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Revision exercises


20. Read the words:


Cap, can, ice, came, nice, cat, neck, mice, fact, space, peck, pace, kin, keen, pact, face, gate, gem, gas, age, gym, page, egg, gin, game, beg, gag, jam, Jim, Jack, Jane, sky, shame, dish, she, ship, shape, shave, fish, shine, chest, chin, match, catch, fetch, chick, chill, this, that, these, than, them, theme, faith, thick, thin.


21. Read the words:


Sad, made, stale, fit, deep, film, fail, name, day, please, nice, fine, beat, Spain, pale, date, ban, tape, fate, mad, say, same, fat, Sam, lane, land, tame, faint, aim, leave, bede, deed, lean, mean, seat, line, pin, pine, man, dent, Ann, nine, bet, bed, dine, did, May, style, vet, bay, sat, tilt, file, ease, pet, tin, veal, slip, stay.


22. Read the words:


Risk, red, ripe, read, rest, rally, hand, hay, hip, hate, heap, help, hide, yes, yell, easy, daddy, yet, yelp, my, by, myth, next, text, exam, sex, six, sixty, ring, thing, fang, bring, sing, gang, sling, drink, link, clink, pink, prank, shelf, shy, sheet, dash, fish, chain, chick, change, catch, patch, mine, cage, fill, mine, Spain, miss, ice, page, back, space, click, game, gem, let, lest, gay, set, lay, say, lack, icy.


23. Read the words:


Note, lot, lone, nod, code, cot, tone, cope, dot, sock, hot, pope, doll, hop, bone, tool, moon, look, doom, took, fool, cool, shook, loop, cook, choose, hook, sport, torn, corn, gorge, cork, or, fork, lead, steel, meat, bet, lest, tip, tiny, type, myth, mice, stay, plain, star, farm, cart, cell, cod, sing, cling, bank, rank, spin.


24. Read the words:


Sit, lame, back, miss, sack, gave, tip, tide, tap, late, mad, made, nine, fill, cake, thick, bat, pin, pine, hate, act, ice, plot, face, hid, fate, stamp, spot, pile, land, mist, mole, mark, gold, cap, nose, fix, harm, merry, horn, start, form, exact, examination, exist, sixty, appendix, expend, exotic, except, exile.

25. Read the words:


Speed, loaf, loom, reach, rose, fill, coal, aim, cube, weave, faint, steam, tool, freeze, mutton, crystal, tense, shoot, trainer, coast, raze, float, beach, least, boot, fee, rein, toil, author, veil, toy, spoil.

A merry song, a big boat, a simple riddle, a little star, a black bag, an old goat, a good cook, a fat cock, a good accent, an old oak, a good tool, ten miles, go home, take the pen, a pale face.

26. Read the words:


Best, code, nod, tops, sent, bed, these, cod, sold, spoke, mock, theme, block, then, neck, cone, bold, enter, cell, centner, motor, close, nest, depth, less, self, fold, doctor.


27. Read the words:


Five, tip, bed, pipe, land, fry, rule, ton, tone, pupil, love, cut, shade, brother, bus, snack, blame, poke, found, aloud, green, town, toy, farm, yellow, glove, warm, some, won, worse, nothing, mild, world, month, company, worship, none, find, wild, ought, above, brought.


28. Read the words:


Face, eight, yet, gate, cage, engine, lock, wrong, write, job, white, gymnastics, Alice, chest, light, cheek, fish, sigh, gently, knight, bright, ginger, knock, physics, phlox, Gypsy, whole, whip, whoop, whisper.

29. Read the words:


Boot, prepare, ball, book, mere, meat, good, store, bread, care, palm, cure, cold, last, plant, text, exam, rather, germ, hurt, hare, grasp, bald, calf, chalk, clasp.

30. Read the words:


A talented dancer, a broken branch, a stone wall, a dull day, a wise man, a cheap car, a big ship, a fat sheep, a naughty girl, a lazy boy, a rare plant, a strict lady, a cold lake, a birthday present, Bertha’s basket, spare time, pure water.


31. Read the words:


Work, rare, fire, tyre, myrtle, type, myth, admire, party, parrot, lorry, caught, pillow, further, loud, accept, box, walk, pain, palm, pure, hare, share, store, here, cure, fur, term, more, firm, spare, sphere, wire, mere.

32. Read the words:


A spare moment, a famous painter, a rare ring, the upper teeth, the thick wood, the first letter, the next room, the full moon, the vast territory, the main street.

33. Read the words:


Weight, lain, coin, play, neighbour, neutral, grew, pie, pool, took, toy, autumn, how, know, narrow, true, group, bread, peace, feel, dare, mere, where, sore, ore, nasty, salt, lure, sure, jerk, jaw, fruit, foe, paw, hair, dear, chair, peer, learn, car, moor.

34. Read the words:


A white bear, a poor fellow, a new dish, a low couch, a big mouth, a narrow path, a broken chair, an old gypsy, chilly weather, brown bread, good maize, bitter beer, fresh air, red hair, bad flour, repeat each word, correct these mistakes, close the window, take the pill, don’t eat these peaches.


35. Read the words:


Lecture, housewife, phone, physics, big, scythe, stalk, knee, treasure, importance, decision, debtor, person, France, hotel, chemist, hedge, lodge, knuckle, bang, length, strengthen, phrase, thumb, throng, thesis, then.


36. Read the words:


Did-deed, had-hard, lick-leak, hip-heap, dear-deer, lad-lard, Mary-marry, hail-hear, sill-seal, bear-beer, lip-leap, pit-pat, hill-heal, chair-cheer, bad-bard, fill-feel, marry-merry, ship-sheep, taught-tap-tape, pen-pain-pale, fit-foot-fate, dive-dove-dame, daisy-lazy-darling.


37. Practise reading the following words:


Ben, meet, tell, be, ten, tent, bed, bede, bee, dene, bet, dent, beet, end, men, peep, dell, bent, den, mete, lend, less, best, lends, seems, send, pens, sets, beds, bees, nets, seeds, tests, deed, spell, Bess, text.


38. Practise reading the following words:


Plane, main, train, raise, may, pay, stay, map, plan, angle, battle, be, mete, eve, mean, seat, see, keen, feel, speak, wet, nest, gentle, vein, they, either, neither, seize, ate, ache, chest, cheese, please, these, veil, cent, gin, gap, gain, gypsy, giant, cyclist, them, method, theme, with, thick.


39. Practise reading the following words:


Cede, cell, theme, than, with, sheath, vein, neither, cake, sane, shape, ate, tax, cramps, aid, pain, claim, said, grey, play, day, cent, get, gift, gap, gain, gem, gin, gyps, bench, back, ache, many, east, eagle, teach, deaf, breathe, they, method, bathe.


40. Practise reading the following words:


Mule, muff, cube, grew, coat, sauce, pause, aunt, daughter, faugh, cook, thousand, sound, soul, ought, clown, blow, southern, pewter, shrewd, crowd, loaf, faint, veil, least, beach, crystal, mark, expend, exist, land, snack.


41. Practise reading the following words:


Cup, cube, but, nut, mute, butter, rung, huge, wake, weak, wig, waver, wine, wink, way, weed, wit, coin, boy, point, join, toy, noisy, joy, now, how, yellow, Moscow, window, gown, down, out, ounce, foul, noun, scout, count, seller, actor, town, term, first, bird, third, stern, turn, Byrd, furs, curl, curt, serf, curb, herb, want, wash, was, watch, watt, whale, wharf, wheat, ward, when, whether, which, whiff, whip, warn, whole, warp, why, cat, bunch, pinch, rice, will, chest, sister, frost, lick, sly, pace, lunch, rib, from, luck, cry, chat, shy, chill, sky, hale, rose, spine, till, spider, vine, sniff, maze, pan, reader.


42. Practise reading the following words:


Straight, sauce, jaundice, slaughter, awkward, payment, breadth, deign, seize, eulogy, shrewd, achieve, sprightly, oath, foe, honey, ounce, fountain, coyness, glue, pursue, bruise, hyacinth, cigar, wharf, concern, perceive, encircle, ornament, worship, burden, square, adhere, gyre, fairness, appear, yearn, rehearse, career, hoarse, devour, boor, enemy, wobble.


43. Practise reading the following words:


Occasion, debtor, doubt, ceiling, accident, ladder, fragment, gist, agent, giant, forehead, exhaust, honour, destroy, synonym, beneath, ant, leader, reason, wan, wise, exclude, complexion, yoke, chemist, bench, judge, bulgy, defence, gnat, knave, knuckle, bomb, dumb, climb, triumph, question, liquid, rhapsody, rheumatism, scene, science, ashamed, thumb, whole, also, waffle, almost, whack, quake, serene, stretcher, ceremony, medal, junction, enclose, renew, embrace, define, polite, equip, wiry, sign, typical, evoke, soldier, both, bronze, clutch, rhumb, cube, uncertain, flute, yule, fury, curious, plural, rural, jury, dyke, scythe, lymph.


44. Practise reading the following words:


Paper, table, plane, main, train, raise, may, pay, stay, said, many, map, angle, battle, plan, large, part, start, article, glass, pass, class, fast, mast, cast, grant, plant, branch, half, calf, ask, task, mask, father, bath, chance, advance, shaft, after, craft, draft, stair, hair, affair, care, fare, scare, ball, almost, install, launch, author, saw, naught, aunt, mass, war, warm, want, wash, what, captain, Monday, be, mete, eve, mean, seat, see, keen, feel, speak, wet, nest, gentle, bread, reader, ready, weather, meant, lead, her, term, serve, permanent, heard, learn, earth, near, fear, clear, engineer, cheer, mere, here, maker, partner, member, answer, market, planet, new, few, Europe, deuce, crew, grew, either, neither, vein, freight, they, eight, cheese, please, these, three, meal, pen, best, tremble, breath, veil, weight, theme, teacher, time, title, cinema, kind, find, wild, mild, light, sight, lie, stick, imagine, timber, brittle, first, bird, thirst, third, fire, mire, entire, diamond, dialogue, science, society, field, brief, friend, grieve, fine, white, child, tie, night, fight, middle, this, believe, little, sir, firm, wire, diary, tired, client, require, scientist, priest, liege, yield, twice, behind, desire, dirt, might, mirth, remind, my, try, gypsy, sorry, family, cycle, dye, style, gym, myth, baby, yet, yard, year, tyre, tyrant, myrtle, yesterday, no, open, smoke, note, cold, who, how, road, boat, load, broad, loan, oak, know, window, low, cow, now, stop, box, hospital, from, town, brown, round, sound, count, cloud, southern, sport, port, born, morning, corner, poor, floor, door, more, core, ore, bore, before, board, source, moor, brought, thought, fought, taught, our, sour, hour, doctor, voice, coil, toy, oil, boy, noise, food, root, noon, too, moon, pool, book, look, took, hook, various, work, world, warm, mother, other, both, brother, month, son, front, come, London, some, cover, oven, rode, program, hold, narrow, coal, object, mottle, bottle, block, crowd, ground, round, short, sought, course, point, avoid, roof, tooth, cook, numerous, honey, discover, flour, soap, tube, duty, nude, nuclear, put, cut, push, bus, hull, bush, number, run, full, blue, true, cruise, juice, difficult, suspend, supply, turn, curve, urgent, surface, pure, cure, sure, curious, stupid, fury, dust, must, but, muddle, dull, current, clue, burn, rule, flu, June, July, gurgle, nurse, curb, suggest, during, perfume, rude, doubt, though, high, right, through, which, white, whose, knot, chalk, walk, talk, calm, balm, palm, wrap, wrong, wry, whole, knife, size, miss, pens, sees, fits, pins, seems, lips, bay, peck, faint, mad, Spain, aim, lean, ease, neck, ice, pace, gate, gem, age, game, jam, gas, shame, chest, match, catch, fetch, faith, thick, honour, next, exam, exhibit, exhibition, fang, stronger, gang, sling, link, drink, pink, prank, sheet, lack, rank, huge, waver, wink, weed, wine, yellow, wharf, wheat, angry, quite, quick, quest, English, bathe, ceiling, question, colour, judge, grammar, station, potato, drew, blew, uncle, share, shark, square, verse, whirl, mistake, lecture, housewife, phone, physics, bigger, key, scythe, stalk, shall, knee, treasure, forehead, importance, decision, debtor, person, France, hotel, chemist, epoch, hedge, lodge, knuckle, bang, length, strengthen, phrase, thumb, throng, thesis, then, bright, whale, deceive, receive, quarter, lung, jupe, euphony, jewel, shrewd, siege, thigh, oyster, reward, severe, appear, sheer, career, coarse, luxury, luxurious, yoke, ozone, induce.

§ 7. Dialogues for intoning




W: Hello, Betty!

B: Good afternoon, Mr. White!

W: Is Doctor Sandford ['sænfəd] in?

B: No, he isn't. Doctor Sandford is still in the hospital.

W: Is Mrs. Sandford at home?

B: No, she isn't. Mrs. Sandford is out. She is in the park with Benny, and old Mrs. Sandford is not well.

W: Oh, that's a pity! What's the matter? It isn't the flu, is it?

B: Oh, no, it's a bad cold, she's better today.

W: Is she in bed?

B: No, she isn't. Come in, Mr. White, and have a talk with Mrs. Sandford. She is always glad to see you.

W: Perhaps, some other day, Betty!

B: I'm so sorry Mr. Sandford isn't at -home yet.

W: That's all right. Remember me to Mrs. Sandford.

B: Yes, Mr. White.

W: So long then, Betty!

B: So long, Mr. White. On Saturday Mr. Sandford is at home after four.



Doctor Sandford's family is not very large. There are five of them. The five members of his family are: his mother, his sister- in-law, his son Benny, his wife Helen and himself. Helen has no parents.

Old Mrs. Sandford is fifty-eight. Helen is twenty-six. Doctor Sandford is thirty. Benny is an only child and there are no boys or girls in the family for him to play with.


"Granny, have I any cousins?"

"Yes Benny! You have two."

"Whose children are they? How old are they? Are they boys or girls?"

"Not so many questions at once, please, Benny! Your cousins are: a five-year-old boy, Georgie, and a four-year-old girl, May. They are your Aunt Emily's children. They are in Canada now with their parents: your Aunt Emily, my daughter, and her husband, Mr. Thomas Brown."

"In Canada? What's Canada, granny? Where is it?"

"Canada is a far-away country. It is in the North of America."

"In the North of America? Where is it? Is it as far as London?"

"Oh, no Benny! It's much farther." "But, granny..."

"Come along, my dearest. It's just the time for your midday milk."


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