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Mount Rushmore monument


Every year about two million people visit Mount Rushmore, where the faces of four U.S. presidents were carved in granite by sculptor Gutzon Borglum and his son, the late Lincoln Borglum. The creation of the Mount Rushmore monument took 14 years - from 1927 to 1941 - and nearly a million dollars. These were times when money was difficult to come by and many people were jobless. To move the more than 400,000 tons of rock, Borgium hired laid-off workers from the closed-down mines in the Black Hills area. He taught these men to dynamite, drill, carve, and finish the granite as they were hanging in midair in his specially devised chairs, which had many safety features. Borglum was proud of the fact that no workers were killed or severely injured during the years of blasting and carving.

During the carving, many changes in the original design had to be made to keep the carved heads free of large fissures that were uncovered, However, not all the cracks could be avoided, so Borglum concocted a mixture of granite dust, white lead, and linseed oil to fill them.

Every winter, water from melting snows gets into the fissures and expands as it freezes, making the fissures bigger. Consequently, every autumn maintenance work is done to refill the cracks. The repairers swing out in space over a 500-foot drop and fix the monument with the same mixture that Borglum used to preserve this national monument for future generations.


1. This passage is mainly about

(A) the visitors to the Mount Rushmore monument

(B) the faces at the Mount Rushmore monument

(C) the sculptor of the Mount Rushmore monument

(D) the creation of the Mount Rushmore monument


2. According to the passage, Borglum's son

(A) is dead

(B) was a president

(C) did maintenance work

(D) spent a million dollars


3. The men who Borglum hired were

(A) trained sculptors

(B) laid-off stone masons

(C) Black Hills volunteers

(D) unemployed miners


4. Borglum's mixture for filling cracks was

(A) very expensive

(B) bought at the Black Hills mines

(C) invented by the sculptor himself

(D) uncovered during carving


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