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Read and translate the text to learn more about the basic steps in pre-construction activities

Pre-construction activities

The type of construction adopted for a particular road depends on:

· the volume and nature of traffic,

· the nature of available materials,

· the topography,

· foundation conditions,

· type and availability of construction equipment,

· financing arrangements and timing.

There are many steps in the road construction process. They involve many teams of people and much organization from the use of a surveying company to handle land surveys to project managers. The steps must be carefully followed to ensure a successful project is completed. These steps can be summarized as:



2. design;

3. earthworks;

4. pavement construction;

5. open to traffic.

Step I: Planning

A road project begins with evaluating the transportation system, taking into account statewide priorities, including strategic plans for the state’s transportation system. Department of Transportation collects and maintains information about our roads, including road and bridge conditions, traffic volumes, crash statistics.

Using this data, transportation planners, engineers, environmentalists, landscape architects, soil scientists and others identify trends that determine what and how to build.

Step II. Design

A survey of the area is step two. Recently, Global Positioning Systems, laser surveys, and other technology have sped up the process and improved accuracy. Many factors influence designs, including location, terrain and soil properties, drainage capabilities, traffic volume, the ratio of cars to trucks and buses, possible future development in the area, effects on the environment or nearby residents.

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