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About myself. Collection of learners individual work (LIW) and office hours materials




Hand-out 1



  LIW №1  


Read and retell the text.




Hello, here I am. My name is Tanya. I am going to tell you about myself. You know, it’s not very easy to speak about myself because I don’t see myself from the side. But still I can tell you a little bit about my character and my interests.

So, I am 14 years old. I am not very tall but rather slim with straight brown hair, oval face and green eyes. I don’t find myself very beautiful, but people say I am pretty. I like wearing casual clothes, jeans usually and a T-shirt, but sometimes I put on dresses or skirts. I don’t like shoes with high heels. I prefer sneakers. But to school I wear a uniform.

As for my character, I think, I am a calm, well-tempered person and rather modest. I am not sure but my friends say that I have good sense of humour. Actually, I love telling jokes and making my friends smile. I am quite sociable and talkative and I like being around people. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances. But sometimes I have those swings of mood when I feel sad and want to stay alone for some time. I think that’s quite OK because everybody has such moments. I like everything positive and when I have some problems I always try to find positive moments in them. I like to help people around and see how they become happy. I like kind, honest, polite, reliable and responsible people. And I hate when people are rude and aggressive. Aggression is bad.

Well, now about my interests and hobbies. There are many, but I don’t have time to do everything, so I have to choose. Now I am doing sports a lot, go to the gym and run at the stadium. Sometimes I play different sport games for health and pleasure. I usually play such games as volley-ball, basketball, tennis, and sometimes football.

And of course I like music! I like different styles. Besides, I am a theatre-goer. Television is like a box of trash nowadays.


  LIW №2  




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