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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

The conflict in this story is between 1 page

a) Jean and the Doctor.

b) Daniel Law and the young people.

c) Jean and her mother.

d) Miss Dearie and The Laws.

Answer the following questions:

1) What did the doctor tell Jean about, when he met her at a cafe?

2) Why did the doctor feel ashamed?

3) What did the doctor buy at the station shop? Why?

4) What person did the doctor see at the station?

5) Who came to the Doctor? Why?

6) What was the conversation about?

7) What did the Doctor feel?


Тема: Степени сравнения наречий. Degrees of comparison of adverbs. Особенности употребления артиклей. Предлоги места и времени

Text: “Jimmy Valentine's Reformation.”

O. Henry

Jimmy Valentine was released1 that day.

"Now, Valentine," said the warden2, "you'll go out today. Make a man of yourself. You are not a bad fellow really. Stop breaking open safes and be honest."

"Me?" said Jimmy in surprise. "Why, I've never broken a safe in my life." The warden laughed. "Better think over my advice, Valentine."

In the evening Valentine arrived in his native town, went directly to the cafe of his old friend Mike and shook hands with Mike. Then he took the key of his room and went upstairs. Everything was just as he had left it.

Jimmy removed apanel in the wall and dragged out a dust-covered suitcase. He opened it and looked fondly at the finest set of burglar's3 tools. It was a complete set made of special steel. The set consisted of various tools of the latest design. Over nine hundred dollars they had cost him.

A week after the release of Valentine there was a new safe-burglary in Richmond. Two weeks after that another safe was opened. That began to interest the detectives. Ben Price, a famous detective, got interested in those cases.

"That's all Jimmy Valentine's work. He has resumed business. He has got the only tools that can open any safe without leaving the slightest trace."

One afternoon Jimmy Valentine came to Elmore, a little town in Arkansas. A young lady crossed the street, passed him at the corner and entered a door over which was the sign "The Elmore Bank". Jimmy Valentine looked into her eyes, forgot what he was and became another man. She lowered her eyes and blushed slightly. Young men of Jimmy's style and looks were not often met in Elmore. Jimmy called a boy who was standing on the steps of the bank and began to ask him questions about the town and the people of the town. From this boy he learnt that this girl was Annabel Adams and that her father was the owner of the bank.

Jimmy went to a hotel and registered as Ralf Spencer. To the clerk he said that he had come to Elmore to start business, The clerk was impressed by the clothes and manners of Jimmy and he was ready to give Jimmy any information. Soon Jimmy opened a shoe-store and made large profits. In all other respects he was also a success. He was popular with many important people and had many friends. And he accomplished the wish of his heart. He met Miss Annabel Adams and she fell in love with him too. Annabel's father, who was a typical country banker approved of Spencer. The young people were to be married in two weeks. Jimmy gave up safe-burglary for ever. He was an honest man now. He decided to get rid of his tools.

At that time a new safe was put in Mr. Adams' bank. The old man was very proud of it and insisted that everyone should inspect it.

So one day the whole family with the children went to the bank. Mr. Adams enthusiastically explained the working of the safe to Mr. Spencer. The two children were delighted to see the shining metal and the funny clock. While they were thus engaged Ben Price, the detective, walked into the bank and stood at the counter watching the scene. He told the cashier that he was just waiting for the man he knew. Suddenly there was a loud scream from the women. Unseen by the elders, May, the smallest girl had shut herself in the vault4.

"It's impossible to open the door now," said Mr. Adams in a trembling voice, "because the clock of the safe hasn't been wound. Oh, what shall we do? That child—she can't stand it for long because there isn't enough air there!"

"Get away from the door, all of you," suddenly commanded Spencer. And it must be mentioned that Jimmy happened to have his suit-case with him because he was going to get rid of it that day. Very calmly he took out the tools and in ten minutes the vault was opened. The others watched him in amazement. The little girl, crying, rushed to her mother.

Jimmy took his suit-case and came up to Ben Price whom he had noticed long before. "Hello, Ben", he said, "Let's go. I don't think it matters much now." And then suddenly Ben Price acted rather strangely. "I guess, you are mistaken Mr. Spencer," he said. "I don't seem to recognize you. I think your fiancée is waiting for you, isn't she?" And Ben Price turned and walked out of the Bank.


1 was released — был освобожден

2 a warden — охранник

3 a burglar — вор-взломщик

4 vault — зд. внутренняя часть сейфа

Answer the following questions:

1) What kind of a man was Jimmy Valentine? (age, looks, occupation)

2) What was the first thing he did on entering his room?

3) There was a number of safe-burglaries in Richmond. Why did Ben Price get interested in them? Why did he suspect Jimmy?

4) How did Jimmy happen to meet Annabel Adams? What did he manage to find out about her?

5) Why did Jimmy register at hotel under another name?

6) Explain the phrase, “In all respects Jimmy was a success.”

7) What final decision did Jimmy make that proved that he wanted to give up his old business for ever?



Тема: Страдательный залог. The Passive Voice

Text: “An Irish Wedding.”

Have you ever been to an Irish wedding? I have just returned from one. It is a quarter to five in the morning; the sun has already risen; the birds are busy celebrating the new day and have eagerly been in search of food. But some of the guests have not yet left. They are still prolonging the night dancing, singing, gossiping, postponing the unfortunate necessity of undertaking a day's work in. the fields after a sleepless night.

Throughout most of her life, Bridget Mary, the bride, has lived in the small whitewashed cottage I have just left. Twelve children have been brought up there but only two are still living at home. The eldest son, heir1 to the small farm, is helping his father with the farm work (they employ no farm labourers); the youngest daughter is still at school. Two years ago Bridget Mary, like many other girls, went to England to take up domestic work in a hospital. While she was living there she met her future husband, Terry. He himself is an Irishman who used to live in Dublin and now has a job in a light engineering works3 in England. They got engaged3 and now they are thinking of buying a small house near Terry’s factory.

The wedding ceremony was performed in the church in the nearest town at half past eight yesterday morning. Another couple were being married at the same time. Nobody worried about the cost of celebrations: four luxurious cars brought the bride, the bride-groom, the family and friends home. Forty people were crowded into the tiled kitchen and the tiny living-room, hung with framed school certificates and religious pictures. An enormous meal was eaten; the wedding cake was cut and toasts were drunk in whiskey, or sherry. And while the remains of the feast were being cleared away and the rooms swept, the four cars set out again, taking the married couple and relations for a drive round the countryside.

The evening party was to start at ten o’clock, but by nine o'clock many of the guests were already arriving. A few of the nearest male relatives were looking rather awkward in evening suits with smart ties. And the pleasant, unsophisticated country-women appeared a little self-conscious dressed in their Sunday best for the occasion.

By the time I arrived at eleven o'clock, the party was in full swing.4 Two men squeezing accordions provided the music: the old Irish tunes that have been played at weddings for many years. Half the people in the room were dancing the square dances which have been enjoyed еven longer. Drinks were being handed round. And whenever the dancing stopped, somebody would start singing one of the sentimental treasured Irishsongs. Sometimes we all joined in the chorus, sadly and solemnly, before getting uр to dance again.

Irish weddings have been, celebrated in this way for generations.

The very old and the teenagers, the middle-aged couples, all meet together to keep up the old traditions and enjoy themselves as their ancestors did.

(From "First Certificate in English Course for Foreign Students" by Ona Low)


1. (be) heir to smb/smth— наследник кого-л./чего-л.

2. a light engineering works — механические мастерские

3. (be) get engaged — обручиться (быть помолвленным)

4. the party was in full swing — празднество было в полном разгаре


1. celebrate v праздновать, отпраздновать; торжественно отмечать (годовщину и т. п.);celebration n празднование торжества.
2. eager a (for, about) страстно стремящийся, нетерпеливый; he is eager to begin емуне терпится начать; be eager for knowledgeстремиться к знанию; be eager about one's progressупорно добиваться успеха; he is eager for you to come он с нетерпением ждет вашего прихода; eagerly adv нетерпеливо, усердно.
3. postpone v откладывать, отсрочивать; postpone a Conference (a meeting) отложить конференцию (собрание);postponement n отсрочка.
4. bring up v (brought) 1) воспитывать; растить; she has brought up four children она вырастила (воспитала) четверых детей; 2) поднимать (вопрос); выносить или ставить на обсуждение; the. matter was brought up in the committee вопрос был поднят в комитете.
5. employ v предоставлять работу; нанимать; the factory employs a thousand workers на фабрике занята тысяча рабочих; employee n рабочий; служащий; работающий по найму; employer и наниматель, работодатель; (un)employment п занятость/безработица; unemployed а/п безработный.
6. marry v жениться; выходить замуж; marry a soldier (a foreigner, etc.) выйти замуж за военного (иностранца и т.п.); marriage n брак; замужество; женитьба; супружество; married а женатый; замужняя; be married (to smb)быть женатым, замужем; get married (to smb)(no)-жениться; выйти замуж.
7. hang v,(hung) 1) вешать; подвешивать; развешивать; 2) висеть;hang back/behindотставать; hangwith украшать (картинами, флагами и т. п.)
8. clear v очищать, освобождать; clear the path of snow очистить дорожку от снега; clear the room of people освободить комнату (от людей); clear awayубирать что-л. со стола; please clear away the tea things пожалуйста, уберите чайную посуду; clear up the matter (with smb)выяснить что-л.; the mystery hasn’t been cleared up yet тайна еще не раскрыта.
9. occasion n 1) случай; I have met him on several occasions.Я несколько раз встречал его по различным случаям (событиям). on the occasion ofпо случаю; по поводу какого-л. события. I met him on the occasion" of my sister's marriage. Я познакомился с ним на свадьбе моей сестры. It is not the occasion for laughter. Нечему здесь смеяться, occasional а нерегулярный, редкий, случайный, occasional thunderstorms редкие грозы; occasionally adv изредка, время от времени, иногда
10. provider v 1) (with)снабжать; обеспечивать; provide smb with money снабдить кого-л. деньгами; 2) (for) обеспечивать (средствами к существованию); provide for a large family обеспечивать (содержать) большую семью; 3) предоставлять, давать; provide military aid предоставлять военную помощь; provisional аdj временный; provisional government временное правительство.
11. hand v передавать; вручать; Hand me the book, please. Передай мне, пожалуйста, книгу. She was handed the prize for reading. Ей вручили приз за чтение, hand inподавать(заявление, реферат, котрольную работу), сдавать; Hand in your exercise-books. Сдайте тетради.

Word Combinations

1. be busy doing smth/ with smth/ smb — быть занятым чём-л., кем-л.
2. in search of smb/smth — в поисках кого-л./чего-л.
3. take up photography(history, music, etc.) — заняться фотографией (историей, музыкой и т. п.)
4.1 (he, she, etc)used to do smth — я (он, она и т.д.)имел обыкновение делать что-л.
5. set out (on a trip, etc.) — отправиться (в путь)
6. keep up a tradition(a custom) — сохранять (поддерживать) традицию (обычай)

Answer the following questions:

1) How many brothers and sisters had Bridget Mary got?

2) Where did she meet her future husband?

3) Were Bridget and Terry the only couple married that morning?

4) What was the wedding breakfast like?

5) What did the married couple and relations do after breakfast?

6) How was the party organized?

7) Why have Irish weddings been celebrated in the same way for many generations?


Тема: Perfect Continuous Tense Forms. Modal Verbs + Passive Voice. The Infinitive

Text: “Invention Of the Telephone.”

"Mr. Watson, come here please; I want you." With these commonplace words a new era was ushered in. That sentence marked the achievement of a man who changed the face of the world in his lifetime. For the speaker was Alexander Graham Bell. And that sentence was the first to be spoken over the telephone.

Alexander Bell was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh. His genius was inherited from his father, who was a famous teacher of elocution, and an expert on phonetics. Even as a boy his mind was inventive but in 1870 Bell's health began to fail and there were fears of consumption. So with his father he left his native country and went to Canada. Two years later he was in Boston, where he set up a school for training teachers of the deaf and he also gave instruction in the Mechanics of Speech. Here he started experimenting on a machine which he believed would make the deaf "hear." He had been doing this for some time when he accidentally came across the clue for the correct principles of telephony.

By February 15, 1876, Bell had filed an application for a patent for his "improvement in telegraphy" at the United States Patent Office. Only two hours later Elisha Gray of Chicago filed an application for almost the same invention. Edison and many others were all working in the same field: all claimed the invention or part of the invention of the telephone. The great telephone war was on. There was hardly any time to spare.

Bell and his assistant, Watson, hid themselves in two rooms of a cheap Boston boarding house and worked day and night trying to transmit and receive sentences spoken by the human voice over the telephone. On the afternoon of Маrch 10, 1876, Watson was in the basement with the receiver to his ear. Suddenly he started. Words — real distinguishable words — had come through at last. Sharply and clearly the sentence came through, “Mr. Watson, come here, please; I want you.”

Watson rushed up the stairs like a schoolboy and burst into Bell’s room, shouting, “I heard you; I could hear what you said!”

That year Bell exhibited his telephone at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia.

Bell soon withdrew from active work on the telephone and settled down in a country home at Baddeck, Nova Scotia and devoted himself to invention. He was interested himself in dynamic flight, sheep breeding and a universal language based on the phonetics of the English language. He perfected a hydroplane and claimed he had invented a breathing apparatus for explorers and travellers through the deserts. Although nothing has come of any of these inventions, work is still being carried out on the telephone.

Inventors have been making experiments on a telephone/television called picturephone for sometime. The equipment is a television screen, a television camera and the usual telephone. The camera will be able to look at an area of a room, or a close-up of a.person, or focus on papers on a desk or wall. This picturephone should be useful for business situations but possibly embarrassing for social occasions sometimes.

Years after Bell's invention, there is a story told by a woman whom he met at a social gathering. When she was introduced to the great inventor she expressed pleasure in meeting him and then said smilingly, “But often I wish you had never been born.” Bell looked startled and hurt and then he smiled and said, “I sympathize. I never use the beast myself.”

The most extraordinary thing is that Bell hated the telephone, he hardly ever used it.

(From "Discoveries and Inventions" by Garton-Spenger, Lugton Mclver)


Alexander Graham Bell — Александр Грейам Белл (1847—1922), один из изобретателей телефона в США

Edinburgh — г. Эдинбург

United States Patent Office — Государственное патентное бюро США.

Edison, Thomas Alva (1847-1931) — Эдисон, Томас Алва известный американский изобретатель.

Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia — выставка, посвященная столетию провозглашения независимости США


1. invent v изобретать, создавать; invent a machine (a steam engine, etc) изобрести машину (паровую машину и т.п.); invention л изобретение; inventive а изобретательный, находчивый; inventor п изобретатель.
2. mark v 1) ставить знак, метку; отмечать. Не marked in his diary the date of the appointment with the doctor. Он отметил в календаре день, на который был назначен визит к врачу. 2) отмечать; ознаменовывать; mark the occasion отметить, событие; mark n оценка, отметка, балл; good/bad mark.
3. achieve v достигать, добиваться; achieve one's purpose (aim)добиться своего (своей цели); achievment n достижение; achievements of science достижения науки.
4. change v 1) менять(ся); изменять(ся); переделывать; change one's address поменять адрес, переехать; the weather changes very often погода часто меняется; change for the better/worseизмениться к лучшему/худшему; 2) переодеваться; change for dinner/into a new suit переодеваться к обеду/в новый костюм; 3) разменивать (деньги) to change money; to change a pound note разменять банковский билет. 4) делать пересадку с; change from one train to another пересесть с одного поезда на другой; change n 1) перемена, изменение; change of sceneперемена обстановки; for a changeдля разнообразия; 2) сдача; мелкие деньги, мелочь; he got ninepence change он получил 9 пенсов сдачи; small change мелочь (мелкие деньги); 3) пересадка; make a change at N – делать пересадку в N.
5. fail v 1) терпеть неудачу. All our plans failed. Все наши планы рухнули. 2) подводить. Не failed me at the last minute. Он подвел меня в последнюю минуту. 3) слабеть. His health failed. Его здоровье пошатнулось. 4) (in) провалиться на экзамене; he failed (in) mathematics; they failed him in English.Они провалили его на Английском; fail to do smth.не суметь сделать что-л.; we failed to arrive in time; failuren 1) неудача; провал на экзамене; 2) неудачник; неудавшееся дело; he is a failure in everything. Ему ничто не удается.
6. fear n 1) страх, боязнь; in fear в страхе, со страхом, в тревоге; for fear (of)из страха; из боязни; she didn't enter for fear of the dog; 2) опасение; there is not the slightest fear of rain today. Нет никакого намека (опасения) на дождь сегодня; fear v бояться, опасаться; fear the worstожидать худшего; fear for smb’s health; fearful a робкий, пугливый; fearless а бесстрашный.
7. accident n несчастный случай; катастрофа; авария, have (meet with) an accidentпопасть в аварию; accidental а случайный, неожиданный; accidentally adv случайно.
8. hardly adv едва; едва ли, вряд ли; насилу, еле, с трудом; she is hardly twenty; it's hardly possible; I could hardly understand him.
9. hide v (hid, hidden) прятать(ся); скрываться; hide (away) a document; Where is he hiding? I have nothing to hide. Мне нечего скрывать.
10. cheap а дешевый, недорогой; buy smth cheap; ant. buy smth expensive купить что-то дешево/ дорого.
11. receive v получать; receive a letter (news, an invitation, etc) получить письмо (сообщение приглашение и т. п.); 2) принимать (гостей, посетителей); the President received the new ambassador yesterday. Президент официально принял нового посла вчера; receipt n расписка в получении, квитанция; receiver n 1) получатель; 2) телефонная трубка; reception n прием (гостей),офис приема гостей в гостинице, в отеле.
12. rush v бросаться, кидаться; мчаться, нестись; the bull rushed at him; they rushed into the room; rush n стремительное движение, натиск, напор; a rush of customers наплыв покупателей; in a rushв спешке, впопыхах. What's all this rush? К чему вся эта спешка (суета)? rush hours часы пик
13. exhibit v выставлять, экспонировать; n экспонат; экспозиция; the Russian exhibit at the World Fair российский павильон на всемирной выставке; exhibition n выставка.
14. devote v посвящать; devote one's life to s/th, s/b (art); the book is devoted to modern architecture; devoted а преданный, нежный, любящий; a devoted mother.
15. interest v 1) интересовать, возбуждать интерес; the article interests everybody; interest (oneself) smb in smth. (doing smth) заинтересовать кого-л. (заинтересоваться чём-л.); be interested in smth интересоваться чём-л.; interest n интерес; take (an) interest in smb/smth заинтересоваться кем-л./ чем-л.; lose interest in smb/smth потерять интерес к кому-л./ чему-л.; interested а заинтересованный; interesting a интересный.
16. hate v 1) ненавидеть; не выносить; испытывать отвращение; 2) разг. очень сожалеть, очень не хотеть. I hate to hurt his feelings. Мне бы очень не хотелось обижать его. Не hates to be bothered. Он терпеть не может, когда ему мешают, hate (hatred) n ненависть, отвращение.

Word Combinations

1. an expert in/on smth. — какой-л. быть специалистом в области
2. set up smth. — основать что-л.
3. come across smb./ smth — натолкнуться на кого-л./ что-л.; случайно обнаружить
4. be on — идти (о фильме, спектакле);иметь место
5. at last — наконец
6. carry smth. out — проводить, осуществлять что-л.

Answer the following questions:

1) Where and when was Alexander Bell born?

2) What was his father?

3) How did the idea of the telephone first come to Bell`s mind?

4) Where and how did Bell and Watson work on their invention?

5) What were they trying to do?

6) Where and when was the telephone first exhibited?

7) What sort of meeting did Bell have at a gathering years after he made his invention?

UNIT 10.

Тема: Неличные формы глагола: The Gerund и The Participle

Text: “How To Educate a Child.”

Gerry was ten years old when he and his family left England to went and live on the Greek island of Corfu.

Hardly had we settled into the Strawberry-pink Villa when Mother decided that I was running wild, and that it was necessary for me to have some sort of education. But where to find this one on a remote Greek island? As usual when a problem arose, the entire family flung itself with enthusiasm into the task of solving it. Each person of our family had his or her own idea of what was best for me.

“Plenty of time for him to learn,” said Leslie; “after all he can read; can’t he? I can teach him to shoot, and if we buy a boat I can teach him to sail”.

“But, dear, that wouldn't really be much use to him later on.” Mother pointed out adding vaguely, “unless he was going in to the Merchant Navy or something."

“I think it's essential that he learns to dance,” said Margo, "or else he`ll grow up into one of these awful tongue-tied idiots."

“Yes, dear, but he doesn’t need to learn that sort of thing till later. He should get some sort of grounding in things like Mathe­matics and French... and his spelling’s awful."

“Literature,” said Larry, with conviction, “that’s what he wants. A good solid grounding in literature. The rest will follow naturally. I’ve been encouraging him to read some good stuff.”

“But don't you think that Rabelais is a little old for him?” asked Mother doubtfully.

“All that he wants is a healthy outdoor life; if he takes up shooting and sailing...”began Leslie.

“Oh, stop talking like a bishop...Don`t be dull!”

“Now, how, there’s no sense in fighting," said Mother. "Gerry needs educating, and what we want is someone who can teach him and who'll encourage our boy in his interests."

“He appears to have only one interest,” said Larry bitterly, “and that's this awful urge to fill things with animal life. I don't think he ought to be encouraged in that. I went to light a cigarette only this morning, and a great bumble-bee flew out of the box.”, “It was a grasshopper with me,” said Leslie gloomily. “Yes, I think this sort of thing ought to be stopped,” said Margo.

"He doesn't mean any harm, poor little chap", said Mother pacifically "I wouldn't mind being attacked by bumble-bees, if it led anywhere," Larry pointed-out. “But it's just a phase... he’ll grow out of it by the time when he's fourteen.”

“He's been in this phase from the age of two,” said Mother, “and he's showing no signs of growing out of it."

“Well, if you insist on stuffing him full of useless information, George can have a shot at4 teaching him,” said Larry.

“That's a brain-wave!” said Mother delightedly.

(After "My Family and Other Animals" by Gerald Durrell)


Gerry-Gerald Durell (1925-1995) Дж. Даррелл, известный английский писатель-натуралист, автор многих книг о животных

Merchant Navy — торговый флот

Rabelais, Francois (1494-1553) – Ф. Рабле, французский писатель-сатирик, автор романа «Гаргантюа и Пантагрюэль»

have a shot at smth./ doing smth. — приложить руку к чему-л.

That's a brain-wave! — Вот это находка (идея)!


1. educate v воспитывать; давать образование; educated a образованный; education n образование, просвещение, обучение; compulsory (free) education обязательное (бесплатное) обучение; higher education высшее образование.  
2. solve v решать, разрешать; solve a difficulty найти выход из затруднительного положения; solve a mystery (a problem) раскрыть тайну (решить проблему); solution n решение, разрешение (проблемы и т.п.); the solution of a difficulty выход из затруднительного положения; a solution to (for) a problem (puzzle) решение проблемы (загадки)
3. idea n идея, мысль; представление, понятие; themain idea of a book основная идея книги; have (get) an idea of smth иметь (получить) представление о чём-л.; have no idea of smth не иметь представления о чём-л.  
4. point v (at, to) указывать, показывать; point the finger at an object указать пальцем на какой-л. предмет; point to a door указать на дверь; he was pointed at as an example of what a son should be его ставили в пример как образцового сына; everything points to your being wrong все говорит о том, что вы неправы; point out указать (на что-л.); he pointed out my mistakes to me.  
5. grow v (grew, grown) расти, увеличиваться; grow in size увеличиваться в размере; the crowd grew толпа росла; the olive grows in Italy; grow up вырасти, становиться взрослым; grow (up) into smth превращаться во что-л.; she grew into a beautiful woman; grow out of smth перерастать что-л.; he grew out of his clothes.  
6. need v нуждаться; иметь надобность, потребность; I (don't) need this book (a rest, money, etc); the dress needs washing платье пора (необходимо) выстирать; need n надобность, нужда; there’s no need (to do smth) нет необходимости (делать что-л.).  
7. convince v (smb of smth) убеждать, уверять (кого-л. в чём-л.); be convinced(of smth.) быть убежденным (в чём-л.); convincing а убедительный (довод, доказательство и т.п.); convictions n, pl взгляды, убеждения.  
8. encourage v ободрять/воодушевлять; поощрять, поддерживать; encouragement n ободрение, поощрение; поддержка; give (no) encouragement to smb/smth (не) поощрять, (не,) поддерживать кого-л./что-л.;encouraging а одобрительный; обнадеживающий.  
9. doubt n сомнение, колебание, опасение; no doubt без сомнения; without doubt вне всяких сомнений; have doubts of (about) smb./smth сомневаться в ком-л,/чем-л.; doubtful а сомневающийся, колеблющийся, сомнительный;doubtless а несомненный; adv несомненно; doubt v сомневаться.  
10. favour n 1) благосклонность, расположение; win somebody's favour заслужить чье-л. расположение; 2) одолжение, любезность; do me a favour; in favour of в защиту, за; на (чьей-л.) стороне.  
11. reason n 1) причина, основание; what's the reason for his absence?; have (good) reasons for doing smth иметь (полное) право делать что-л.; give reasons for doing smth объяснить свой поступки; 2) разум, интеллект; listen to (hear) reason прислушаться к голосу разума; reasonable а 1) разумный; reasonable solution; 2) умеренный, подходящий; reasonable price умеренная цена; ant. unreasonable.  
12. harm n вред, ущерб, неприятность; do (much) harm to smb/smth причинять (большой) вред чему-л./кому-л.; ant. do good приносить пользу; I meant no harm. Я не хотел вас обидеть.  
13. mind n ум, разум; помыслы; мнение; come to one's mind прийти на ум; make up one's mind решиться, принять решение; change one's mind передумать; to my mind по-моему; mind n возражать, иметь что-л. против; Do you mind my smoking? I don't mind going there.  
14. lead v 1) вести, приводить (тж. fig.); lead the (led) child by the hand; Where does the road lead? this will lead to confusion это приведет к путанице; 2) руководить, возглавлять; lead an expedition; leader n руководитель, вождь.  
15. insist v (on) настаивать; I insist on his being present; insistence n настойчивость, упорство; insistent(ly) a (adv) настойчивый (настойчиво).  

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