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1. Washington, the District of Columbia (D.C.), does not belong to a state. It is a city and the District of Columbia. It is located on the East Coast. It was chosen by George Washington as the permanent site for nation's capital on December 1, 1800. Washington was the first person to be elected the President of the USA. He was born in Virginia, just south of Washington, D.C.

2. In Washington the streets that go from east to west are named after letters of the alphabet. The streets that go north and south are numbered. The longest and the biggest streets are named after American states. The city is very green and peaceful. There are a lot of beautiful places where you can relax and enjoy yourself.

3. Washington is a special city. Most of the people in Washington work for the government and there are many government offices there.

4. Washington is full of places where you think about history. In its museums and the Capitol you can learn a lot about the first settlements in New England. You will learn about Christopher Columbus and his sailors and about America's fight for independence. Washington is a busy city. The streets are never empty.

5. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. He was the third President of the USA. There is the Jefferson Memorial built in honour of T. Jefferson. You can see the Lincoln Memorial. He became the sixteenth President

of the USA in 1861. Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the blacks in the South from slavery. Inside the memorial is a huge statue of the former president.

6. There is the National Air and Space Museum. Here you can see the history of flight, from the first plane flown by the Wright brothers to the Apollo spaceship. The majestic building is the Supreme Court.


7. Прочитайте 6-й абзац текста и письменно ответьте на вопрос:

What can you see in the National Air and Space Museum?


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