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Self check. Ex. 1. Use the prepositions in brackets (of, on, in, from, with, by, to, across, about, at, under, with

Ex. 1. Use the prepositions in brackets (of, on, in, from, with, by, to, across, about, at, under, with, without), read and translate the sentences.

1. London is the capital... England and... the United Kingdom situated... the Thames river.

2. It is the largest city... the world.

3.... the earliest times the Romans, the Saxons, the Danes and the Normans settled there... turn.

4. The existence... London depended... its water-born trade which still makes London one... the word’s largest ports.

5. Historical and geographical circumstances have turned London... one... the word’s most important commercial and cultural centres.

6. The World War II brought tremendous distruction to the city: a great number... buildings... historic value were laid... ruins.

7. One... the best ways to acquaint yourself... the city when you first arrive is to take a sightseeing tour... a double – decker bus.

8. It is a city... great contrasts.

9. The East End is the district inhabited... the workers and the poor.

10. The Tower of London was founded... Julius Caesar and in 1066 rebuilt... William the Conquerer.

11. A 20 minutes... walk... the Tower will take you... another historic building – St. Paul’s Cathedral.

12. In one... the towers hangs one... the largest bells... the world, Great Paul, weighing 17.5 tons.

13. Nelson and other great men... England are buried... the Cathedral.

14. Across the road from Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace, the seat... the British Parliament.

15. Its two graceful towers stand high... the city.

16. Trafalgar Square was named... memory... the victory... the battle... Trafalgar, where... October 21, 1805 the English feet... Nelson’s command defeated the combined fleet... France and Spain.

17.... the middle... the square stands Nelson’s monument – a tall column... a figure... Nelson... its top.

18. You cannot leave the city... visiting one more place... interest – Hyde Park, which is the largest... London.


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