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Задание. 1. What costs do production expenses include for a crop enterprise?

/. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What costs do production expenses include for a crop enterprise?

2. What costs do production costs usually include for a livestock?

3. How may production coats be grouped?

4. What will the production cost of an animal enterprise include?

2. Закончите предложение

4. Likewise, the... 5.... to represent many kinds...

1. For a crop...

2. Thus, the...

3. For a livestock...

3. Найдите сельскохозяйственные понятия и термины.

4. Переведите на русский язык четвертый абзац.

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Causes for Cost Variations

It is common knowledge that production cost of a farm product varies, greatly between different farms, even in the same area. The most important fac­tors which affect the unit cost of production are the size of the enterprise, the rate of production, and labor utilization and efficiency.

There is often a negative relationship between the size of the enterprise and the unit cost of production. Since labor, equipment and other fixed investments can be used more efficiently when the enterprise is large, overhead costs do not proportionately increase with the size of the enterprise. Within certain limits the larger the enterprise, the lover the unit cost of production.

Another factor even more important in its effect on the unit coat of produc­tion is the rate of production, such as liters of milk per cow, number of eggs per hen, and pounds or bushels of wheat per acre. Since many kinds of costs do not vary with crop yields and animal production, particularly most of the overhead costs, the higher the rate of production, the lower the unit cost of production.

Labor utilization and efficiency is still another factor affecting the unit cost of production, and efficient labor utilization will naturally result in low produc­tion costs.

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