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Grammar execises


Ex. 1. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form. Use Present Simple or Past Simple, Active or Passive.

1. It’s a big factory. 500 people (employ) there.

2. Water (cover) most of the Earth’s surface.

3. Most of the Earth’s surface (cover) by water.

4. The park gates (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

5. The letter (post) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday.

6. Ron’s parents (die) when he was very young.

7. I was born in London but I (grow) up in the north of England.

8. While I (be) on holiday my camera (steal) from my hotel room.

9. While I (be) on holiday my camera (disappear) from my hotel room.

10. The company (be) not independent. It (own) by a much larger company.

11. I (see) an accident last night. Somebody (call) an ambulance but nobody (injure) so the ambulance (not/need).

12. Where (these photos/take)? In London? (you/take) them?

13. Belarus (situate) in the centre of Europe.

14. Belarus (border) on Poland, Baltic States and Russia.

15. Minsk (be) the capital of Belarus.

16. Belarus (call) the land of lakes.

17. BSU (Belarusian State University) (open) in 1921.

18. The Academy of Sciences of Belarus (consist) of more than 40 institutions.

19. Visitors (allow) into the house and grounds between 9.00 a.m. and 5.30 p.m.

20. I’m very sorry we couldn’t repair your car today, but it (repair) tomorrow. (Future simple).

21. The bank robber didn’t get for. He (catch) near London last night.

22. In 1921 Ireland (divide) into Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

23. The University campus (destroy) almost completely during the war.

24. Lake Naroch (use) for both scientific investigations and academic purposes.

25. The billboard newspaper of the biology faculty (call) “Vita”.

26. Zoological museum of the biology faculty (create) in 1922.

27. Minsk first (mention) in chronicles in 1067.

28. Belarusian flax products well (know) abroad.

29. The Belarusians (accustom) to working hard.

30. Many territories in Belarus are unique places where infinite nature (save) untouched.

31. Every 4 years a president (elect) in the USA.

32. More cars (build) in the Detroit area than anywhere else in the USA.

33. Lunch (serve) in the cafeteria from 11.00 to 2.30.

34. You (ask) not to touch the furniture.

35. Visitors (request) not to feed the animals.

36. The staff (not permit) to accept tips.


Ex. 2. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.

1. The delegates had received the information before the recess.

2. The teacher should buy the supplies for this class.

3. Somebody will call Mr. Watson tonight.

4. Martha was delivering the documents to the department.

5. Somebody calls the president every day.

6. John is calling the other members.

7. The fire has caused considerable damage.

8. The company was developing a new procedure before the bankruptcy hearing began.

9. John will have received the paper by tomorrow.

10. The milkman brings the milk to my door but the postman leaves the letters in the hall.

11. In future perhaps they won’t bring letters to the houses, and we shall have to collect them from the post office.

12. People steal things from supermarkets every day, someone stole 20 bottles of whisky from this one last week.

13. The postman clears this box 3 times a day. He last cleared it at 2.30.

14. Normally men sweep this street every day, but nobody swept it last week.

15. Someone turned on the light in the hall and opened the door.

16. We never saw him in the dining-room.

17. We serve hot meals till 10.30 and guests can order coffee and sandwiches up to 11.30.

18. Passengers leave all sorts of things in buses. The conductors collect them and send them to the Lost Property office.

19. An ambulance took a sick man to hospital.

20. You can’t wash this dress, you must dry-clean it.


Ex. 3. Rewrite the sentences in the passive, making the underlined words the subject of the sentence.

1. Someone showed the child how to use the telephone.

2. They declared him “persona non grata”. They allowed him only 48 hours to leave the country.

3. They gave him artificial respiration.

4. Why didn’t they offer her the job?

5. Didn’t they promise you a rise in salary at the beginning of the year?

6. What did they pay you for doing the job?

7. Someone should tell her never to do that again.

8. They asked you to meet me here at 11 o’clock.

9. Will someone send me the details?

10. We shall send you the goods as soon as they are available.

11. Someone must teach that boy a lesson.

12. Everyone knows this fact very well.

13. They opened the theatre only last month.

14. People will soon forget it.

15. You must write the answers in ink.

16. Someone has taken two of my books.

17. We have already filled the vacancy.

18. What should one do in such case?

19. Did they say anything interesting?

20. You should keep milk in the refrigerator.

21. I don’t think anyone can do it.

22. You must finish the work by 7.

23. They are now manufacturing this type of computer in many countries.

24. No one could possibly have known the secret.

25. Has someone made all the necessary arrangements?

26. The police kept the man in custody.

27. Does someone clean all the rooms regularly?


Ex. 4. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the Passive Voice.

1. In many flowering plants the seeds are enclosed within a fruit.

2. When some sea weeds are boiled in fresh water the brown colouring matter is dissolved and the seaweeds become bright green.

3. In sexual reproduction the egg is fertilized by motile spermatozoids.

4. The mossy “carpet” is formed by many plants living together.

5. During mitosis each chromosome divides into two so that two new sets are formed.

6. Most of fungi are composed of the many cells.

7. A form of “sexual” mating has been rarely observed in bacteria.

8. In the laboratory most bacteria can be induced to grow in culture media.

9. Growth may be neither normal nor healthy without vitamins even when food has been taken in the right proportions.

10. According to differences in their properties and chemical composition, vitamins are classed as A, B, C, D, etc.

11. Young animals suffer from rickets if they are not provided with vitamin D.

12. Rickets is prevented by ultra-violet radiation.

13. Vitamins B and C are widely distributed in fresh fruit and vegetables.

14. Hormones are produced in small quantities, they are carried in the blood-stream.

15. The brain is protected by the skull and the lungs are protected by the ribs.

16. Bones have an ouher layer which is called periosteum.

17. It has been found that each side of our brain is responsible for different skills.

18. The cells that make up the brain are called neurons.

19. The brain is connected to the rest of the body by the spinal cord.

20. The brain is arranged in areas that relate to different parts of the body.


Ex. 5. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.

1. Dogs guard the warehouses.

2. The watchman called the police. The police arrested the man.

3. The court tried the man, found him guilty and sent him to prison.

4. They are repairing my piano at the moment.

5. They invited Jack but they didn’t invite Tom.

6. The guests ate all sandwiches and drank all the beer. They left nothing.

7. Passengers shouldn’t throw away their tickets as inspectors may check these during the journey.

8. Has someone posted my parcel?

9. Why did no one inform me of the change of the plan?

10. Tom Smith wrote the book and Brown and Co. published it.

11. I’m afraid we have sold all our copies but we have ordered more.

12. You must keep dogs on leads in the gardens.

13. They haven’t stamped the letter.

14. They didn’t pay me for the work..

15. He escaped when they were moving him from one prison to another.

16. She didn’t introduce me to her mother.

17. They threw away the rubbish.

18. A Japanese firm makes these television sets.

19. An earthquake destroyed the town.

20. A machine could do this much more easily.

21. Visitors must leave umbrellas and sticks in the cloakroom.

22. We can’t repair your clock.

23. The police shouldn’t allow people to park there.

24. They are watching my house.

25. The examiner will read the passage 3 times.

26. Candidates may not use dictionaries.

27. You needn’t type this letter.

28. Nobody has used this room for ages.

29. We have warned you.

30. You shouldn’t leave these documents on the desk. You should lock them up.


Ex. 6. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into active or passive.

1. Today minerals (form) almost half of Australia’s exports.

2. Australia also (export) lots of wood, meat, butter, fruit and wine.

3. Many of these products (export) to the Pacific countries, especially Japan and the West of the USA.

4. Australia (discover) as a market for American products at the end of the 18-th century.

5. The first products from the USA (arrive) in Australia in 1792.

6. In the early 19-th century Sydney (can/reach) faster from the West Coast.

7. Today Australia mainly (import) machines and computer equipment.

8. Students (do) a lot of the work.

9. This room (use) only on special occasions.

10. Bicycles must not (leave) in the hall.

11. These artificial flowers (make) of silk.

12. Far more money (spend) on food now than 10 years ago.

13. The wine should (open) about 3 hours before you (use) it.

14. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month.

15. The seals (feed) at the zoo twice a day.

16. Who (write) it?

17. Who (write) it by?

18. A special edition (write) for children.

19. The idea (interest) you?

20. She (show) the easiest way to do it.


Ex. 7. Put it the verbs in proper Tense Form.

1. My friend usually (to have) dinner at 4 o'clock. 2. Most of the biology students (to live) in the hostel. 3. Last year we (to study) botany. 4. Some Soviet scientists (to take part) in the International Conference on Genetics next year. 5. Biology faculty (to have) its own library. 6. I (to give) you this book some days later. 7. These young men (to play) football in the last championship. 8. Everybody (to go) to the collective farm in September. 9. First-year students (to finish) school last summer. 10. Our newspaper “Vita” (to be) always very interesting.

Ex. 8. Change the sentences into Passive Voice.

1. British scientists solved this problem many years ago. 2. Enormous numbers of different plants and animals populate the Earth. 3. We can divide these organisms into 2 groups. 4. First-year students know the characteristics of these animals. 5. The Italian investigator Francesco Redi overthrew the theory of spontaneous generation. 6. Redi carried out a simple set of experiments. 7. He covered the tubes with paper, and no maggots and flies appeared in them. 8. Scientists placed Fungi and Bacteria in the plant kingdom. 9. We shall use computers at the exams at every institution of higher education. 10. Soviet Government opened our University in 1921. 11. Young scientists will use complex technique in their work. 12. These authors received very important results and summarized them in a large publication.

Ex. 9. Open the brackets and put the verbs in.

1. Jane (to play) the piano in the sitting-room (now; yesterday after supper; in half an hour). 2. The scientists of the British University (to investigate) this phenomenon (last year; at present; for the next 3 months). 3. We (to study) chemistry (for the next two years; last term; this year), 4. This author (to publish) the results of his scientific work (every month; very soon, regularly last year). 5. I (to visit) the library regularly (in future; some years ago; now). 6, My sister Olga (to read) (for the whole next night; constantly; when you came). 7. We (to calculate) the results (later; from time to time; when our scientific supervisor саше into the laboratory). 8. Biochemists (to observe) this reaction (from morning till evening yesterday; next week on Friday; day and night). 9. This substance (to dissolve) very quickly (when we added some water to it; if weadd some water to it; right now). 10. Newspapers (to discuss) ecology problems (for the last decade; all the time; for many years on). 11. We (to demonstrate) the importance of vitamins by a simple experiment (tomorrow after the clashes; at this moment; yesterday at that time).


Ex. 10. Open the backets and choose the necessary form and translate into Russian.

1. Soviet scientists (will be conducting, are conducting, were conducting) researches in different fields of science and engineering even in the hard years of the war. 2. The biologist (is designing, was designing, will be designing) new methods of investigation at present. 3. The students of our group (will be working, are working, were working) in the laboratory all the day tomorrow. 4. New methods of using genetics in practice (are being explained, were being explained) for the whole lesson. 5. She (was being often asked, is being often asked) questions at the seminars this term. 6. A. new apparatus (is being created, was being created) by one of our researchers for five years.


Ex. 11. Put the verbs in the correct tense form and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Their function (wasn’t established; has not been established) definitely yet. 2. It (has earlier been discovered; was earlier discovered, had earlier been discovered) that within the boxlike cells of living plants was a little sphere, the nucleus. 3. Much progress (has been made; was made; has made) in disclosing the secrets of photosynthesis lately. 4. He (has observed; had observed; is observing) flies flying over the meat before it became covered with maggots. 5. Let us sее what (is happening; has happened; happened) to the gametophyte in a heterosporous plant. 6. Question of much the same sort (is asked; has been asked; have been asked) for at least 2,500 years. 7. It (is discovered; has been discovered; had been discovered) that some dyes will selectively stain specific structures in cells. 8. The flasks in which no maggots appeared (were closed; have been closed; had been closed) and the air could not penetrate. 9. Redi (has repeated; had repeated; repeated) a familiar observation: maggots appeared in decaying meat. 10. As we look back and summarize the changes that (have occurred; had occurred; has occurred) in the evolution of green land plants, we can see two distinct trends.


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