2. G 5. C 3. B 6. A

A. Holmes had refilled his pipe and sat down again, paying no attention to my question.

B. After several minutes, he told me that he had learnt something very curious which had made him think that dogs might be able to help detectives in their work.

C. «But isn’t all this rather an exaggeration?» I asked.

D. It was a Sunday evening, early in September, when I received one of Sherlock Holmes’ laconic messages, «Come at once, Urgent».

E. He explained that what he had said about dogs was very important to the problem he was involved in at present.

F. «A dog,» he explained, «is like a mirror – it reflects the life of it’s owners. One never sees a happy dog in a gloomy family, or a sad dog in a happy one. Dangerous people have dangerous dogs. «

G. When I got to Baker Street, I found Holmes huddled up in his armchair deep in thought, with his pipe in his mouth.


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