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The Edinburgh International Festival. Suddenly one Sunday in August, the streets are filled with colour


Suddenly one Sunday in August, the streets are filled with colour. A procession of bands, dancers, jugglers and trick cyclists makes its way slowly through the city. Every evening, crowds of people walk up to the top of the Royal Mile, looking forward to a display of military music. On every shop window and noticeboard, posters have appeared, advertising everything from poetry readings to children's theatre, art exhibitions to concerts. It's festival time.

From its beginning in 1947, the Edinburgh International Festival (the 'official' festival) has become a world-famous cultural event. The city turns into a giant arts centre, with its music, drama, dance and exhibitions, all by artistes of international fame. Every year more than twenty nations perform to audiences from all over the world in theatres, halls, schools, churches and the streets of the city. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo adds to the choice of entertainment, with its display of marching and military bands in Edinburgh Castle.

The Festival Fringe (the 'unofficial' festival) is the biggest event of its kind in the world, with more than 900 shows to choose from and over 6000 writers and performers taking part. It gives visitors and residents a first-class opportunity to see many works performed for the first time - several of which go on to successful performances elsewhere.

The Film Festival gives fans an opportunity to widen their knowledge of films. And to show that there is something for everyone, the Jazz Festival has become very popular in recent years. You can hear the very best of music all over the city at this time.

There is no more exciting place to be than in Edinburgh at Festival time!


а) Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы по-английски или по-русски:


1. When is the festival held?

2. When did the festival begin?

3. What kinds of entertainment does it offer?


б) Вставьте в предложения подходящие по смыслу слова:


1. The Edinburgh International Festival has become a world-famous cultural ….

2. Every year more than twenty nations … in theatres, halls, schools, churches and the street of the city.

3. The Festival Fringe (the ‘unofficial’ …) is the … event of its kind in the world.

4. The Film Festival gives … an opportunity to … their knowledge of films.

5. And to show that there is something for everyone, the Jazz Festival has become very … in recent years.


6. Переведите письменно на русский язык 2, 3 и 4 абзацы.


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