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Shoe and kinds of shoes

Shoe is an outer covering for the foot. People wear shoes to protect their feet from cold weather, sharp objects. Shoes are also an important part of people’s clothing. Besides leather many other materials may be used, including canvas, velvet and such synthetic substances as plastics. Shoe materials and styles vary somewhat, depending on climate, custom or other differences. People in same regions often wear foot covering other than shoes. Shoes that have been poorly fitted can cause such problems as backache, fatigue, etc. Tight shoes may result in bunions, corns, hammertoes and ingrown toenails. Shoes with high hard sores can prevent flexible movement of the foot. There are four main kinds of shoes, depending on their use: casual and dress shoes, sport shoes, work shoes and corrective shoes. Most casual shoes are based on such low-heeled styles as the loafer, moccasin, oxford and pump. Most dress shoes or evening shoes for women are based on the pump or sandal style and have high or medium heels. Materials used for these shoe include brocade, satin, silk, tapestry and velvet. Most men’s dress shoes are pumps and are made of leather or patent leather with a glossy finish. Sport shoes have different features for various sports. Basketball shoes and tennis shoes have rubber soles that keep the player from slipping. Basketball shoes have metal or synthetic-rubber spikes that enable the wearer to start and stop quickly. Football shoes have synthetic rubber cleats for the same purpose. Work shoes are worm for safety and comfort in many kinds of jobs. Corrective shoes are designed to provide relief from such foot conditions as bunions and corns. Shoes called negative heel shoes are intended to prevent, rather than correct, problems that may be caused by shoes.


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