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Arch types

Arch bridge is one of the most popular types of bridges, which came into use over 3000 years ago and remained in height of popularity until industrial revolution and invention of advanced materials enabled architect to create other modern bridge designs. However, even today arch bridges remain in use, and with the help of modern materials arches can be build on much larger scales.

The basic principle of arch bridge is its curved design. Abutments carry the load of the bridge and are responsible for holding the arch in the unmoving position.

Also the type of connections used at the supports and the midpoint of the arch may be used – counting the number of hinges which allow the structure to respond to stresses and loads.


Arch configuration is another method of classification. Examples of tied arch, trussed arch and spandrel-braced arches are shown. A tied arch is commonly constructed using curved girder sections. A trussed arch has a curved through truss rising above the deck. A spandrel-braced arch carries the deck on top of the arch.


Arch bridges rely on vertical members to convey the load carried by the arch.

Source: http://www.aiacincinnati.org/community/abc/curriculum/fivebridgetypes.pdf

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