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Prefixation in English. Classification of Prefixes

Prefixation is the formation of words with the help of prefixes. Prefixes are derivational morphemes affixed before the derivational base. Prefixes modify the lexical meaning of the base.

Diachronically they may be divided into native and foreign origin, synchronically:

1. According to the class they preferably form:

-verb-forming prefixes, e.g. en-/em (embed, enclose): be * (befriend); de- (dethrone);

-noun-forming prefixes, e.g. non- (non-smoker); sub- (subcommittee); ex- (ex-husband);

-adjective-forming prefixes, e.g. un- (unfair); il- (illiterate): ir- (irregular).

-adverb-forming prefixes, e.g. un- (unfortunately); up- (uphill).

2. According to the lexical-grammatical type of the base they are added to:

a). Deverbal (those added to the verbal base) - rewrite, overdo;

b). Denominal - unbutton, detrain, ex-president,

c). Deadjectival - uneasy, biannual.

3. According to their semantic structure prefixes may fall into monosemantic ( the prefix ex- has only one meaning former)and polysemantic. (dis – several meanings)

4. According to the generic-denotational meaning they are divided into different groups:

a). Negative prefixes: un-, dis-, non-, in-, a- (e.g. unemployment, non-scientific, incorrect, disloyal, amoral, asymmetry).

b). Reversative or privative prefixes: un-, de-, dis- (e.g. untie, unleash, decentralize, disconnect).

c). Pejorative prefixes: mis-, mal-, pseudo- (e.g. miscalculate, misinform, maltreat, pseudo-classicism).

d). Prefixes of time and order: fore-, pre-, post-, ex- (e.g. foretell, pre-war, post-war, ex-president).

e). Prefix of repetition re- (e.g. rebuild, rewrite).

f). Locative prefixes: super-, sub-, inter-, trans- (e.g. superstructure, subway, inter-continental, transatlantic).

5. According to their stylistic reference:

a). Neutral: un-, out-, over-, re-, under- (e.g. outnumber, unknown, unnatural, oversee, underestimate).

b). Stylistically marked: pseudo-, super-, ultra-, uni-, bi- (e.g. pseudo-classical, superstructure, ultra-violet, unilateral) they are bookish.


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