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Road signs

Traffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of or above roads to give instructions or provide information to road users. The earliest road signs were milestones, giving distance or direction; for example, the Romans erected stone columns throughout their empire giving the distance to Rome.

In the Middle Ages, multidirectional signs at intersections became common, giving directions to cities and towns.

The first modern road signs erected on a wide scale were designed for riders of high or “ordinary” bicycles in the late 1870s and early 1880s. With traffic volumes increasing since the 1930s, many countries have adopted pictorial signs or otherwise simplified and standardized their signs to overcome language barriers, and enhance traffic safety. Such pictorial signs use symbols in place of words and are usually based on international protocols. Such signs were first developed in Europe, and have been adopted by most countries to varying degrees. Pre-industrial signs were stone or wood. In the late 18th and 19th centuries painted cast iron became popular. Since 1945 most signs have been made from sheet aluminium with adhesive plastic coatings, these are normally retroreflective for night-time and low-light visibility. Before the development of reflective plastics, reflectivity was provided by glass reflectors set into the lettering and symbols.

New generations of traffic signs based on electronic displays can also change their text (or, in some countries, symbols) to provide for “intelligent control” linked to automated traffic sensors.

Traffic signs can be grouped into several types. For example, Annexe 1 of the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals (1968), which on 30 June 2004 had 52 signatory countries, defines eight categories of signs:

A. Danger warning signs

B. Priority signs

C. Prohibitory or restrictive signs

D. Mandatory signs

E. Special regulation signs

F. Information, facilities, or service signs

G. Direction, position, or indication signs

H. Additional panels


Distances on traffic signs generally follow the measurement system in use by the country. Most US road signs use miles or feet, although the Federal Department of Transportation has developed metric standards for all signs. The United Kingdom signs also display distances in miles. Elsewhere, metric distances are in very wide use, though not universal.

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