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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Exercises. 1. Read and translate the dialogue


1. Read and translate the dialogue.


A – Let’s have a look at the picture.

B – With pleasure, I say, what a large family this is!

A – Is it? Is it really large?

B – Of course, it is. Look, how many members are there in the family?

A - As far as I see, the family consists of 6 members.

B – Isn’t it a large family according to the modern standards?

A – It is large. I agree with you. Who are the members of the family?

B – They are: a grandfather, a grandmother, a mother, a father and their children: a son and a daughter. Who is the oldest member of the family?

A – I suppose, the grandfather is. He is the oldest and the wisest member of the family. Is the grandmother younger than the grandfather?

B – Yes, she is.

A – Are they pensioners?

B – I think, they are. But they are still full of life and energy.

A – Whose parents are the grandfather and the grandmother?

B – In my opinion, this man is their son and his wife is their daughter-in-law.

A – Are the mother and the father of the same age?

B – I suppose, she is some years her husband’s junior. May be she is 32. She is an attractive woman, isn’t she?

A – Certainly, she is. And her husband is a handsome man. In general, they are good looking couple. What are they?

B – The wife is a teacher and her husband is an engineer. What are they fond of?

A – I suppose, they are fond of reading books. Let’s have a talk about their children. How many children have they?

B – As far as I can see, there are 2 children in the family: a son and a daughter. Are they teenagers?

A – I am afraid you are mistaken. The boy is of school age and his sister is a little girl. She goes to the kindergarten. She is a pet of the family. What are they fond of?

B – It seems to me, the son is fond of football and the daughter is fond of playing with her toys. Who brings up the children in the family?

A – I suppose, the parents and the grandparents. The father is the head of the family, and by all means, the women keep the house.

B – Do you think, that all the members of the family help one another?

A – Of course, and all the members of the family are on friendly terms with one another.


2. Match the following word combinations.

To look after the house, to take care of the children, to be a pensioner, to be retired from service, to be going to do something, to love (to like).

To have an old-age pension, to run the house, to be about to do something, to be fond of, to be pensioned off, to look after the children


3. Finish the sentences.


  1. My mother’s brother is my…
  2. A person who is retired from service is…
  3. A woman who has never been married is…
  4. A man who has never been married is…
  5. A woman whose husband has died is…
  6. Two brothers or sisters of the same age are called…
  7. My wife’s mother is my…
  8. My husband’s brother is my…
  9. The name that a woman had before her marriage is called a…


4. Answer the questions about your family.

  1. How many members does your family consist of?
  2. What are your parents?
  3. Do you have any sisters or brothers?
  4. How many cousins do you have?
  5. Where do they live?
  6. Where do you live?
  7. Who runs the house in your family?
  8. Are you on friendly terms with your relatives?
  9. What are you?
  10. What’s your hobby?
  11. What are you fond of?
  12. What are you going to be?


5.Discuss the relationship in your family. Make up a dialogue using the following words and word-combinations.


besides a relative, (close, distant)
maiden a world of relatives
a maiden name to be divorced
a bachelor (an old bachelor) to run the house
a widow to be pensioned off
a niece to do one’s best
a nephew to be about to do smth
a spinster to be fond of smth, smb
a fiancée to go in for sports
a sister-in-law to be in the army
by profession to graduate from
to be good (excellent) at smth to get married
to be married  

6. Study the vocabulary and describe the members of your family. Use the following words and word combinations.

1. Appearance

appearance/looks (внешний) вид, наружность, внешность

Can you describe her appearance? Вы можете описать ее внешность?

I like his looks. Мне нравится его внешность

build телосложение

He is of a heavy build. Он крепкого телосложения.

complexion цвет лица

She has a good complexion. У нее хороший цвет лица.

figure фигура

Не has a very handsome figure. У него очень красивая фигура.

gait/walk походка

Не has an awkward gait. У него неуклюжая походка.

height рост

She is a woman of middle height. Она женщина среднего роста.

I am five feet in height. Мой рост 5 футов (152,5 сантиметра).

look взгляд

He has an unpleasant look in his eyes. У него неприятный взгляд.

sight 1) зрение 2) вид

Do you have good sight? У вас хорошее зрение?

You are a sight! Ну и вид же у тебя!

I know him by sight but I've never spoken to him. Я его знаю в лицо, но никогда с ним не разговаривал.

far-sighted дальнозоркий

near-sighted близорукий

smile улыбка

She has a very pleasant smile. У нее очень приятная улыбка.

beard борода

He is growing a beard. Он отпускает бороду.

He has a pointed beard. У него бородка клинышком.

curl локон, завиток; р1 вьющиеся волосы

She has long curls over her shoulders. У нее длинные вьющиеся волосы (локоны) до плеч.

cheek щека

hollow cheeks впалые щеки

plump cheeks пухлые щеки

chin подбородок

double chin двойной подбородок

dimple ямочка (на щеке, подбородке)

She has dimples in her cheeks when she smiles. Когда она улыбается, у нее ямочки на щеках.

ear 1) ухо; 2) слух

She has an ear for music. У нее музыкальный слух.

eye глаз

What colour are her eyes? Какого цвета у нее глаза?

expressive eyes выразительные глаза

hazel eyes карие глаза

close-set eyes близко поставленные глаза

dark-eyed темноглазый

eyebrow бровь

bushy eyebrows густые брови

eyelashes ресницы

thick eyelashes густые ресницы

face лицо

What kind of face (shape of face) has she? Какое у нее лицо

(форма лица)?

round-faced круглолицый

freckle веснушка

Her face was freckled all over. Все ее лицо было в веснушках.

features черты лица

Не is a man of handsome features. Он красивый мужчина.

delicate features тонкие черты лица

large features крупные черты лица

regular features правильные черты лица

forehead лоб

His forehead is high (low). У него высокий (низкий) лоб.

hair волосы

blond hair белокурые волосы

brown hair каштановые волосы

curly hair кудрявые волосы

fair hair русые волосы

grey hair седые волосы

red hair рыжие волосы

wavy hair волнистые волосы

haircut стрижка, прическа (мужская)

hair-do прическа (женская)

I like your hair-do. Мне нравится ваша прическа

head голова

bald-headed ['bald'hedid] лысый

lip губа

She has full (thin) lips. У нее полные (тонкие) губы.

mole родинка

There is a mole on her cheek. У нее на щеке родинка.

mouth рот

moustache усы

When did he begin to grow a moustache? Когда он начал отращивать усы?

neck шея

nose нос

hooked nose крючковатый нос

snub nose курносый нос

straight nose прямой нос

turned-up nose вздернутый нос

plait коса

She wears her hair in plaits (plaited). Она носит косы.

skin кожа

pure skin чистая кожа

rough skin грубая кожа

tooth (pl teeth)зуб

even teeth ровные зубы

wrinkle морщина

Are there any wrinkles on his face? На его лице есть морщины?

arm рука

back спина

breast грудь

foot (pl feet) нога, ступня

hand рука, кисть (руки)

hairy hands волосатые руки

leg нога

shapely legs красивые ноги

slender legs стройные ноги

long-legged длинноногий

shoulder плечо

broad-shouldered широкоплечий

waist талия

beauty 1) красота; 2) красавица

She is a real beauty. Она настоящая красавица.

blonde блондинка

brunette брюнетка

attractive привлекательный (употр. для характеристики лиц женского пола)

She is an attractive girl. Она привлекательная девушка.

beautiful красивый, прекрасный

good-looking красивый, интересный, миловидный

graceful грациозный, изящный

handsome красивый, статный (употр. для характеристики лиц мужского пола)

Не is a handsome man. Он красивый мужчина.

pale бледный

Why are you so pale? Почему ты такой бледный?

plain некрасивый,: простоватый

plump полный, толстый, пухлый

pretty хорошенький

Who is that pretty girl? Кто эта хорошенькая девушка?

short низкого роста

slender/slim тонкий, стройный

stout полный, тучный

He has become stouter. Он располнел.

tall высокий, высокого роста

ugly уродливый, безобразный

to look выглядеть

What does he look like? Как он выглядит?

How does she look after her illness? Как она выглядит после болезни?

You look pretty well. Вы прекрасно выглядите.

She does not look for her age. Ей нельзя дать ее годы.

Не looks old for his age. Он выглядит старше своих лет.

to lose weight/ to get thin худеть

to put on weight поправляться, полнеть

You are too thin. You should put on weight. Ты очень худой. Тебе нужно поправиться.

to resemble/ to take after походить, иметь сходство

Не takes after his father. Он похож на своего отца.

to wear носить.

She wears her hair long (short, bobbed). Она носит длинные волосы (короткую стрижку).

Does she wear lipstick? Она красит губы (помадой)?


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