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Recruitment. Recruitment is the of activities an organization uses to job can-

Recruitment is the … of activities an organization uses to … job can-

didates with the abilities and … needed to help the organization achieve

its …. Recruitment requires a sound human resource planning system

that includes personnel inventories, forecasts of the … … of human re-

sources, action plans, and control and evaluation …. The first step in

recruitment is a clear specification of …: number of people, skills mix,

…, and experience level. This information is especially important so that

affirmative action … and timetables for the recruitment and hiring of …

can be met. If human resource needs cannot be met within the …, out-

side sources must be tapped. Enron keeps a file on … who have sought

employment with it over the past year. Even though these applicants

were not hired, they frequently … an interest in working for a company

with a good … and image. By carefully screening these files, some good

applicants can be added to the … of candidates. … in newspapers, trade

journals, and magazines notify …applicants of openings. Responses to

advertisements will come from both qualified and unqualified …. Occa-

sionally a company will list a post office box number rather than provide

the company …. Called … …, such advertisements eliminate the need to

contact every …. But they do not … a company to use its name or … as

a form of promotion. Some organizations effectively use their own … in

newspaper and magazine …. For example, a General Dymanics ad cites

its employees as “19,000 reasons why … is good in San Diego”. Thus the

firm calls … to its presence in the city. The ad also features … security

badges with photographs. Using employees in the ads personalizes the

company to ….

8.* Read the passage carefully. Some of the lines are correct and some

have a word which should not be there. Find these words.

When a company interviews a candidate for a job they are not allowed

to have discriminate against him or her on the grounds of race, sex, age

or disability. In other words, every one candidate should have equal op-

portunity or the same chance to get the job. EU laws help to promote

this, as do other laws in the other parts of the world. Figures suggest that

candidates often are to discriminated against on the grounds of race.

Many more people believe that positive action by employers is that an

important part of a good equal opportunities policy. This should help

to increase the number of such workers belonging to a particular racial

group, if they are under-represented in the firm. Firms need to be been

aware of the make-up of their labor force, and many companies carry

out equal opportunities monitoring during the selection of procedure.

As well as discrimination in the selection process itself, employees can




also be discriminated against in the area of its pay. In manufacturing, for

example, women earn 72% of men’s pay. Additionally, occupations that

employ there mainly women, such as hairdressing, for example, tend to

involve low pay. If an employee thinks that they have been discriminated

against them they can take their case to an industrial tribunal.

9. Match the definitions to the words given below.

Hierarchy, management ability, leader, employee, theory X, theory Y,

human resource planning, human resource management, personnel, work-

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