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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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If you come to Kazakhstan to relax, for entertainment, at weekends and on holidays you have a rich choice of places to travel. There are many nice places to travel in Almaty, it is one of the most beautiful cities of the country. The city has plenty of business centers, theaters, art galleries, exhibition halls and a wide selection of modern entertainment complexes that include movie theaters, parks, restaurants, cafes etc.

Tourists like enjoying a picturesque valley, a large highland skating-rink Medeo. It has one of the largest and unique speed skating rinks in the world. Chimbulak is skiing resort with many attractions.

Borovoe Lake Resort with its pine forests and fancy natural sculptures is another tourist attraction.

Charyn Canyon is also popular as the “little brother of the Grand Canyon”. I have tried to list the most impressive and famous sights of Kazakhstan.


Task 1 Find the key words of the text (time for preparation-1min., for answering – 1 min.)


Task 2 Translate the 2nd paragraph of the text (time for preparation-3min., for answering – 1 min.)

WRITING (14 minutes)

Task 1 Write an essay to the given topic (time for preparation – 13 min; for answering – 1 min)- 40 words.

A book has no endings






Task 1 Listen to the text “The longest journey”. (Time for preporation - 1min., time for answering -1 min)


  true false
  Don went on holiday with Emma t  
  They decided to go to Koh Tao for business   f
  First they had to take a night train from Bangkok to Chumphorn t  
  They enjoyed the coffee at the station   f



Task 2 Retell the main idea of the listened text (Time for preparation- 2min., time for answering- 1 min.)


SPEAKING -10 min.

Task 1 Discuss on the following topic. (Time for preparation-2min., time for answering -2 min.)

When should people get up and go to bed?

How many hours a day do you watch television?

How many books do you read during the week?


Task 2 Speak on the given topic. (Time for preparation-5min., time for answering – 1 min.)


“My day off”


READING (9 min.)

Read the text (by yourself-1min., aloud-2min.)

“White Lion Street Free School”

At White Lion Street Free School, people believe that school should teach what children need and want to learn. There is no punishment for missing school. But many kids spend more time here than other children spend in ordinary schools. This school is open in the evenings and some weekends.

There are no compulsory lessons. Each child has one adult who follows his progress through school. Together they decide what he needs to learn next, and the child does this in his own time. Sometimes kids work on their own, sometimes in a group.

A lot happens outside school. They believe you can’t learn everything in one building. They visit local factories, markets, shops, fire and police stations.


Task 1 Find the key words of the text- (Time for preparation-1min., time for answering – 1 min.)


Task 2 Translate 2nd paragraph of the text (Time for preparation-3min., time for answering – 1 min.)


WRITING – 14 min

Task 1 Write an essay to the given situation (40 words). (Time for preparation – 13 min; time for answering – 1 min)

“My ideal person”







Task 1 Listen to the conversation “Television in our life” –(2 min) give (T) true or (F) false answers. (Time for preparation - 1min., time for answering -1 min)


  true false
  Rosie and Dave are couples t  
  Rosie and Dave are in the same studios   f
  Dave was a patient. He came into the hospital for an operation. t  
  Dave was wearing black pyjamas.   f


Task 2 Retell the main idea of the listened text (Time for preparation- 2min., time for answering- 1 min.)


SPEAKING (10 min)


Task 1 Discuss on the following topic. (Time for preparation-2min., time for answering -2 min.)

How many times a day should people clean their teeth?

How often do you have a shower?


Task 2 Speak on the given topic. (Time for preparation-5min., time for answering – 1 min.)

“My parents job”



READING (9 min.)

Read the text (by yourself-1min., aloud-2min.)

“My Friend”

Every person needs a friend. Your true friend is always ready to help you. My friend’s name is Richard.

Richard has short, dark, curly hair and deep green eyes. He is very tall and sporty. He gets on well with most people, but he is sometimes quite shy.

As for his character, he is a cheerful, open and kind person. Richard is very helpful to his family and closest friends. It’s very interesting to talk to Richard because he reads a lot. He is always interested in the latest news, politics and sport. He spends most of his spare time taking photos of nature and animals.

I think he is a reliable friend because we respect and trust each other.


Task 1 Find the key words of the text- (Time for preparation-1min., time for answering – 1 min.)


Task 2 Translate 2nd paragraph of the text (Time for preparation-3min., time for answering – 1 min.)


WRITING – 14 min

Task 1 Write an essay to the given situation (40 words). (Time for preparation – 13 min; time for answering – 1 min)

“My last weekend”



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