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News in brief

1. Dinosaur skulls solve mystery

Palaeontologists have unearthed two rare titanosaur skulls in Madagascar, finally putting a face on one of the most common yet least understood dinosaurs.

2. Prison praised

Wandsworth prison in South London, which was branded "nasty and racist" two years ago, has improved rapidly because of good leadership and good ideas from staff, says a report by Sir..., who has just retired as the Chief Inspector of Prisons.

3. Hats off to 82-year-old Australian..., who travelled around the world to Norway to visit the beautiful North Cape plateau, which attracts 200,000 tourists a year. He refused to go in when he found there was an entry fee of £ 13.50. "Scenery should be free to look at," he stormed - and booked a flight home to Perth.

4. Canal plunge ends in death

A woman died yesterday after her car plunged into the Forth and Clyde canal in Maryhill, Glasgow: A police officer dived in to rescue her, but she died at Glasgow's Western infirmary.

5. Climber loses life in Alps

A British mountaineer, 32, died yesterday in Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, after being hit by a falling rock while climbing the Jungfrau peak in the Bernese Oberland with another mountaineer, who was not hurt.

6. Golden find

More than 400 gold and silver coins, worth £ 30,000 and dating from the reign of Mary I, in 1553, through Elizabeth I and James I to 1649, when Charles I was executed, have been found during renovation of a farmhouse at Abbotsham, Devon.

7. Student pilot lands in Cuba

A student pilot on his first solo flight stole the plane and flew from an airport in the Florida Keys to Cuba, landing on rocks in eastern Havana. He was led away by the Cuban authorities.

His flying instructor, Ed Steigerwald, said John Reese, a driver for a Pizza Hut restaurant, was supposed "just to take off, stay in the traffic pattern and come right back around and land".

8. King dons mufti to meet subjects

DISGUISED IN worn-out clothes, Jordan's King Abdullah II posed as a taxi driver to hear complaints from his countrymen. Royal Palace officials said. This is the second time within a week that the monarch has gone undercover in an attempt to fight bureaucracy.

9. Import Duties Slashed

MOSCOW (Prime Tass) - The government has cut import duties on some types of digital audio and video equipment to 10 percent of their customs value from 15-20 percent, the government's press service said Tuesday.

The press service said that the government had also abolished import duties on some types of technological equipment for the light and textile industries.

10. Cockroach Funeral

BANGKOK, Thailand (Reuters) - Thailand will burn alive more than 1,000 pet cockroaches Friday that health officials say are pests, but will then hold a traditional Buddhist funeral for them to please their former owners.

The 10-centimeter Madagascan Giant Hissing Cockroaches are popular pets in Thailand, but were banned last year after officials became concerned they might breed and spread disease.

"They will be put in big plastic bags and chucked onto the fire alive," said..., head of the Health Ministry's department of disease control. " But then we will hold a Buddhist funeral rite for them."

11. Novoгossiisk Expansion

NOVOROSSIISK, Novorossiisk Trade Sea Port, the largest seaport in the former Soviet Union, expects oil loadings to slow in 2004 for the third straight year as the port has used up almost all of its spare capacity.

The Black Sea port, which also handles metal exports, and raw sugar imports, plans a $70 million expansion as loadings are set to increase 3.9 percent this year to 53.5 million tons of oil and oil products, said general director Vladimir...

12. Turin Shroud boost for believers

A NEW study has given a boost to those who believe the Turin Shroud is the burial cloth of Jesus. Researchers who used pollen and plant images concluded that it dated from Jerusalem before the 8th century. An earlier study said the shroud was made between 1260 and l 390.

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