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Govinda Swami поделился ссылкой

28 февраля

I’d like to humbly remind all of the devotees of an appeal that I made to you all to assist our fund raising efforts for Laxmimoni Mataji’s hip replacement surgery.

I joined in Buffalo, NY, in 1971. In September of 1972 I moved to Toronto where Laxmimoni was the wife of our temple president Jagadisa Prabhu.

She became my big sister, mom, mentor, and a good dependable friend for the past 42 years.

During Toronto days she was about the best pujari in the whole world. She used to drag us poor brahmacaris out of bed at 02:30 so we would all be in the kitchen by 03:15 polishing all the temple brass, so that Radha Gopinatha would have beautiful fresh vases for Mangala Arati.

She had all the young ladies preparing the most gorgeous deity outfits seen in ISKCON.

And of course, she was always driving a young cook named Ayodhyapati dasa to excel in his culinary services to the Deities and vaisnavas. And I mean to say … that guy was a fantastic cook!!

From Toronto days she migrated to Texas, Vrindavan, Alachua, and has travelled all over the world working with education, seminars, empowerment of vaisnavas and vaisnavis.

Over the past 8 years she has been an anchor in ISKCON’s Organizational Development Team and a driving force in our GBC Team Building Committee.

Now, after about 46 years of non-stop service her hip has worn out. She is in a lot of pain, has to walk with a cane, and is quite inconvenienced.

But, she has the clarity and drive to keep serving strongly for another 25 years.

Laxmimoni has researched, located, and met one of the best cutting-edge hip replacement surgeons in the world. His name is Dr. Bose, he is based in Chennai, India, and he and Laxmimoni are ready to have the operation.

But we must help her find the funds.

An operation like this in the USA would cost around $80,000. Getting it in India, with one of the best surgeons in the field, in one of the best hospitals, will cost around $8,000.

But on top of that we need to transport Laxmimoni, and her assistant, from the USA to Chennai, and back after the surgery. Her assistant will be her best friend Akuti Mataji from Alachua.

She told me that Akuti is about the most no-nonsense person in the world and will be Laxmimoni’s personal drill sergeant in the post-operation rehab stage.

I personally would like to see that her travel to and from India, would be in Premium Class on a good airlines so that she will not undergo undue suffering.

So, we need help.

I’d like all of the devotees to please examine your financial plans, your budgets, your pockets, wallets, and piggy banks, and those places in your cars where you throw your spare change, to see what you could possibly spare something for Mataji’s operation and for getting her and Akuti to India and back.

She’s a beloved daughter of Srila Prabhupada.

Please try to help. I’m sure that if you do you will receive a lot of blessings from His Divine Grace.

She has a PayPal account by which you could share with her under the email address [email protected]

Also a fund raising page has been set up at the following link;

On the site it says they have hit their goal of 8K for the operation.

But please keep in mind that we need to transport both Laxmimoni and Akuti from the USA to Chennai, India, and try at least try to get Laxmimoni in a Premium Class cabin.

Thank you very much.

May Sri Krishna, Sri Caitanyadeva, and Srila Prabupada always inspire us with the desire to serve all vaisnavas.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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