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READING. Russian Polar explorers have established that there is a chain of volcanoes at the bottom of the deep-water area of the Arctic Ocean

1. Arctic volcanoes

Russian Polar explorers have established that there is a chain of volcanoes at the bottom of the deep-water area of the Arctic Ocean. This was learned from studies of undersea rocks.

This chain begins in the Atlantic Ocean, crosses Iceland (Исландия) and can be traced far to the north, along the centre line of the Atlantic-Arctic deep-water area of the Arctic Ocean.

The chain of undersea volcanoes separates the Norwegian Sea from the Sea of Greenland, just as the central underwater Atlantic chain cuts the ocean to the south of Iceland in two.

The presence of the Arctic chain of volcanoes was forecast (предсказано) on the basis (база, основа) of geophysical data.

In the opinion of scientists, the volcanoes are now sleeping in the Arctic, but they may become active at any time.

2. From: An Outline of American Geography

At first sight1 (на первый взгляд), the land west of the Rocky Mountains (Скалистые горы) appears to be2 tumbled masses of mountains. Actually3, however, it is made up of quite distinct and separate regions, shaped (сформированные) by different geological events. One region was formed of material which was washed down (был смыт) from the Rockies and pressed into rock. This now encompasses the high Colorado Plateau (плато Колорадо), in which the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River is cut, 1.6 kilometers in depth4. But another region, the high Columbia tableland (плоскогорье, плато) to the north, was created by lava poured from inside the earth, burying old mountains and filling valleys (долины) to a depth of thousands of meters.

Volcanoes also built the Cascade Mountains (Каскадные горы). The Sierɪа Nevada range (горная система Сьерра-Невада) and the ridges (горные хребты) of the Great Basin (Большой бассейн), on the other hand, were formed when a portion of the earth's crust (земная кора) broke into high tilted blocks of rock. At the border of the Pacific Ocean (Тихий океан) lie (расположены) the Coast Ranges (Береговые хребты), relatively low mountains, in a region where occasional (случающиеся нерегулярно) earthquakes show that the process of mountain-building (образование гор) has not yet stopped.

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